When we live a life of miracles, we confirm The Gospel to the unbeliever!
Miracles are intended to confirm The Gospel to others.
Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 7:
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the Will of My Father in Heaven.
22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’
23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
There are two lessons in what Jesus said in the above passage. If you call me Lord, it must be demonstrated by your obedience. You can’t find your identity with Jesus as Lord, apart from obedience. Those of us who yield to the assignment, the commission that GOD has given, are obedient and are identified with Christ. Obedience seals our identity.
The second group doesn’t have the relationship with Jesus but know enough Spiritual Truths to demonstrate His authority and prophesy and heal the sick. The first group don’t try to do HIS Will whereas the second group tries but there is no relationship. We are to have both the relationship AND do The Will of GOD by bringing forth Heaven to earth.
If people who do not know Jesus can use His Name people can get healed, then those who know Jesus have no excuse!
Jesus referenced FATHER’S Will in Matthew chapter 6:
10 Your Kingdom come. Your Will be done On earth as it is in Heaven.
We are to bring forth HIS Kingdom to earth and miracles, signs, and wonders, are all a part of this mandate. Miracles are world-changing by affecting the reality of this world. Every assignment that Jesus gave, was an expression of the overall commission of the above verse.
Jesus sent out the twelve disciples in Matthew chapter 10:
7 And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’
8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
Who was to heal the sick? The disciples were.
Who was to cleanse the lepers? The disciples were.
Who was to raise the dead? The disciples were.
Who was to cast out demons? The disciples were
Miracles are integral to bringing forth The Kingdom of GOD. Jesus was not physically with the disciples so they could not defer to Him in ministering miracles to those in need. We must not ignore the expectation of miracles as we go forth to preach The Kingdom.
Jesus did not give us The Holy Spirit of the resurrected Christ so that we could sit down and wait form someone else to do something. He put The Holy Spirit of resurrection in us because He is looking for us to confront death, loss, and destruction in people’s lives. We were born for this assignment!
What is the one thing more important than knowing GOD? It is HIM knowing you.
Jesus spoke in John chapter 4:
24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.”
“In Spirit” implies a relationship with The Holy Spirit Who enables and directs me in the true privilege of giving honor to Who GOD is. Truth means nothing hidden and allowing yourself to be totally transparent allowing HIM to know you.
We must stop creating reasons for sickness and disease to exist in ourselves and those around us. We are not to adjust how the Kingdom of GOD works based on our own understanding apart from The Word.
We are not to shape the Kingdom according to the laws of nature. Instead, we are to bring forth The Kingdom of GOD which supersedes the laws of nature. Miracles are a part of that manifestation.
All of Jesus’s miracles were to restore people to GOD’S Intent for them, to live in health, to live with life, to live abundantly, to live with joy, being able to fulfill their calling (assignment). We too have been summoned to fulfill the same ministry as Jesus.