The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 16


My Beloved Brother Steve continues:


America is an interesting place. But, it’s more than a place; it’s also a Name.

As we’ve previously discussed, in God’s Kingdom a Name is the repository of all that has been vested in it. So, let’s take some time to examine how America got its name and then see if the authority that has been vested in its name can be observed through its history.

America got its name from a German mapmaker named Martin Waldseemüller in 1507. Waldseemüller was the first cartographer to make a large scale map of the world based on letters written by the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci after his voyage to the New World in 1501 – 1502.

Vespucci was the first explorer to assert that the land mass discovered by Christopher Columbus and other explorers at the end of the 15th century was a new and separate continent not the east coast of Asia as they had assumed. After completing his map, Waldseemüller assigned to this new continent the name America in honor of Amerigo Vespucci.

Somehow the name stuck.

And not only did it stick, but 300 years later George Washington openly advocated that the citizens of the various “thirteen united States of America” should set aside their primary allegiance to their respective State, which to them was their country (Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, etc.), and instead claim first to be Americans.

Although most of us may not recall this history, this concept was quite profound. What Washington was advocating was that the citizens of this new nation abandon their allegiance to a political unit (State/country/Federal Government) and instead transfer it to a nonpolitical place called America.

This was in keeping with the Founding Father’s idea of “a more perfect union” that was comprised of a nation of free sovereign citizens. To guard and protect this sacred trust from the political unit whose nature it was to rule the nation and its land, the race of people’s allegiance could not first be to the political unit but to their Creator and then to the place where He had assigned them to live – America.

And this they did. It was this race of people who declared to the world through their Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal” and that they were “endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”

It was this race of people who declared to the world through their Constitution that “We the People” are sovereign, and that the government (the political unit) and its institutions exist to serve its sovereigns through the powers the race of people had explicitly delegated to it. It was this race of people who declared to the world that they were “One nation under God.”

It was this nation’s money that became the commercial currency of the world and upon its bills this race of people declared to that same world, “In God We Trust.”

It was to this nation, to this race of people that God entrusted His liberty, His power, His financial and spiritual wealth, His ingenuity, His generosity, His goodwill, His global influence; in a way and in such abundance that this nation stands alone and without equal in all of human history.

This is the role that has been assigned to this nation – NOT to the political unit of the United States – from before time began and to the race of people who live in the nonpolitical place called America. It is this destiny that is before us.

The name America is the English form of the Italian name Amerigo, which is the Medieval Italian form of the Germanic name Emmerich.

Emmerich is a merging of 3 medieval German names that include the elements of whole, universal, home, work, labor, ruler, power, vigor and bravery. So, Emmerich was the name given to the one who was charged with the responsibility and authority to rule the home and to protect and guard with power, vigor and bravery the family’s estate and work.

And so, the nonpolitical land that was named after a reviled Italian explorer by an obscure German mapmaker in 1507, became the repository for all that God had vested in it. Its Name was to be called America and its name was to mean:

Ruler of the Home; The Guardian of the Estate to whom has been given authority to protect and guard with power, vigor and bravery His family’s estate and work.

This is what America has done. And, this is why there is such a raging battle between the two kingdoms for control of this country, of this nation, and over the race of people who live in and occupy this nonpolitical place called America.

As we watch the political unit of the United States steadily encroach on the sovereignty of its citizens, our first and most revered President had it right. He knew what was going to happen as he looked toward that distant but inevitable day when the nation would find itself being driven away from George Washington’s America and toward George Floyd’s.

“The days that lie ahead are crucial, for your destiny as a nation is before you.”


“Indeed we speak wisdom clearly and with skill within the realm of the mature who have gone through the necessary stages to reach the end-goal. But wisdom and clarity not of this age or of the preeminent ruler of this age who commands authority over the people and who is being abolished and rendered inoperable.

“We speak God’s clear and skillful wisdom in a mystery to hide and conceal that which God predetermined and foreordained before the ages for praise, honor and glory.

 “A wisdom that not one of the preeminent rulers of this age has come to know, recognize or perceive by personal experience. For, if they had known, recognized or perceived it by personal experience, they would never have crucified the Lord of praise, honor and glory.” (1Corinthians 2:6 – 8)

The Action

The coronavirus that burst on the scene like a tidal wave that threatened to ravage God’s Man inciting him to fear and panic for the benefit of Satan’s kingdom, has instead been marked from the beginning of time to be an instrument to advance The Transfer. And as it performs its Divinely assigned role, it also is revealing along the way both the weakness of the kingdom of darkness and the majesty of the Kingdom of God.

The needed action, then, is to see beyond the events that are happening in the physical realm to observe the totality of what is happening in the spiritual realm by getting our eyes off the misdirection of the Virus and onto the Lord Jesus; Who alone will tell us all that He has heard from our Father while showing us how to ride the crest of the Wave as it carries us to the place of His next provision.

What this means in earthly terms is that Satan’s die is cast.

The threats posed by the Coronavirus Pandemic aren’t going to be neutralized by man or through the institutions of man. The political units (governments) of the world aren’t going to neutralize it because they’ve discovered what Satan knew

from the beginning that it’s a powerful population control and mobilization devise that can be used to manipulate human behavior.

The institutions of man aren’t going to neutralize it because they see it as a device through which they can leverage their power and influence over governing authorities so they can maximize their extraction efforts, which reestablish Satan’s

Scarcity Strategy.

Religion isn’t going to neutralize the Virus and neither is its Christian counterpart, the Church, because the spirit of the church will not allow its subjects to see what’s actually going on. Instead, it will mobilize their various belief systems to provide spiritual cover and authority to Satan’s scheme so his realm can continue to operate in the dark.

The only ones who will be able to effectively deal with Satan’s Pandemic Strategy are those who have accepted Jesus’ invitation to come and see as He sees. Those are the ones who will rule the Pandemic WITH Jesus, the Superior King, as He leads it to the outcome that has been prescribed in God’s Plan since before time began.

The Transfer.

“In the remaining time, be empowered with the Lord’s power and ability, and with the strength and might of His dominion overcome immediate resistance with force.

“Sink into and be invested in the armor of God, the offensive and defensive garments that have every resource needed to wage successful warfare. Show that you have the advantage; that you have the power and ability to stand against craft, deceit and every method used in organized evil-doing, and against the well-crafted trickery of the slanderous one, the backbiter and devil, who falsely accuses and condemns to sever relationships.

 “Because to us the wrestling, struggle and conflict are not against flesh and blood, but against the originating chief rulers; against those delegated with authority to act in a designated jurisdiction; against the world rulers who influence the lives of people; against this spiritual darkness of pain-ridden evil and wickedness in the heavenly realm.” (Ephesians 6:10 – 12)

“Therefore, by extension, subdue and subject all things under the arrangement of God. Then, take your stand and establish your position against the devil, the slanderous one and false accuser who seeks to condemn and sever relationship, and he will flee taking flight seeking safety to escape from you.” (James 4:7)

“As in heaven so also in the earth.” (Matthew 6:10)


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