The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 12

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:

Containment Strategy – Scarcity

The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of Life and Light. It has been built with an Abundance Design that operates in full view and on open display WITH and FOR the benefit – Good – of the Father and its citizens.

This Kingdom is ruled by a Being (Jesus, the Superior King) who possesses infinite capabilities with an infinite capacity (all authority) to reign over and administer the Abundance Design of God’s creation. Jesus produces, manages and

distributes this abundance, both spiritual and material, WITH other infinite capability/infinite capacity beings (God’s Man) who work and rule WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

The Apostle Paul described it like this:

 “I embody strength to engage the totality of each and every part that aptly applies with and in the realm and sphere of the One who shares power and imparts to me

ability.” (Philippians 4:13)

The kingdom of darkness is a kingdom of fear, pain, death and darkness – Evil. It operates in spiritual darkness to hide from view what it is doing and why. Spiritual darkness is a spiritual device that hides what would otherwise be easily seen if spiritual Light were present.

This kingdom is ruled by an Angelic Class being (Satan) who possesses limited capabilities with limited capacities. He administers his kingdom, in both the spiritual and earthly realms, with other Angelic Class beings that also possess limited capabilities with limited capacities.

To compensate for the inherent limitations that inescapably exist in his domain, Satan devises control and containment strategies so his realm can manage the abundance that would otherwise overwhelm it. These containment strategies reduce to a manageable level the near inexhaustible wealth (abundance) that God’s Man and the earth are capable of producing, both spiritually and materially.

Satan’s abundance containment strategies are designed to create the illusion of scarcity. He achieves this illusion by building devices that operate through sophisticated systems to pool into select, controllable reservoirs the overabundance of wealth that God’s Man continually produces.

Money is the device and the monetary system is the apparatus that his kingdom has built to enforce the illusion of financial scarcity in the earth. Religion is the device and religious orthodoxy is the apparatus that his kingdom has built to enforce the illusion of scarcity in the spiritual realm.

These mechanisms and illusions of scarcity are what keep Satan’s kingdom from collapsing under the weight of God’s Abundance Design. Without them and the effective operation of his illusionary devices of Money and Religion, his realm could not survive. Anything, then, that jeopardizes his Scarcity Strategy or the illusions that support and advance it, poses an intolerable threat to Satan’s rule, which he will violently react against and ruthlessly attack.

Although we will talk more about this later, this is what we’re observing through the unending assault against President Trump and his policies, both domestic and foreign. On the surface, his adversaries appear to be political. But, they are not; they are structural and their origin is spiritual.

The reason for these assaults is that President Trump is touching what he (and any other human) is forbidden to touch – Satan’s Scarcity Apparatus. And, not only is he touching it, Jesus is using him to expose it, which is the first step to dismantling it.

And so, Satan and his kingdom are on high alert as they viciously mobilize every resource at their disposal to defend against the systematic exposure and dismantling of their Scarcity Apparatus. That’s why we’re seeing China being launched onto the world scene in both an overt and covert way through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Satan is trying to level the playing field that he is fast losing control of. But, China will not materialize to be the formidable player that Satan hopes it will. Instead, China’s government is already in the process of being transferred to Jesus’ underground ekklésia in China to be ruled by them WITH Him.

This is the game that is being played in our time and this is the game that Jesus is taking to its prescribed destination.

Jesus, the Superior King

Jesus is not reacting to the COVID-19 Pandemic. He’s ahead of the curve and is, instead, navigating it to His intended outcome.

The Coronavirus

The coronavirus is a device mobilized by the kingdom of darkness to advance Satan’s Pandemic Strategy. It’s a desperate attempt to slow down the pace and progress of The Transfer while also buying him time to regroup and calm a panicked realm.

COVID-19’s role in the Strategy is to incite fear and panic in and among the world’s population as a means of regaining control over it. However, the fear and panic that is seen in the world is simply a reflection of the same fear and panic that is mounting in Satan’s spiritual realm, which is likewise threatening his control over it.

This exposes a dual vulnerability in Satan’s kingdom that is ready to be exploited. This is where The Transfer comes into play and why Satan is in such a panic to slow its progress. The Transfer that we’re speaking of is the Core Strategy of the current Phase in God’s Plan – The Seventh Angel’s Sounding. This Phase’s mission is to complete what YHVH decreed in the Garden – that His Man would rule the earth WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

God released the Seventh Angel to Sound (his trumpet) in June 1982. Its Sounding closed out the previous phase and ushered in the Phase we are now in. Three aspects of the Angel’s Sounding are particularly relevant to our discussion of Satan’s Pandemic Strategy and its use of the coronavirus:

1. It declared that The Mysteries of God had been completed, thus paving the way for their unveiling of which this document is a testament.

2. It marked God’s aggressive seizure of His power to Reign and called for the kingdoms of the world to be transferred to His Kingdom to be ruled by His Christ (Jesus) forever and ever.

3. It set the conditions for Michael’s readiness to wage war against Satan and his cohorts. The result was that Michael cleansed the heavens by casting Satan and his messengers out of heaven to the physical earth that operates in time and space. This stripped Satan and his kingdom of access to the eternal resources of heaven, locked him in little time, and restricted him to the use of corruption-laden material resources with which to do his work, thus filling him with rage.

The coronavirus is an example of the binding effect that this restriction has on him and the frustration and anger it incites in him. Like all corruption-laden material resources that are bound in time and space, the coronavirus will come to an end, and as it does, so will Satan’s Pandemic Strategy.

Although the coronavirus appears to be a life-threatening disease that attacks people, this is a misdirection. Its target is actually the US economy, which is posing an intolerable and growing threat to Satan’s rule by threatening to dismantle his Scarcity Strategy through which he derives the majority of his earthly power and control.

All wealth is the product of human labor, so the prime mandate of COVID-19 is to substantially reduce labor output both in the US and abroad until Satan’s realm can reclaim control over the US economy, and through it the world’s.  This is a vital strategic objective of the COVID-19 Pandemic and a mission-critical outcome to the Pandemic Strategy.

Whereas the kingdom of darkness is using a device (COVID-19) to incite fear and panic in the global population, Jesus is using strategy – the strategies assigned to The Transfer – to incite fear and panic in Satan’s domain and rage in him.

The increasing pressure being applied to his realm through Jesus’ execution of The Transfer strategies is causing Satan to react both in desperation and out of time. The resultant missteps are luring him deeper into Jesus’ Theater of Light where the conflict will be consummated. The Virus that was to enable Satan to regain and reclaim what he has lost or is losing through The Transfer, will instead result in achieving the Lord’s purposes. This is because Satan’s every action is a reaction to what Jesus is doing, which is walking him to the outcome Jesus intends and The Transfer prescribes.

The fact that we can see and describe what Satan’s realm is doing and why, indicates that he’s now IN Jesus’ Theater. While the coronavirus device will indeed slow down the US (and world) economy and appear to wipe out the gains made over the last 3 years ($7T), this will be temporary. During the interval, a necessary Period of Respite will settle in to allow a recalibration of priorities and realignment of focus on Jesus and what He’s doing, rather than on the Virus and what it’s doing. For those who take advantage of the Respite, they will transition from a reaction mode to a pro-action mode WITH Jesus in preparation for the next leg of The Transfer.

It’s important to note that this Period of Respite is of such importance that Jesus will not allow the progression of the coronavirus to be interfered with until the Period has done its work. Once completed, He will call out to those who are refocused, recalibrated, listening and ready, to join Him at the edge of the Virus’s advancing shoreline. There, they will take their stand WITH Him to command the Virus to STOP and RETREAT to its place of origin to do no more harm.

The completion of the Period of Respite in combination with the retreat of the coronavirus will then create a slingshot effect that will launch the US economy deeper into the Lord’s Period of Great Spiritual and Natural Prosperity, which He

initiated on November 22, 2016. The spillover effect of the first $7T gain, which overheated and overwhelmed Satan’s Scarcity Apparatus that facilitated the Pandemic Strategy reaction, will be increased by orders of magnitude.

This will heap additional pressure on Satan’s already fragile domain exacerbating the fissures that are already creating instability in his realm, which will eventually lead to its collapse.

In the meantime, the Virus is completing one of its Divine purposes by mobilizing the first of Jesus’ major global repositioning campaigns that He first spoke of in 1999 and has been calling His People to get ready for since 2015.

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