Archive for the ‘Meetings’ Category

Feast of Passover Conference by the Numbers

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Between Thom Mills’ emails and my monitoring of the actual concurrent viewers of the conference on Ustream, we had over 300 people participate.  Thank you for attending.  Had these people actually travelled to a single location for the three day conference, the out of pocket costs would have probably exceeded $75,000 and required two days of additional travel time for many.  Our actual broadcast cost is estimated to be less than $2,000.  This does not account for the existing equipment purchased and already in place by Servias or Thom Mills.  I would conclude that the value was realized.

To date, 15 people have contributed to Servias specifically to offset the conference costs.  Those who hosted sites also contributed by providing resources at their specific locationl.  Thank you!  Those who contributed time and money are an encouragement to pursue this medium of spreading the Gospel to those unable to travel and attend feasts in person.

We received several compliments and some constructive criticisms.  Broadcast quality was the biggest issue.  To achieve quality, it costs money, it’s that simple.  Selah!

Sunday Morning Passover Conference Statistics

Monday, April 21st, 2014

I am able to monitor totals during a live broadcast on our ustream channel.

Yesterday morning (Sunday), I stepped out of the session to go back to the office and check the numbers.

153 PC’s were watching the live broadcast at the moment I brought up the statistics.  Since we know that many PC’s had more than one viewer (we had 10), I would estimate that we definitely exceeded 200 live viewers.

During Saturday’s conference, 8 countries besides the U.S. were watching live.

PC’s from 37 states were live as well.

Thanks for joining this event.

Passover Conference 2014 sponsored by Servias Ministries

Friday, April 18th, 2014


The link to the Broadcast is:

The Need for Unity

Saturday, April 12th, 2014

Jesus said:

John 17:20 “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word

21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. NKJV

In tomorrow’s Bible study, Kemper will begin Chapter 8- The Process of Unity.  In the above Scripture, Jesus spoke of the vertical connection with Our Heavenly Father AND the horizontal connection of the brethren with each other.  This chapter’s timing is most appropriate for the coming Passover Conference we are hosting on Ustream next week.  I cannot understate the importance of all of us coming into unity, especially in the coming time of transition.  There is strength in agreement and there are those who would want us to stay isolated from each other in order that they can continue to manipulate and control us to submit to other agendas.  The only division we should expect is that of separating the wheat from the tares, not among those who are called to minister life to the rest of the world.  Egos must be set aside once and for all.  Divisions should not be found among the aspiring overcomers.  Passiveness and apathy are no longer acceptable among those in training.  Now is the time to come into unity.

You can participate live in the tomorrow’s Bible study at 3PM CST at  The broadcast will be recorded for later viewing by those unable to attend.

For details of the Passover Conference:


Friday, April 4th, 2014

We have had 580 different viewers of our Passover Conference Discussion Video.  I am very excited about this year’s conference.  Our Heavenly Father has already given me a very specific topic to cover in the 2nd session on LOVE.  Normally I do not get a topic this early.  Evidently HE deems it important enough for me to do extra study and additional meditation on this Word.

We hope that the technology holds up well and that everyone’s Internet connection is nice and steady during this three day conference.  By having hosting sites spread across the country and abroad, this provides us an opportunity for greater unity than in times past.  Ultimately, we need to all be in one accord with HIM and each other.  Servias Ministries will continue its part in promoting unity and Love among the brethren.

Passover 2014 Conference Update

Friday, March 21st, 2014


Passover 2014 Conference – Location / Hotel Info – Update

Passover 2014 Conference – March 20 – More Locations Updated, Video Added

Thom’s editorial:

People .. you are being asked to step up to the plate … the game is on and you are in this game.  Many may be willing to simply watch from the comfort of their easy chair.  That is not point of this conference.  In years past, one individual has done the heavy lifting by pulling a conference together and the people have come.  This year multiple individuals are being called to take a leadership role.  Every person that has ever attended a conference is a leader on some level and is capable of hosting an event in their area.  We are trusting you are listening to Father’s voice and if He is leading you to host a regional site, we’re looking forward to hearing from you as per the directions below.  You know that the blessing of fellowshipping with those in your area will much more than out weigh your effort.

I will continue to add to / edit this page as updates come.   Also note that donations to the endeavour are appreciate.  Donation information can be found here.

Current Regional Sites Update:

  • Bethany, Oklahoma (Oklahoma City)
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Newark, New Jersey
  • Norfolk, Nebraska
  • Newmarket, Ontario, Canada (1 hour North of Toronto)
  • Lake Worth, Florida (West Palm Beach)
  • Corsicana, Texas (1 hour south of Dallas)
  • Sacramento, California
  • Jacksonville, Florida
  • Cedar City, UT
  • Boise, ID

Newark, NJ Location / Hotel Info

Ken Reilly is organizing the regional gathering in Newark, New Jersey at a Hotel location.  Ken has been led specifically to be in Newark for this aspect of the conference.  As he needs to book a meeting room and would also prefer to hold a block of hotel rooms for those joining him, he would like to hear ASAP from those that are led to join him in Newark.

Hotel info:

Ramada Plaza Newark Liberty International Airport  (link to hotel)

Room rate as organized by Ken – $109 / night including two buffet breakfasts

Do note book a hotel room yet – contact Ken Reilly first to let you know you plan to join him there.

Contact Ken Reilly at

Norfolk, NE Location / Hotel Info

Wayne Rasmussen is organizing the regional site in Norfolk

Norfolk Lodge and Suites

4200 W. Norfolk Ave.

Norfolk, NE  68701

402-379-3833 or 402-371-8007

Special room rate of $79.99 / night ($109.95 reg) if booked before April 1.  Includes ver nice hot breakfast.

Will be viewing on 50" in the hotel space.

Those interested in joining in Norfolk should contact Mardel at 402-371-3155 or cell 402-750-0777 or email Wayne at

Toronto, ON Location Info

Thom Mills will be hosting at his property location located near Newmarket, ON.  Exact location to be provide to those interested directly via email.  The location is about 1 hour North of Toronto, 3 hours North of Buffalo, 4 hours East of Detroit.  We Canadian’s are fairly welcoming to those Americans that would like to join us.

Hotels are available in the area, but there is availability at the property for those that would like to stay in available rooms, camp, bring an RV, etc.  Contact Thom at to let him know you’ll be coming and facility information, directions, etc. will be provided.

Regional Site Location Requirements

Interested in becoming a Regional Site Host?  Here is what you need to know at this point.

You will need:

  • A large LCD flat screen or a video projector – depending on how many people you expect to be viewing.
  • A computer, Mac or Windows, connected to your LCD flat screen or projector.  The video is broadcasted over
  • Some set top boxes and smart TVs have a uStream app for viewing without a computer.  Apps are available for Roku, Boxee, AppleTV, Panasonic Viera and Samsung Smart TV.  Test these apps by checking out the Unity153 show or any other uStream show to ensure that this feature works properly.  More info on viewing options can be found here.
  • In most home applications, a larger LCD Flat screen will likely be sufficient.  In a large home, hotel conference room or similar space, a video projector is likely more appropriate.
  • For audiences over 8-10 people, you are likely going to need audio amplification as most flat screen speakers simply are not normally loud enough or of sufficient sound quality.  People often add a Sound Bar amplifier to their flat screen; that will likely be sufficient.  The speakers on all video projectors are completely insufficient.  If you are using a video projector, you will need an external sound ampler, especially in an hotel conference room or similar venue.
  • A reliable high speed internet connection.  While the faster the better, a 1 Mbit connection should be sufficient for viewing.  If you are able to watch the Unity153 show with out any video interruptions, you are good.  While locations offer wireless WIFI service, a wired connection is always faster and more reliable.  If you believe there may be a need or desire to contribute to the conference via broadcasting, you will need to contact Ken Reilly at
  • Be aware that if you are considering booking a hotel conference room or other commercial space, that location will likely have equipment available … at a price.  They may require you to use only there equipment if using their room.  You may also want a microphone with the sound system depending on the size of the group.  Confirm this all as well as their internet connectivity and the prices for such when negotiating for the space.
  • In terms of connecting this all up, there are simply too many combinations and variations to detail here.  Please work out these details with a local resource.  If you simply can not get any help to pull these details together, contact Thom Mills at
  • As uStream features an interactive text feedback mode via Facebook, any one in the audience may wish to use their iPad, iPhone, laptop or other similar device to interact.  They will want a WIFI connection to be able to do this. 

As a Regional Site Host, we will be asking you to:

  • determine the location at which to host
  • determine costs related to the venue.  These costs will need to be covered by yourself and / or other that will be gathering with you.
  • be prepared to serve communion at the beginning of the each day.  Some grape juice and red wine available and appropriate glasses should be provided by you.
  • organise food requirements – that can be as simple as giving everybody a list of the restaurants in the area, organizing potluck or what ever else works for you and your group – regardless of meals, water and light snacks should be available at a minimum.  Keep in mind that much of the point of the regional gatherings is for fellowship and connecting and meal times are one of the best times to accomplish this.  We would encourage you to make meals a group experience in some manner.
  • contact those that have expressed an interest in joining you at your location from the site.  Contact information will be forwarded to you.  Be prepared to provide those that are interested in coming your contact info, location address, hotels or other accommodation info.

– See more at:

Tentative Hosting Sites for the Upcoming Passover Conference

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Newark, New Jersey

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Norfolk, Nebraska

Toronto, Ontario

Lake Worth, Florida (West Palm Beach Area)

Hopefully, more will be led to host a site.  It takes a PC with a reliable internet connection and a smile.  We will be hosting from our home and connecting our TV as a monitor to enlarge the picture.  It can be as simple as our setup.  Ken Reilly will be hosting from a hotel in the Newark area.  It is important to work with the provider of the internet connection at the hotel.  If you have successfully watched our Bible study broadcasts, your internet speed should be adequate.

Donations to fund the broadcast can be made at by credit card.  You can contribute by check to:

Servias Ministries, Inc.

PO Box 1471

Bethany, OK  73008  (all contributions are tax deductible)

We will be able to assess the interest in this method of celebrating Passover by the number of viewers of each broadcast.  Every speaker will be recorded for those who are unable to watch the session live.  We encourage people to gather together and fellowship.  This allows us the opportunity to be in unity.

As a “hosting site”, you should prepare to serve communion at the beginning of the daily broadcast.  This is a request of Ken.  Servias will work with Ken and Thom Mills to develop this meeting in the time frame we have to work with.  Those who sign up as hosting sites at will be contacted on the mechanics as needed.

To let us know of your interest in being a hosting site, details of the Passover Conference and instructions for signing up to host or attend, are included in the broadcast:

Celebrating the Passover Feast is one aspect of honoring Our Heavenly Father.  May the speakers be anointed to bring forth a timely message to the Body of Christ.