Between Thom Mills’ emails and my monitoring of the actual concurrent viewers of the conference on Ustream, we had over 300 people participate. Thank you for attending. Had these people actually travelled to a single location for the three day conference, the out of pocket costs would have probably exceeded $75,000 and required two days of additional travel time for many. Our actual broadcast cost is estimated to be less than $2,000. This does not account for the existing equipment purchased and already in place by Servias or Thom Mills. I would conclude that the value was realized.
To date, 15 people have contributed to Servias specifically to offset the conference costs. Those who hosted sites also contributed by providing resources at their specific locationl. Thank you! Those who contributed time and money are an encouragement to pursue this medium of spreading the Gospel to those unable to travel and attend feasts in person.
We received several compliments and some constructive criticisms. Broadcast quality was the biggest issue. To achieve quality, it costs money, it’s that simple. Selah!