The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 13

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:


One of the Father’s attributes that He has given to His Elohim Class Man is the capacity to exercise sovereignty – the ability to decree and then enforce and fulfill that decree without deviation.

At the core of this attribute is choice – the freedom to choose between options without force, threat or coercion. The Father expressed His Sovereignty through His Vision by freely choosing His Man to rule His creation WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character. He could have chosen the Angelic or the Animal or all three classes, but He didn’t. He instead chose His Man to rule WITH Him.

Jesus was the first Son of Man to fulfill His Vision with “many sons” to follow.

YHVH expressed His Sovereignty by freely choosing to make God’s Man (both male and female) in His Image and Likeness so he and they could rule WITH Him as an Elohim.

Jesus expressed His Sovereignty by freely choosing to do nothing apart from His Father, which He continues as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and Lord Most High of the Elohim. The Spirit of Truth expresses His Sovereignty by freely choosing to only speak what He hears. (John 16:13 – 15)

Each of these expressions of sovereignty freely occurs just as the Father had envisioned – WITH Him.  For God’s Man, he expresses his sovereignty by freely choosing whom he will serve – either the inferior king (Satan) as a slave or the Superior King (Jesus) as a partner in ruling the creation WITH Him as the Divine. (Joshua 24: 14, 15)

The interesting thing about these sovereign choices is that while being freely chosen without force, threat or coercion they all contribute to the pro-action of the Father’s Vision – that His Man will rule His creation WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

So, while a person may choose to exercise their sovereign choice to serve the inferior king, their choice does not alter the Father’s first choice. Rather, they will have fulfilled the Father’s choice by freely choosing to exercise their rule in the Nature and Character of the Father’s liberty, which sets the conditions under which they will experience His Vision.

In such an instance, it will be as a slave to the inferior king.  That sovereign choice will then be enforced and fulfilled without deviation until they exercise a different choice. This is the privilege, heritage and responsibility of the Elohim.

To illustrate the point, Jesus commissioned an email be sent to President Trump through an emissary on August 18, 2017.  Whether it reached him or not only he and Jesus knows. The email was also to be sent to a select group with an invitation to join Jesus in the endeavor as Trump drew closer to the firestorm that was coming. The email said in part:

“President Trump is not fighting against those whom he thinks he’s fighting against – the establishment, media, democrats, liberals or anyone else. These are pawns in a much larger game. He’s fighting against and experiencing the wrath and desperation of the Serpent as he ‘casts water like a torrent out of his mouth with eloquence in speech but like the point of a sword back, behind and after. . .so as to manufacture and cause [him] to be carried away by the stream.’ This is all happening because the Seventh Angel has Sounded (his trump-et) and there is a battle raging, in part, for the control of this country because its Divine Destiny is about to be fulfilled in God’s Plan. . .

“If President Trump and his advisors will consider before God (what has been sent to them), He will reposition and recalibrate them strategically so they will be able to effectively wage the actual conflict to the desired outcome.”

The email then added these references:

The Nation’s Destiny (USA)

In May 1985, the Lord Jesus declared, “The days that lie ahead are crucial, for your destiny as a nation is before you.” This means the nation has a vital role to play in the Transfer, the revelation of which has accelerated and intensified the conflict for control over its vast spiritual and material wealth that we have all witnessed and experienced. (Excerpt: The Kingdom Company – Overview)

The Restoration of All Things

The process of the restoration of man, the earth and the heavens are underway and coming to their completion. It began with God taking the life of the innocent one in the Garden to cover Adam and Eve. It was fully empowered with Jesus declaring on the cross, “It is finished” and then demonstrating that power through His resurrection. And now, in our time, God has declared that the kingdoms of this world have become His. And, His first act in the Transfer is to Restore All Things to their rightful Design and Purpose so they can be operated under the Us Model – WITH Jesus.

For those who choose during this Period to operate their lives under the Reign of God, they will encounter a convergence of three very powerful dynamics:

1. Experiencing the revelation of God in new and profound ways, including the revelation of those things in their lives that must be judged, corrected and realigned as part of the restoration process,

2. Experiencing and learning to navigate through, rule over and subdue the Serpent’s fury through the torrent of words that will come out of his mouth like the point of the sword in its force, whether directly or through his agents (people, nations, demons, etc.), and

3. Learning to administer their lives, manage their businesses and fulfill their role in the greater works of the Kingdom within the framework of the Us Model –WITH Him.

For those who are willing to embrace these dynamics, the reward of the saints awaits them.

“Because of this the Father loves Me because I lay down My life that again I may take it. No one takes it from Me but I lay it down of Myself; authority I have to lay it down and authority I have again to take it. This command I received from My Father.”(Excerpt: The Kingdom Company:

Part 2 – The Restoration of All Things – John 10:17)

Looking back over the last 3 years since the email was sent, time has enabled us to see what Jesus saw in the beginning. What’s instructive about this exercise is that not one human choice affected the outcome – not Trump’s choice to either accept or reject the email’s message and warning; not the choices of the select group to either accept or reject Jesus’ invitation to join Him in the endeavor. Not a single human choice changed or altered the reality of what was coming.

The Serpent was still going to spew his torrent (through his agents) with eloquence in speech like the point of a sword, maneuver his pawns, package his lies as truth and engage his battle for control of this country. This is what was coming and nothing was going to stop it. The sovereignty of human choice had no affect on what was coming; it only affected the condition under which the one exercising the choice was going to experience it – either WITH Jesus or without Him.

The same thing is happening now for the rest of us with the coronavirus. Jesus is telling us what’s in play and inviting us to see as He sees. We either will or we won’t. And, then there’s George Floyd.


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