Tentative Hosting Sites for the Upcoming Passover Conference

Newark, New Jersey

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Norfolk, Nebraska

Toronto, Ontario

Lake Worth, Florida (West Palm Beach Area)

Hopefully, more will be led to host a site.  It takes a PC with a reliable internet connection and a smile.  We will be hosting from our home and connecting our TV as a monitor to enlarge the picture.  It can be as simple as our setup.  Ken Reilly will be hosting from a hotel in the Newark area.  It is important to work with the provider of the internet connection at the hotel.  If you have successfully watched our Bible study broadcasts, your internet speed should be adequate.

Donations to fund the broadcast can be made at www.unity153.net by credit card.  You can contribute by check to:

Servias Ministries, Inc.

PO Box 1471

Bethany, OK  73008  (all contributions are tax deductible)

We will be able to assess the interest in this method of celebrating Passover by the number of viewers of each broadcast.  Every speaker will be recorded for those who are unable to watch the session live.  We encourage people to gather together and fellowship.  This allows us the opportunity to be in unity.

As a “hosting site”, you should prepare to serve communion at the beginning of the daily broadcast.  This is a request of Ken.  Servias will work with Ken and Thom Mills to develop this meeting in the time frame we have to work with.  Those who sign up as hosting sites at www.unity153.net will be contacted on the mechanics as needed.

To let us know of your interest in being a hosting site, details of the Passover Conference and instructions for signing up to host or attend, are included in the broadcast: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/44586529

Celebrating the Passover Feast is one aspect of honoring Our Heavenly Father.  May the speakers be anointed to bring forth a timely message to the Body of Christ.

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