Archive for August, 2020

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 16

Saturday, August 8th, 2020


My Beloved Brother Steve continues:


America is an interesting place. But, it’s more than a place; it’s also a Name.

As we’ve previously discussed, in God’s Kingdom a Name is the repository of all that has been vested in it. So, let’s take some time to examine how America got its name and then see if the authority that has been vested in its name can be observed through its history.

America got its name from a German mapmaker named Martin Waldseemüller in 1507. Waldseemüller was the first cartographer to make a large scale map of the world based on letters written by the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci after his voyage to the New World in 1501 – 1502.

Vespucci was the first explorer to assert that the land mass discovered by Christopher Columbus and other explorers at the end of the 15th century was a new and separate continent not the east coast of Asia as they had assumed. After completing his map, Waldseemüller assigned to this new continent the name America in honor of Amerigo Vespucci.

Somehow the name stuck.

And not only did it stick, but 300 years later George Washington openly advocated that the citizens of the various “thirteen united States of America” should set aside their primary allegiance to their respective State, which to them was their country (Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, etc.), and instead claim first to be Americans.

Although most of us may not recall this history, this concept was quite profound. What Washington was advocating was that the citizens of this new nation abandon their allegiance to a political unit (State/country/Federal Government) and instead transfer it to a nonpolitical place called America.

This was in keeping with the Founding Father’s idea of “a more perfect union” that was comprised of a nation of free sovereign citizens. To guard and protect this sacred trust from the political unit whose nature it was to rule the nation and its land, the race of people’s allegiance could not first be to the political unit but to their Creator and then to the place where He had assigned them to live – America.

And this they did. It was this race of people who declared to the world through their Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal” and that they were “endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”

It was this race of people who declared to the world through their Constitution that “We the People” are sovereign, and that the government (the political unit) and its institutions exist to serve its sovereigns through the powers the race of people had explicitly delegated to it. It was this race of people who declared to the world that they were “One nation under God.”

It was this nation’s money that became the commercial currency of the world and upon its bills this race of people declared to that same world, “In God We Trust.”

It was to this nation, to this race of people that God entrusted His liberty, His power, His financial and spiritual wealth, His ingenuity, His generosity, His goodwill, His global influence; in a way and in such abundance that this nation stands alone and without equal in all of human history.

This is the role that has been assigned to this nation – NOT to the political unit of the United States – from before time began and to the race of people who live in the nonpolitical place called America. It is this destiny that is before us.

The name America is the English form of the Italian name Amerigo, which is the Medieval Italian form of the Germanic name Emmerich.

Emmerich is a merging of 3 medieval German names that include the elements of whole, universal, home, work, labor, ruler, power, vigor and bravery. So, Emmerich was the name given to the one who was charged with the responsibility and authority to rule the home and to protect and guard with power, vigor and bravery the family’s estate and work.

And so, the nonpolitical land that was named after a reviled Italian explorer by an obscure German mapmaker in 1507, became the repository for all that God had vested in it. Its Name was to be called America and its name was to mean:

Ruler of the Home; The Guardian of the Estate to whom has been given authority to protect and guard with power, vigor and bravery His family’s estate and work.

This is what America has done. And, this is why there is such a raging battle between the two kingdoms for control of this country, of this nation, and over the race of people who live in and occupy this nonpolitical place called America.

As we watch the political unit of the United States steadily encroach on the sovereignty of its citizens, our first and most revered President had it right. He knew what was going to happen as he looked toward that distant but inevitable day when the nation would find itself being driven away from George Washington’s America and toward George Floyd’s.

“The days that lie ahead are crucial, for your destiny as a nation is before you.”


“Indeed we speak wisdom clearly and with skill within the realm of the mature who have gone through the necessary stages to reach the end-goal. But wisdom and clarity not of this age or of the preeminent ruler of this age who commands authority over the people and who is being abolished and rendered inoperable.

“We speak God’s clear and skillful wisdom in a mystery to hide and conceal that which God predetermined and foreordained before the ages for praise, honor and glory.

 “A wisdom that not one of the preeminent rulers of this age has come to know, recognize or perceive by personal experience. For, if they had known, recognized or perceived it by personal experience, they would never have crucified the Lord of praise, honor and glory.” (1Corinthians 2:6 – 8)

The Action

The coronavirus that burst on the scene like a tidal wave that threatened to ravage God’s Man inciting him to fear and panic for the benefit of Satan’s kingdom, has instead been marked from the beginning of time to be an instrument to advance The Transfer. And as it performs its Divinely assigned role, it also is revealing along the way both the weakness of the kingdom of darkness and the majesty of the Kingdom of God.

The needed action, then, is to see beyond the events that are happening in the physical realm to observe the totality of what is happening in the spiritual realm by getting our eyes off the misdirection of the Virus and onto the Lord Jesus; Who alone will tell us all that He has heard from our Father while showing us how to ride the crest of the Wave as it carries us to the place of His next provision.

What this means in earthly terms is that Satan’s die is cast.

The threats posed by the Coronavirus Pandemic aren’t going to be neutralized by man or through the institutions of man. The political units (governments) of the world aren’t going to neutralize it because they’ve discovered what Satan knew

from the beginning that it’s a powerful population control and mobilization devise that can be used to manipulate human behavior.

The institutions of man aren’t going to neutralize it because they see it as a device through which they can leverage their power and influence over governing authorities so they can maximize their extraction efforts, which reestablish Satan’s

Scarcity Strategy.

Religion isn’t going to neutralize the Virus and neither is its Christian counterpart, the Church, because the spirit of the church will not allow its subjects to see what’s actually going on. Instead, it will mobilize their various belief systems to provide spiritual cover and authority to Satan’s scheme so his realm can continue to operate in the dark.

The only ones who will be able to effectively deal with Satan’s Pandemic Strategy are those who have accepted Jesus’ invitation to come and see as He sees. Those are the ones who will rule the Pandemic WITH Jesus, the Superior King, as He leads it to the outcome that has been prescribed in God’s Plan since before time began.

The Transfer.

“In the remaining time, be empowered with the Lord’s power and ability, and with the strength and might of His dominion overcome immediate resistance with force.

“Sink into and be invested in the armor of God, the offensive and defensive garments that have every resource needed to wage successful warfare. Show that you have the advantage; that you have the power and ability to stand against craft, deceit and every method used in organized evil-doing, and against the well-crafted trickery of the slanderous one, the backbiter and devil, who falsely accuses and condemns to sever relationships.

 “Because to us the wrestling, struggle and conflict are not against flesh and blood, but against the originating chief rulers; against those delegated with authority to act in a designated jurisdiction; against the world rulers who influence the lives of people; against this spiritual darkness of pain-ridden evil and wickedness in the heavenly realm.” (Ephesians 6:10 – 12)

“Therefore, by extension, subdue and subject all things under the arrangement of God. Then, take your stand and establish your position against the devil, the slanderous one and false accuser who seeks to condemn and sever relationship, and he will flee taking flight seeking safety to escape from you.” (James 4:7)

“As in heaven so also in the earth.” (Matthew 6:10)


The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 15

Friday, August 7th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:


The historical meaning and use of the word race was to identify a group of people who were united by a common culture. But today, especially in the US, race has been redefined to mean (in practice) people of the same color.

This redefinition is both subtle and important to the kingdom of darkness. It is part of a sophisticated spiritual strategy of Disunity that has been devised by the powers of darkness to break up and dissolve what was previously united.

Unity within a race of people can pose a serious threat to the kingdom of darkness, especially when the nation professes to be under God, like Israel did and America does. So, the mission of Disunity is to reassert spiritual authority over a nation that by virtue of its unity has ventured outside the boundaries of control imposed by the kingdom of darkness.

The scheme, which creates division within the race of people who were once united, is played out through the apparatus of the political unit that is responsible for governing the affairs of the nation – the race of people who occupy and live in the land, which God has given to them. You can observe this Strategy being played out in the history of Israel. For 600 years the nation operated under and were united by the Reign of YHVH.

The time then came when the race of people demanded to be ruled by a human king like the other nations that surrounded them. YHVH granted their demands and installed their first king (Saul). This gave birth to the political unit of the Kingdom of Israel. (1 Samuel 8 – 10)

After 100 years, this kingdom then divided the nation of Israel into two kingdoms – the Northern Kingdom of Israel (Ephraim) and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. This divided kingdom lasted for 200 more years until Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom and carried its people into captivity bringing an end to the Northern Kingdom.

100 years after the extinction of the Northern Kingdom, the Babylonian Empire conquered the Southern Kingdom of Judah and carried its people into Babylon as captives. After 70 years, YHVH restored the nation of Israel to their land.  For the next 600 years the political unit of the Kingdom of Judah was under the suzerain authority of one empire after another until it finally fell to the Roman Empire in 70 AD.

We can see this same Disunity Strategy being played out today through the political unit called the United States. We call the tactic it’s using to divide the nation, identity politics.  This tactic ruthlessly pits one group of people within the nation against another group of people based on the Strategy’s redefinition of race (skin color), which it then uses to form other class-related divisions within the nation, such as protected classes. This partitioning of the race of people sets up a cast system within the nation that is then used to incite antagonism between the classes.

As tensions rise among the various classes, each one begins to demand remedy from the political unit that exists to conduct the affairs of the nation on their behalf. Of course, the political unit obliges because to remedy the demands requires the nation to transfer to the political unit more authority over the country and thus over the nation – the race of people who live in and occupy the nonpolitical place (land) of America.

And so, the political unit that was used by the powers of darkness to cause the disunity is then looked to by the race of people to remedy the problem it created. This is how the kingdom of darkness uses the mechanism of transaction in the political arena to reassert its control and authority over a nation that was once united.

As it happened to Israel, so it is happening to America.

What’s fascinating about this scheme is what’s fascinating about every scheme perpetrated against God’s Man by the powers of darkness: We have to give them permission to use our authority against us so they can rule us through their scheme. And, we’ve given our permission by accepting their redefinition of race and then demanding the political unit solve the disunity it has created through it.

Although we have accepted this redefinition of race, it has little to do with the historical use of the term. This current notion, which conditions us to think almost entirely in terms of skin color, didn’t emerge until around the 1850s. Prior to that time, race wasn’t associated with skin color. Rather, skin color, like other dominant physical traits, was considered a natural adaptation to climate and geography to enable the people who lived in those environments to function more effectively in their surroundings.

So, skin color has played almost no role in what people have historically thought about race. Instead, race was a term used to identify a group of people who were united by a shared culture that was built on common customs, values, beliefs and language.

So, when we read the words nation or nations in one of the English versions of the Bible, we know it’s translating the Hebrew or Greek word that has an entirely different meaning than what nation means to us today. Those original words aren’t talking about countries or political units. They are describing a race of people who are united by a common culture, customs, values, beliefs and language who live in a particular place (land) NOT skin color.

And so, when Jesus warned us in May 1985 that:

“The days that lie ahead are crucial, for your destiny as a nation is before you.”

And then repeated it in the August 18, 2017 email to President Trump and others, Jesus wasn’t referring to the political unit of the United States. He was referring to the nation – the race of people – you and I without regard to skin color or other physical traits – who share a common culture, customs, beliefs and language and who live in and occupy the nonpolitical land called America.

It’s our Divine Destiny that is before us. And, the political unit that we installed to conduct the business of our country on our behalf is being hijacked by the powers of darkness to implement their Disunity Strategy against us.

But, it doesn’t matter what the political unit does or how the powers of darkness use it against us. Our Divine Destiny is inalterable. The only thing in play is our choice. And, our choice will be sovereign.

If we choose to continue to play by the rules of darkness, then the political unit will continue to exploit us and we will experience our destiny as slaves. If we choose to accept Jesus’ invitation to see as He sees, then we will experience our destiny as joint rulers WITH Him, including ruling the political unit that is there to serve us.

This is part of the Divine Destiny that is before us as a nation.

And we, as a race of people will fulfill that destiny either as slaves or as joint rulers WITH Jesus.  This is why “there is a battle raging, in part, for the control of this country because its Divine Destiny is about to be fulfilled in God’s Plan.”


The COVID-19 Pandemic is part of the battle. It’s being used by the kingdom of darkness to mobilize the race of people through fear and panic in an effort to regain and reclaim control of the nation.

The George Floyd debacle is also part of the battle. It, too, is being used by the kingdom of darkness to mobilize the race of people through hatred and discontent. The torch of racism – a word that has only existed since 1902 – has set city after city ablaze as nation is rising up against nation.

In both instances, the powers of darkness are masterfully executing their strategies with our full agreement and consent. The Pandemic Strategy is controlling our behavior as slaves as the kingdom of darkness reestablishes its Scarcity Strategy by regaining control of the US economy.

The Disunity Strategy is controlling our behavior as slaves by dividing our race of people through its redefinition of race and tactic of identity politics as the kingdom of darkness reasserts its authority over this once united nation.

We get glimpses of this as the kingdom of darkness proudly announces what it considers to be its achievements:

On June 13, 2020 – 19 days after the counterfeiter’s death at the hands of faux law enforcement – an Apple News headline read: Two Weeks in George Floyd’s America.

14 days later, on June 27th, the headline read: The Decline of the American World.


The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 14

Thursday, August 6th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:

Divine Destiny

“But now, when the sum total, fullness and abundance of time had come, the God commissioned the sending forth of His Son to transition from eternity to physical time and space, from out of a woman to emerge under the authority of law.” (Galatians 4:4)

Divine Destiny is a term used to describe an outcome or end goal of something that has been prescribed by God’s Plan. It is inalterable because the destiny’s scope and purpose has been determined and set before time began. The role of time is then to manifest and fulfill at the designated time the outcome so destined in His Plan.

Although the outcome of Divine Destiny is inalterable the conditions under which the destiny is carried out is not. This is where the Sovereignty of God intersects WITH the sovereignty of His Man. God decrees the outcome while God’s Man chooses the conditions under which he will experience and participate in that outcome – either WITH God or apart from God.

Since the Father has entrusted Jesus with all authority to carry out His Plan, if God’s Man chooses to experience the Divine Destiny WITH Him, then God’s Man will participate in the fulfillment of the destiny as a joint ruler WITH Jesus. If God’s Man chooses to experience the Divine Destiny apart from Him, then God’s Man will participate in the fulfillment of the destiny as a slave to the kingdom of darkness.

This is how Divine Destiny works. So, when Jesus told His Man in May 1985:

“The days that lie ahead are crucial, for your destiny as a nation is before you.”

And then repeated it to President Trump in the August 18, 2017 email, and then to those whom Jesus invited to join Him in the endeavor, He was obviously reaching out to give His Man the heads-up about the destiny that was coming.

And though we may not have been aware of the email’s existence at the time or even understood its contents or the invitation Jesus was extending with it, we certainly do now. Time has done its job by manifesting in physical time and space what was to many a mere collection of meaningless words just 3 short years ago. And yet, what we knew or didn’t know had virtually no effect on what Jesus said.

It happened and continues to happen just as He said it would. And not a single human choice has altered its outcome. Rather, the choices have only served to affect the condition under which the human who exercised the choice has experienced and participated in the “battle that is raging for control of this country” that has included the Coronavirus Pandemic and now the George Floyd flair up.

This is what the inalterability and choice dynamics of Divine Destiny look like in real time.  The Apostle Peter was describing this phenomenon to his audience (and thus to us) when he explained how Jesus’ Divine Destiny intersected with theirs through His crucifixion:

“Israelite men, listen to and hear the words that embody this message: Jesus the Nazarene, a man that was openly shown to you to be from the God by certain proofs of power and the ability to perform miraculous wonders, and events of extraordinary supernatural effect on those who witnessed them, and miraculous signs to authenticate and exalt in the midst of you, which the God did through Him just as you yourselves know and spiritually perceive. “This One, given over thoroughly and successfully to the power of the lawless hand by the determined horizons and boundaries set by the resolved plan and foreknowledge of the God, you fastened to a cross and violently murdered.

“Whom the God raised up having loosened and dissolved the intense suffering of birth pangs that were necessary to bring in the new, because the preeminent power of the death was not to rule Him or to put Him under its authority as a  subordinate.” (Acts 2:22 – 24)

Notice the meticulous choreography of events – even with the lawless hand – that time worked together at the designated time to fulfill the Divine Destiny related to the cross that was assigned to Jesus’ life before time began.  This same choreography of events is happening now with The Transfer and the role this nation has been assigned to play in God’s Plan. And, it doesn’t matter how the kingdom of darkness reacts (coronavirus) or how it manipulates Man to wage its war against this nation on its behalf (George Floyd inferno). The outcome is inalterable.

And so, as God’s Man we are called upon to make a sovereign choice, a choice that will determine how we experience and participate in the fulfillment of The Transfer and the Divine Destiny assigned to this nation – either as joint rulers WITH Jesus or as slaves.


The Nation

“The days that lie ahead are crucial, for your destiny as a nation is before you.” (May 1985)

When we hear the word nation, most of us think of a country, its people and its geographical borders. We may also think of the government (political unit) that makes and enforces its laws, defends its borders, and controls its population, military, foreign affairs, commerce and monetary system.

So, when we think of England or Germany or Canada or Russia or China or the US, we think of them as separate nations with governments that sovereignly rule their people.

This concept of the interchangeability of country, nation and political unit is demonstrated in the name we have given to the global political unit called, The United Nations.  And so, when we hear Jesus giving notice that our “destiny as a nation is before” us, we quite naturally think He’s talking about the political unit called, the United States. But, we would be wrong.

The reason is because our modern notion of a nation is a redefinition of the word’s historical meaning. Our current idea of a nation is a relatively new concept that

began to emerge in the 15th century. The Westphalia Peace Treaty of 1648, which ended the 30 Years’ War, advanced this idea further. This treaty broke the power structure of the Holy Roman Empire while laying the foundation for today’s concepts of national self-determination and sovereignty as exercised by the political unit of a country.

Prior to that time, the primary political unit that ruled a mass of people wasn’t a nation or a country or a government, terms that are today interchangeable. It was either a kingdom or an empire, which ruled multiple kingdoms (ex: Babylonian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire, British Empire, and so on).

The historical use and meaning of nation wasn’t associated with a kingdom. It was used to identify a race of people who were united by a common culture that was built on common customs, values, beliefs and language. And so, nation and race of people were the terms that were interchangeable.

This is what the Bible means when it talks about nations. It’s speaking of a race of people who are united by things that are important and common to them NOT a political unit. The significance of this distinction cannot be overstated because political units come and go while nations and races of people remain, in the same way the land they live on remains.

You can see this in the way YHVH structured the nation of Israel. After taking them out of Egypt and before taking them into the Promise Land (Canaan), YHVH set up an entirely new culture that was built on the single idea of a race of people who would individually listen to Him and then implement WITH Him what He said.

To support this highly relational culture, He then set up laws, practices, customs (feasts) and an economic system that time would then use to materialize the culture in physical time and space.

 “ ‘For in the day I bid them to come out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak a word with your fathers nor did I give them charge, order or command concerning the downward aspect of the ascent of the holocaust of the burnt offering that goes up in smoke, or the slaughter of the flesh of the animal sacrifice.’

“ ‘Lo! For this word I charged, ordered and commanded them, saying, “Hear intelligently and give attention to My Voice that sounds and calls aloud, and I will exist to be the Elohim of you and you will exist to be My people; and come, go and walk in the whole and all of the way, manner and journey that I charge, order and command you, for the intent and purpose is to make it well, right, sound and beautiful with you.” ’ “ (Jeremiah 7:22, 23)

After setting the culture in place, YHVH stopped. He didn’t set up a political unit (a kingdom) to govern the people like the other nations had done. Instead, He Reigned over each member of the nation personally and directly. This culture distinguished the nation of Israel from all the other races of people in the earth, who were thereafter referred to as Gentiles or the Nations.

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 13

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:


One of the Father’s attributes that He has given to His Elohim Class Man is the capacity to exercise sovereignty – the ability to decree and then enforce and fulfill that decree without deviation.

At the core of this attribute is choice – the freedom to choose between options without force, threat or coercion. The Father expressed His Sovereignty through His Vision by freely choosing His Man to rule His creation WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character. He could have chosen the Angelic or the Animal or all three classes, but He didn’t. He instead chose His Man to rule WITH Him.

Jesus was the first Son of Man to fulfill His Vision with “many sons” to follow.

YHVH expressed His Sovereignty by freely choosing to make God’s Man (both male and female) in His Image and Likeness so he and they could rule WITH Him as an Elohim.

Jesus expressed His Sovereignty by freely choosing to do nothing apart from His Father, which He continues as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and Lord Most High of the Elohim. The Spirit of Truth expresses His Sovereignty by freely choosing to only speak what He hears. (John 16:13 – 15)

Each of these expressions of sovereignty freely occurs just as the Father had envisioned – WITH Him.  For God’s Man, he expresses his sovereignty by freely choosing whom he will serve – either the inferior king (Satan) as a slave or the Superior King (Jesus) as a partner in ruling the creation WITH Him as the Divine. (Joshua 24: 14, 15)

The interesting thing about these sovereign choices is that while being freely chosen without force, threat or coercion they all contribute to the pro-action of the Father’s Vision – that His Man will rule His creation WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

So, while a person may choose to exercise their sovereign choice to serve the inferior king, their choice does not alter the Father’s first choice. Rather, they will have fulfilled the Father’s choice by freely choosing to exercise their rule in the Nature and Character of the Father’s liberty, which sets the conditions under which they will experience His Vision.

In such an instance, it will be as a slave to the inferior king.  That sovereign choice will then be enforced and fulfilled without deviation until they exercise a different choice. This is the privilege, heritage and responsibility of the Elohim.

To illustrate the point, Jesus commissioned an email be sent to President Trump through an emissary on August 18, 2017.  Whether it reached him or not only he and Jesus knows. The email was also to be sent to a select group with an invitation to join Jesus in the endeavor as Trump drew closer to the firestorm that was coming. The email said in part:

“President Trump is not fighting against those whom he thinks he’s fighting against – the establishment, media, democrats, liberals or anyone else. These are pawns in a much larger game. He’s fighting against and experiencing the wrath and desperation of the Serpent as he ‘casts water like a torrent out of his mouth with eloquence in speech but like the point of a sword back, behind and after. . .so as to manufacture and cause [him] to be carried away by the stream.’ This is all happening because the Seventh Angel has Sounded (his trump-et) and there is a battle raging, in part, for the control of this country because its Divine Destiny is about to be fulfilled in God’s Plan. . .

“If President Trump and his advisors will consider before God (what has been sent to them), He will reposition and recalibrate them strategically so they will be able to effectively wage the actual conflict to the desired outcome.”

The email then added these references:

The Nation’s Destiny (USA)

In May 1985, the Lord Jesus declared, “The days that lie ahead are crucial, for your destiny as a nation is before you.” This means the nation has a vital role to play in the Transfer, the revelation of which has accelerated and intensified the conflict for control over its vast spiritual and material wealth that we have all witnessed and experienced. (Excerpt: The Kingdom Company – Overview)

The Restoration of All Things

The process of the restoration of man, the earth and the heavens are underway and coming to their completion. It began with God taking the life of the innocent one in the Garden to cover Adam and Eve. It was fully empowered with Jesus declaring on the cross, “It is finished” and then demonstrating that power through His resurrection. And now, in our time, God has declared that the kingdoms of this world have become His. And, His first act in the Transfer is to Restore All Things to their rightful Design and Purpose so they can be operated under the Us Model – WITH Jesus.

For those who choose during this Period to operate their lives under the Reign of God, they will encounter a convergence of three very powerful dynamics:

1. Experiencing the revelation of God in new and profound ways, including the revelation of those things in their lives that must be judged, corrected and realigned as part of the restoration process,

2. Experiencing and learning to navigate through, rule over and subdue the Serpent’s fury through the torrent of words that will come out of his mouth like the point of the sword in its force, whether directly or through his agents (people, nations, demons, etc.), and

3. Learning to administer their lives, manage their businesses and fulfill their role in the greater works of the Kingdom within the framework of the Us Model –WITH Him.

For those who are willing to embrace these dynamics, the reward of the saints awaits them.

“Because of this the Father loves Me because I lay down My life that again I may take it. No one takes it from Me but I lay it down of Myself; authority I have to lay it down and authority I have again to take it. This command I received from My Father.”(Excerpt: The Kingdom Company:

Part 2 – The Restoration of All Things – John 10:17)

Looking back over the last 3 years since the email was sent, time has enabled us to see what Jesus saw in the beginning. What’s instructive about this exercise is that not one human choice affected the outcome – not Trump’s choice to either accept or reject the email’s message and warning; not the choices of the select group to either accept or reject Jesus’ invitation to join Him in the endeavor. Not a single human choice changed or altered the reality of what was coming.

The Serpent was still going to spew his torrent (through his agents) with eloquence in speech like the point of a sword, maneuver his pawns, package his lies as truth and engage his battle for control of this country. This is what was coming and nothing was going to stop it. The sovereignty of human choice had no affect on what was coming; it only affected the condition under which the one exercising the choice was going to experience it – either WITH Jesus or without Him.

The same thing is happening now for the rest of us with the coronavirus. Jesus is telling us what’s in play and inviting us to see as He sees. We either will or we won’t. And, then there’s George Floyd.


The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 12

Tuesday, August 4th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:

Containment Strategy – Scarcity

The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of Life and Light. It has been built with an Abundance Design that operates in full view and on open display WITH and FOR the benefit – Good – of the Father and its citizens.

This Kingdom is ruled by a Being (Jesus, the Superior King) who possesses infinite capabilities with an infinite capacity (all authority) to reign over and administer the Abundance Design of God’s creation. Jesus produces, manages and

distributes this abundance, both spiritual and material, WITH other infinite capability/infinite capacity beings (God’s Man) who work and rule WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

The Apostle Paul described it like this:

 “I embody strength to engage the totality of each and every part that aptly applies with and in the realm and sphere of the One who shares power and imparts to me

ability.” (Philippians 4:13)

The kingdom of darkness is a kingdom of fear, pain, death and darkness – Evil. It operates in spiritual darkness to hide from view what it is doing and why. Spiritual darkness is a spiritual device that hides what would otherwise be easily seen if spiritual Light were present.

This kingdom is ruled by an Angelic Class being (Satan) who possesses limited capabilities with limited capacities. He administers his kingdom, in both the spiritual and earthly realms, with other Angelic Class beings that also possess limited capabilities with limited capacities.

To compensate for the inherent limitations that inescapably exist in his domain, Satan devises control and containment strategies so his realm can manage the abundance that would otherwise overwhelm it. These containment strategies reduce to a manageable level the near inexhaustible wealth (abundance) that God’s Man and the earth are capable of producing, both spiritually and materially.

Satan’s abundance containment strategies are designed to create the illusion of scarcity. He achieves this illusion by building devices that operate through sophisticated systems to pool into select, controllable reservoirs the overabundance of wealth that God’s Man continually produces.

Money is the device and the monetary system is the apparatus that his kingdom has built to enforce the illusion of financial scarcity in the earth. Religion is the device and religious orthodoxy is the apparatus that his kingdom has built to enforce the illusion of scarcity in the spiritual realm.

These mechanisms and illusions of scarcity are what keep Satan’s kingdom from collapsing under the weight of God’s Abundance Design. Without them and the effective operation of his illusionary devices of Money and Religion, his realm could not survive. Anything, then, that jeopardizes his Scarcity Strategy or the illusions that support and advance it, poses an intolerable threat to Satan’s rule, which he will violently react against and ruthlessly attack.

Although we will talk more about this later, this is what we’re observing through the unending assault against President Trump and his policies, both domestic and foreign. On the surface, his adversaries appear to be political. But, they are not; they are structural and their origin is spiritual.

The reason for these assaults is that President Trump is touching what he (and any other human) is forbidden to touch – Satan’s Scarcity Apparatus. And, not only is he touching it, Jesus is using him to expose it, which is the first step to dismantling it.

And so, Satan and his kingdom are on high alert as they viciously mobilize every resource at their disposal to defend against the systematic exposure and dismantling of their Scarcity Apparatus. That’s why we’re seeing China being launched onto the world scene in both an overt and covert way through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Satan is trying to level the playing field that he is fast losing control of. But, China will not materialize to be the formidable player that Satan hopes it will. Instead, China’s government is already in the process of being transferred to Jesus’ underground ekklésia in China to be ruled by them WITH Him.

This is the game that is being played in our time and this is the game that Jesus is taking to its prescribed destination.

Jesus, the Superior King

Jesus is not reacting to the COVID-19 Pandemic. He’s ahead of the curve and is, instead, navigating it to His intended outcome.

The Coronavirus

The coronavirus is a device mobilized by the kingdom of darkness to advance Satan’s Pandemic Strategy. It’s a desperate attempt to slow down the pace and progress of The Transfer while also buying him time to regroup and calm a panicked realm.

COVID-19’s role in the Strategy is to incite fear and panic in and among the world’s population as a means of regaining control over it. However, the fear and panic that is seen in the world is simply a reflection of the same fear and panic that is mounting in Satan’s spiritual realm, which is likewise threatening his control over it.

This exposes a dual vulnerability in Satan’s kingdom that is ready to be exploited. This is where The Transfer comes into play and why Satan is in such a panic to slow its progress. The Transfer that we’re speaking of is the Core Strategy of the current Phase in God’s Plan – The Seventh Angel’s Sounding. This Phase’s mission is to complete what YHVH decreed in the Garden – that His Man would rule the earth WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

God released the Seventh Angel to Sound (his trumpet) in June 1982. Its Sounding closed out the previous phase and ushered in the Phase we are now in. Three aspects of the Angel’s Sounding are particularly relevant to our discussion of Satan’s Pandemic Strategy and its use of the coronavirus:

1. It declared that The Mysteries of God had been completed, thus paving the way for their unveiling of which this document is a testament.

2. It marked God’s aggressive seizure of His power to Reign and called for the kingdoms of the world to be transferred to His Kingdom to be ruled by His Christ (Jesus) forever and ever.

3. It set the conditions for Michael’s readiness to wage war against Satan and his cohorts. The result was that Michael cleansed the heavens by casting Satan and his messengers out of heaven to the physical earth that operates in time and space. This stripped Satan and his kingdom of access to the eternal resources of heaven, locked him in little time, and restricted him to the use of corruption-laden material resources with which to do his work, thus filling him with rage.

The coronavirus is an example of the binding effect that this restriction has on him and the frustration and anger it incites in him. Like all corruption-laden material resources that are bound in time and space, the coronavirus will come to an end, and as it does, so will Satan’s Pandemic Strategy.

Although the coronavirus appears to be a life-threatening disease that attacks people, this is a misdirection. Its target is actually the US economy, which is posing an intolerable and growing threat to Satan’s rule by threatening to dismantle his Scarcity Strategy through which he derives the majority of his earthly power and control.

All wealth is the product of human labor, so the prime mandate of COVID-19 is to substantially reduce labor output both in the US and abroad until Satan’s realm can reclaim control over the US economy, and through it the world’s.  This is a vital strategic objective of the COVID-19 Pandemic and a mission-critical outcome to the Pandemic Strategy.

Whereas the kingdom of darkness is using a device (COVID-19) to incite fear and panic in the global population, Jesus is using strategy – the strategies assigned to The Transfer – to incite fear and panic in Satan’s domain and rage in him.

The increasing pressure being applied to his realm through Jesus’ execution of The Transfer strategies is causing Satan to react both in desperation and out of time. The resultant missteps are luring him deeper into Jesus’ Theater of Light where the conflict will be consummated. The Virus that was to enable Satan to regain and reclaim what he has lost or is losing through The Transfer, will instead result in achieving the Lord’s purposes. This is because Satan’s every action is a reaction to what Jesus is doing, which is walking him to the outcome Jesus intends and The Transfer prescribes.

The fact that we can see and describe what Satan’s realm is doing and why, indicates that he’s now IN Jesus’ Theater. While the coronavirus device will indeed slow down the US (and world) economy and appear to wipe out the gains made over the last 3 years ($7T), this will be temporary. During the interval, a necessary Period of Respite will settle in to allow a recalibration of priorities and realignment of focus on Jesus and what He’s doing, rather than on the Virus and what it’s doing. For those who take advantage of the Respite, they will transition from a reaction mode to a pro-action mode WITH Jesus in preparation for the next leg of The Transfer.

It’s important to note that this Period of Respite is of such importance that Jesus will not allow the progression of the coronavirus to be interfered with until the Period has done its work. Once completed, He will call out to those who are refocused, recalibrated, listening and ready, to join Him at the edge of the Virus’s advancing shoreline. There, they will take their stand WITH Him to command the Virus to STOP and RETREAT to its place of origin to do no more harm.

The completion of the Period of Respite in combination with the retreat of the coronavirus will then create a slingshot effect that will launch the US economy deeper into the Lord’s Period of Great Spiritual and Natural Prosperity, which He

initiated on November 22, 2016. The spillover effect of the first $7T gain, which overheated and overwhelmed Satan’s Scarcity Apparatus that facilitated the Pandemic Strategy reaction, will be increased by orders of magnitude.

This will heap additional pressure on Satan’s already fragile domain exacerbating the fissures that are already creating instability in his realm, which will eventually lead to its collapse.

In the meantime, the Virus is completing one of its Divine purposes by mobilizing the first of Jesus’ major global repositioning campaigns that He first spoke of in 1999 and has been calling His People to get ready for since 2015.

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 11

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:

The Novel Coronavirus

The COVID-19 outbreak is not an isolated event. It’s a device that has been mobilized by spiritual powers to achieve a spiritual strategic objective.

Spiritual Players: Kingdom of darkness (ruled by Satan) vs. Kingdom of God (ruled by Jesus).

Pawns: Nations, institutions, global population.

Defined Strategy: Pandemic.

Strategic Architect: Kingdom of darkness.

Strategic Mission: Slow down progress of The Transfer.

Reestablish economic containment strategy – Scarcity.

Regain control of global population.

Strategic Objective: To convert human reaction into spiritual momentum by creating disproportionate fear and panic in the world’s population, especially in the US.

Strategic Target: US Economy.

Device: Novel Coronavirus – COVID-19.

Misdirection: Human health crisis.

Actual Outcome: The Transfer advances, doesn’t slow.  Slingshot effect on US economy.  Brings necessary Period of Respite.  First phase of global repositioning.


Linking global activities and events to spiritual sources isn’t a connection that people generally make or even attempt to make, especially among human governments or institutions. It’s just not the way we think. We’re rational, so to explain the unexplainable we look to things we can see, understand and know. . .or at least think we know.

And so, when examining the dynamics associated with an event like the coronavirus, few of us would think to start by posing the possibility that it may have a spiritual origin. And, because we don’t, we never consider the option that the Virus may be a device that’s been mobilized to achieve a spiritual aim. And yet, that’s what it is.

We don’t think in these terms because we’ve been trained to separate the physical earth that operates in time and space from the spiritual realm that operates. . .well. . .somewhere. And so, what happens there (in the spiritual realm) has no connection in our minds to what’s happening here (in the physical earth).

We do this to our peril because to solve a problem its source must first be identified. But, the source cannot be identified unless and until it is first seen. So, seeing is the first task. 

If an earthly problem, then, has a spiritual source, it doesn’t make sense to first search for – see – an earthly solution.  That’s like trying to fix a tree that bears lousy fruit by continuing to examine its fruit. So, when an earthly problem has a spiritual source, a spiritual remedy must be achieved before an earthly solution can be realized. This is the way it has always been, and this is the way it will be with the coronavirus.

This is how the creation works. YHVH gave His physical earth that operates in time and space to His physical and spiritual Man (both male and female) to rule WITH Him. This physical earth was inseparably connected to the spiritual realm where YHVH resides.

So, to YHVH the spiritual and the material are simply two sides of the same coin for Him and His Man. This is what makes Man unique among all the beings of creation. We alone occupy heaven and earth, the spiritual and the material, at the same time. It’s what links us to God and His creation in ways no other beings are linked.

This is why Jesus answered His disciples the way He did in Matthew 24:

“And answering the question, Jesus said to them, laying the argument to rest, ‘Watch and be observant of what is seen in the physical realm to see what is happening in the spiritual realm so you can take the needed action, lest a certain one – anyone – cause you to wander into error, getting off course and deviating from the correct path.’ “ (Matthew 24:4)

Jesus wouldn’t have told us to look at both dimensions – the physical and the spiritual – when assessing or examining a situation if we didn’t have the inherent ability to do it. But, as members of the Order of Man, it’s part of our natural design. It’s there to provide dimensional depth perception like our eyes provide physical depth perception. And like physical depth perception, we can’t properly function in the two dimensions of heaven and earth, the spiritual and the natural, as members of the Elohim Ruling Class without it.

So, to rule WITH Jesus we must be able to decide and to decide we must be able see both sides of an issue – the physical and the spiritual.

And so, to make the link between the coronavirus and the spiritual powers of darkness that are using it, we must see the link. This is an inseparable part of determining not only what’s going on but more importantly why. Only then will we be able to take the needed action WITH Jesus.

“As in heaven so also in the earth.” (Matthew 6:10)

The Pandemic Strategy

Pandemics have been an important population containment strategy for the kingdom of darkness, along with wars and famines, throughout human history. Not so today. With the advances made in medical science and communications, pandemics are less effective than they once were even with the mass mobility of humans traveling from nation to nation.

By way of example, the last 3 global pandemics (prior to COVID-19) have combined to claim less than 40 million lives worldwide – 1M during the Hong Kong Flu pandemic of 1968; 2M during the Asian Flu pandemic of 1956-1958; and 36M over the 44 years of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that began in 1976.

While this loss of life is tragic, as it will be with COVID-19, when compared to the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 that claimed 50M lives or the Bubonic Plague that claimed between 100M – 200M lives in the 7 years between 1346 – 1353, or the 300M – 500M lives that smallpox has claimed throughout history, the modern pandemics continue to demonstrate that they are an ineffective tool as a population containment strategy. It, along with war and famine, has been replaced by the much more efficient and effective containment strategy of abortion that has claimed more than 1.5B lives worldwide just since 1980.

As a result, the kingdom of darkness has repurposed pandemics from a population containment strategy (that manages human numbers) to a population control strategy (that manages human behavior). This, then, is the strategic purpose to the coronavirus – to control the behavior of the world’s human population, especially among those who claim to be followers of Jesus.

Both of these strategies – population containment (numbers) and population control (behavior) – are essential to the effective administration of Satan’s kingdom in the earth. Without them, his realm has neither the capability nor the capacity to manage or control God’s Man and the near inexhaustible abundance that he and the earth are capable of producing.

The reason is because Satan’s kingdom is an Angelic Class realm. Its ruling class is comprised entirely of created beings, which by their very design have limited capabilities with limited capacities. In addition, because they are of the Angelic Class, they are incapable of procreating. And so, their numbers are their numbers; they’re fixed.

Not so with God’s Man, his numbers are ever increasing. This puts an untenable burden on Satan’s kingdom, which his realm is both aware of and concerned about.

Consider, for instance, what has happened in just the last 60 years:

• The population of the earth in 1960 was 3.03B. After more than 1.5B abortions worldwide since 1980, the global population today is over 7.65B, an increase of more than 250%.

• The population of the US in 1960 was 180.7M. After more than 60M surgical abortions plus an estimated 250M more chemical abortions since 1973, the US population today is over 329.4M, an increase of 183%.

What this means in practical terms is that every limited capacity/limited capability Angelic being in Satan’s domain has had its workload increased by more than 1.8 times in the US and by more than 2 ½ times worldwide just since 1960.

The toll this stress is taking on the kingdom of darkness is becoming increasingly visible by simply observing the frantic, irrational, accusatory and intolerant behavior that is coming out of Washington DC, the media and through social media.

“Watch and be observant of what is seen in the physical realm to see what is happening in the spiritual realm.” (Matt 24:4)

Exposing Spiritual Darkness

Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

I am posting the following because of its spiritual implications. As my friend Steve says, “First the spiritual then the physical.”

2 Chronicles chapter 7:

 14 if MY people who are called by MY NAME will humble themselves, and pray and seek MY FACE, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now MY EYES will be open and MY EARS attentive to prayer made in this place. 16 For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that MY NAME may be there forever; and MY EYES and MY HEART will be there perpetually. 

It is time to repent!

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 10

Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:


The Spiritual Landscape therefore changes as choices are made and as strategies are played out during the various segments of the war. We can see this same fluid interplay in the conflict by simply observing history:

When Heaven’s highest-ranking Angelic Class being (the Covering Cherub – Satan) decided to declare war on YHVH, it changed the setting of the heavens from peace to war. When the Serpent approached Eve, the heavenly war bled over into the earth changing its setting from peace to war.  Heaven and earth were now engaged in the spiritual conflict that had been instigated by the inferior king (Satan).

When Jesus came to earth and then entered into the domain of darkness through the Cross, He stripped Satan of the spiritual authority he had held unlawfully (death) since the days of Adam’s transaction. This created a tipping point in favor of the Kingdom of God that forever changed the setting of the war in the spiritual realm.

When, in the 4th century, the kingdom of darkness devised the religious apparatus called the Church to replace and control the living organism of Jesus’ highly dynamic and fluid followers, what He called His ekklésia (“those called out and to” – Him), it changed the spiritual setting of the war in the earth for God’s Man.

Through its sophisticated strategies and tactics, this apparatus positioned itself between Jesus and His Man, giving the inferior king the ability to leverage God’s Man against Jesus while making Man think he was serving and worshipping God.

So, in the name of Jesus, God’s Man was opposing Jesus without knowing it.

This strategy proved effective for 1,600 years until The Seventh Angel exposed the delusion as part of its Sounding.  When God released the Seventh Angel to Sound in June of 1982, it created a tipping point in favor of the Kingdom of God that forever changed the setting of the war in the earth just as the Cross had forever changed the setting of the war in the spiritual realm.

All barriers have now been torn down and removed so that any who wish to see as Jesus sees may freely join Him. God’s Man is now fully integrated WITH Jesus in both dimensions of the conflict, in the heavens and in the earth, just as the Father had envisioned before time began, which YHVH then decreed.

All that remains is for God’s Man to choose to learn how to rule WITH Jesus as an Elohim in the fullness of His Nature and Character, and then Jesus will take it from there.

This brief look-back on the history of the conflict illustrates the fluid conditions of the war and its setting in both the spiritual and earthly realms. This is what Jesus allows us to see and this is what He engages us in WITH Him. And, as He does, we quickly come to realize that Jesus is not behind nor is He reacting to anything. He’s so far ahead of the curve that the inferior king is scrambling to simply hold ground.

“For we do indeed walk around in a complete circuit within the realm and sphere of the physical flesh as proof of our ability to make war and to engage as a soldier in spiritual warfare, not coming down from the higher plane to the lower plane of the physical flesh.

 “For the tools, implements and offensive weapons of our military service, campaigns, expeditions and warfare are not fleshly nor do they pertain to typical human behavior or base physical desires, but instead are strong, mighty and

powerful as the God, the Creator and Owner of all things, moves toward the goal and destination of demolishing and destroying the fortified military strongholds and fortresses, “of reasonings, thoughts and personal opinions that carry weight and affect personal behavior.

And leaving nothing standing or in good working order, we yank down every high and elevated barrier and bulwark that lifts up and exalts the self against the knowledge of the God that is gained by personal experience; and we take captive subjugating the totality of each and every thought and purpose of the mind and what it produces to the obedience of what is heard from the Christ speaking. “And, because the necessary preparations have been completed, at the time when the condition is met to fill to individual capacity your submission and obedience in response to what has been heard, we possess readiness to vindicate and dispense the appropriate justice to each and every part of the totality of contrary hearing that refuses to take heed or to listen properly.” (2 Corinthians 10: 3 – 6)

As it has been the responsibility of past generations to deal with the Spiritual Landscape of their time WITH Jesus, so it is our turn to now deal with the Spiritual Landscape that has been assigned to our time WITH Jesus.  At present, we’re dealing with the Coronavirus Pandemic. But, our setting is much more expansive than just the Virus as the following table illustrates through some of the key events that have occurred over the period from 1960 – 2020:

This is how the Spiritual Landscape between the two kingdoms is taking shape in our time.  As the table shows, Astarte launched a flurry of activity in the 1960s that appeared to give the kingdom of darkness the advantage. It dominated the Landscape for 22 years but stalled out the moment the Seventh Angel was released to Sound his Trumpet.

Jesus then took over and began to dominate the Landscape. The kingdom of darkness that seemed to be dictating terms was then driven to panic as it desperately attempted to regain some measure of control through its frantic coronavirus reaction. This took Satan out of time, which shifted the advantage to the Kingdom of God.

What’s fascinating about this entire dynamic is that this listing is but a sampling of events that Jesus has allowed just one person to see. Image what the Landscape would look like if what He has allowed others to see were added.

The fear and panic created by the coronavirus scare would evaporate in an instance. Jesus would be seen for who He is as would Satan along with his feeble Pandemic Strategy.

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 9

Saturday, August 1st, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:

The Two Kingdoms – The Kingdom of Darkness

The kingdom of darkness works differently. Although its members have been created with many of the exterior capabilities of the Father’s Image, they possess none of His Likeness (Nature and Character). This leaves the kingdom of darkness without Elohim Class Authority since everything it does is done independently from and thus in opposition to the Father. However, because its leader is an aspiring sovereign, he still has his own set of decrees that he works tirelessly to enforce and fulfill so he, too, can be like God. (Isaiah 14)

As we’ve discussed, Satan is a created being who can only use what already exists to do his work. So, everything in his kingdom mimics the Kingdom of God. The highest prize in his realm, then, is to rule by his side. This is reserved for the one who delivers to him total control of the world and with it total control of mankind. This, by the way, is what the devil offered to Jesus in the wilderness temptation if He would only agree to bow down and worship him. (Matthew 4:9)

Satan’s kingdom is primarily an Angelic Class realm. The Arché Order of the Angelic Class is the highest order in his realm next to him. There are 12 of them and they make up his ruling class. To each of these Archés Satan has allotted a period of time to rule his kingdom to achieve the mission of delivering to him total control of the world. Eleven have failed.

In 1960, a transfer of power occurred in Satan’s kingdom.  The Spirit of War had failed to achieve the mission within the allotted time and so its rule was terminated. Astarte, the spirit known during the time of Baal as the Queen of Heaven and today by its human namesake, Jezebel, assumed the throne. This spirit is the last of Satan’s 12 Archés.

The risk Satan saw from a distance at the beginning of his march against God’s Throne, but calculated he could hedge through what he thought was his infallible Leverage Strategy is now upon him. He and his realm have now arrived at its last stand with Astarte being their last hope. If this spirit fails, Satan fails and his kingdom falls.

The Superior King (Jesus) has backed the inferior king (Satan) into a corner. And, the desperation of his all-or-nothing position is heaping untold pressure on him, Astarte and his entire kingdom; the effects of which are becoming increasingly visible in his realm. This desperation is intensified by 3 inescapable realities that confront Satan at every turn:

First, Astarte is the most hated and feared Arché in his kingdom. This is why this spirit was chosen last to rule his realm. It has already alienated one of the most powerful spirits in his kingdom – the Spirit of War – and even Satan, himself, fears and distrusts her.

In Astarte’s original state, its role was to promote chastity and devotion to God and His Kingdom, but now she is known as the Harlot. This makes Astarte incapable of being faithful to anyone except to her own faithless self, which in turn makes her incapable of either trusting or being trusted by any, including Satan.

Second, Michael the Archangel cast Satan and his cohorts out of the heavens and to the earth that operates in time and space. This has confined Satan to little time, which means he knows he is running out of time.

Third, Jesus is using God’s Man to put Satan in check as He plays His masterful game of multidimensional chess against Satan and his kingdom. On the one hand, Satan needs full access to Man’s Elohim Class Authority to compete with Jesus’ All Authority.

On the other hand, to release Man’s Elohim Class Authority in the measure now

required to compete with Jesus and The Transfer means Satan must allow Man’s authority to be disclosed to him, which Satan has kept hidden since the day of Adam’s transaction.

This puts Satan in check because it exposes him to an intolerable risk. He knows better than we do that his is an inferior class kingdom; that his is only an Angelic Class realm; that it only holds Ministering Class Authority; and that it must support the rule and execute the wishes of the Elohim Class in the spiritual realm, which puts all of his schemes in jeopardy, including his Scarcity and Pandemic strategies.

So, to allow God’s Man to see his Elohim Class Authority risks everything. It risks Man discovering whom he actually is and what he has been created to do from the beginning. It risks Man choosing to rule WITH Jesus in every aspect of life and business instead of remaining as a slave in Satan’s realm. It risks collapsing everything that Satan has built through a single decision by God’s Man to accept Jesus’ invitation to learn to see as He sees.

The walls are closing in. Fissures are forming and growing in the foundations of his ruling systems; infighting is erupting within his ruling class with greater frequency and antagonism sending shockwaves and producing instability throughout his realm; he hates and fears Astarte; his rank and file are in a panic; and The Transfer is advancing with unimpeded force.

This is the position Satan now finds himself in. The inferior king (Satan) is in check and he is panicked. And the frantic, delusional chaos that is everywhere around us is screaming his desperation and terror to those who can hear it, as Jesus uses Satan’s own words and Leverage Strategy against him.

“From out of your own mouth and to the outcome of its opposition to Me, will I separate and decide your judgment you evil, hurtful and morally culpable slave. . .” (Luke 19:22)

The Setting

The Spiritual Landscape of a long fought war changes over the course of the conflict as the war progresses, conditions change, and strategies are mobilized and accomplished.

Jesus describes the fluid nature of war in an exchange He had with the religious leaders of that day. Their religious orthodoxy had so encased them in darkness that they had no idea what the Kingdom of God was about let alone what was actually going on. So, to correct their misconceptions, Jesus told them a war parable to help them see as He saw:

“While listening to these things, Jesus added a parable for the purpose of laying the argument to rest. . . because they held the opinion that the kingdom of God was ready and sure to appear immediately.

“So He said, ‘A man of noble race was going to depart to a far distant country to aggressively lay hold of and seize a kingdom for himself and return. “ ‘And he summoned ten of his bond-slaves who had no ownership rights of their own and gave to them ten minas, saying to them to lay the argument to rest, “Do business, make gain and manage profitably in the realm in which I come and go.”

“ ‘But his citizens hated him, and renouncing their choice they afterwards sent a delegation with a defined mission, saying and laying the argument to rest, “We desire what is best for us that this man not reign over us.”

“ ‘And having aggressively laid hold of the kingdom, conditions emerged for his return and so he said, laying the argument to rest, “Call out to these servants of mine who have no ownership rights of their own to whom I gave the silver, in order that I might know by personal experience what had been gained through their trading.” ’ “ (Luke 19:11 – 15)

Through these 5 paragraphs, Jesus laid out for the religious leaders (and for us) the setting of the war that’s being waged between the two kingdoms, including the players who are involved, the choices they are making, the consequences those choices are producing, and the war’s inalterable outcome – that the nobleman is going “to aggressively lay hold of and seize a kingdom for himself and return.”

What’s fascinating about this parable is that it gives the flip side to His Luke 14 war parable. In that parable Jesus gives the inferior king’s perspective of the conflict while in this parable He gives the Superior King’s perspective:

A man of noble birth (Jesus, the Superior King) was making final preparations before departing (via the cross) to a far distant country (the spiritual domain of darkness).

The (Superior King’s) mission was to aggressively seize (by spiritual conquest) a kingdom (of darkness) for himself (the Kingdom of God) and then return.  Before leaving, the nobleman (Superior King) calls his servants together to give them what they do not have on their own – financial resources (minas/silver/money) that operate in physical time and space. He then charges them to take those resources to, “Do business, make gain and manage profitably in the realm in which I come and go.”

So, wherever they saw him “coming and going” they were to do business and manage profitably WITH Him. This divided the responsibilities for engaging the war between himself and his servants. He would focus his efforts on the far distant country (the spiritual realm) while they would focus their efforts back home (in the earthly realm) using the material resources he had given them. This would fully provision both dimensions, as heaven and earth would engage the conflict together under the Superior King’s Reign.

Not all of His citizens would buy into His plan. Although they would take His money (resources), some would decide that it was better for them to serve their own interests than to live under the Superior King’s Reign. This choice would align them with the inferior king who would then leverage them as a weapon to oppose the Superior King.

There would be other citizens who would choose to accept the inferior king’s propaganda about the Superior King – that he was a severe and evil man. Once accepted, the inferior king would leverage them, as well, by getting them to “hold in reserve” the Superior King’s money in a “head cloth for the dead” that would neutralize the King’s resources thus removing them as a threat. (Vv. 20, 21)

Although each player was free to exercise his or her choice, none of his or her choices altered the outcome. Upon completing His mission, the Superior King then called His servants to give Him an account of their participation. Some chose to act faithfully – full of faith (WITH Him) and produced abundantly. They were rewarded. Some did not and, as a consequence of their choice, suffered loss. (Vv. 24 – 26)

In every instance, the account of the party’s participation and the consequences that would follow was a direct result of their sovereign choice. And that choice determined not the outcome of the Nobleman’s mission but only the conditions under which they would experience the war and its results.

 “Moreover, those enemies of Mine who are openly and irreconcilably hostile, and whose hatred is bent on inflicting personal harm, who did not want what was best for Me to reign over them as King, lead them here to this spot before Me and slay them.” (Luke 19:27)