Archive for March, 2022

The Result Of Intimacy

Saturday, March 5th, 2022

Intimacy is what FATHER desires with HIS Sons and Daughters.  There is a difference in knowing someone versus knowing about them.  When you experience fellowship with someone, you begin to know their ways.

You and I can read about God, His Words, and His acts as recorded in the Bible.  However when we receive salvation, we have taken the first step to really know Him.  When we receive the Baptism of The Holy Spirit, we begin to mature in our relationship in a much greater manner.  We have submitted ourselves to hearing and potentially responding and obeying His Divine Intent for our lives.  This begins to shrink the distance in our relationship and allows us to move toward intimacy with Him.  We begin to take down any walls of protection which were created for self-survival.  These walls were erected in an effort to keep us from being hurt by others.  Some walls are rather formidable and only Father can remove them completely.

The closer the relationship with Father, the greater the intimacy!

If you only received salvation so that you would go to Heaven at some point in time in the future, you are missing the point of the gift of Eternal Life.  He wants us to experience the fullness of Him now, not just later when we die and go to Heaven.  The main purpose of salvation is intimacy with Father, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit… now!

John the Baptist spoke by The Holy Spirit in John chapter 3:

31  “For the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks from the natural realm. But the One who comes from Above is above everything and speaks of the highest realm of all! 32His message is about what He has seen and experienced, even though people don’t accept it. 33Yet those who embrace His message know in their hearts that it’s the Truth.

Who are you going to listen to and heed the words spoken forth?  Someone who is an expert on the temporary nature of this world or the Person Who comes from Above and speaks of the highest realm of all?  How simple is that reality!

34“The One whom God has sent to represent Him will speak the Words of God, because God has poured out upon Him the fullness of the Holy Spirit without limitation. 

Consider the importance of The Holy Spirit when we represent Father.  Father deemed it necessary for Jesus to walk in the fullness of The Holy Spirit while ministering on the earth.  Shouldn’t we take our cue and follow the exact same path?

35   The Father loves His Son so much that He has given all things into His hands. 

Do you realize that Father Loves us with this same Love and is willing to give all things we need to minister on this earth as well?  Didn’t Jesus tell us that He expects us to do greater works than Him?  Who is limiting you and me from these greater works?  The mirror provides the answer.

36   Those who trust in the Son possess Eternal life; those who don’t obey the Son will not see life, and God’s anger will rise up against them.”

Where is your trust, in man’s opinions or the Truth expressed by Jesus?  We are to walk in the reality of Eternal Life now and activate our gifts so that we can expand the Kingdom here on earth.  Let us no longer be passive in this area for we have a Commander Who expects us to be obedient respond to His commands.  People’s lives are counting on it whether they realize it or not.  Intimacy with Our Heavenly Father, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit remove all reluctance to do Father’s Will on earth.

What Is Eternal Life?

Friday, March 4th, 2022

Intimacy is what FATHER desires with HIS Sons and Daughters.

There should be no distance in our relationship with FATHER.  He wants us to experience the fullness of eternal life now, not just later when we die and go to Heaven.  What is Eternal Life?  Jesus tells us.

Jesus spoke in John chapter 17:

1   This is what Jesus prayed as He looked up into Heaven,

“Father, the time has come.

Unveil the glorious splendor of Your Son

so that I will magnify Your glory!

2   You have already given Me authority

over all people so that I may give

the gift of Eternal Life to all those that You have given to Me.

3   Eternal life means to know and experience You

as the only True God,

and to know and experience Jesus Christ,

as the Son Whom You have sent.

4   I have glorified You on the earth

by faithfully doing everything You’ve told Me to do.

5So my Father, restore Me back to the glory

that We shared together when We were face-to-face

before the universe was created.”

Jesus clearly speaks of His pre-incarnate state in this passage.  When the Trinity wrote your book in Heaven (Psalm 139:16”, Jesus was there with Father and The Holy Spirit.  Are you and I faithfully glorifying Father on the earth?  If these teachings are witnessing with you, are you sharing them with others?  Be led by The Holy Spirit on what actions to take to do your part in spreading The Gospel, no matter what form it takes.  Your gifts will assist you in glorifying Father on the earth just as Jesus did.

Eternal Life is a gift thus it cannot be earned.  Agape Love gives gifts without reservation and there is no concern that Heaven is reluctant to share Eternal Life with anyone, no matter what their past.  We have all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit concerning gifts from Above in 1st Corinthians chapter 1:

4   I am always thanking My God for you because He has given you such free and open access to His grace through your union with Jesus, the Messiah.

5   In Him you have been made extravagantly rich in every way. You have been endowed with a wealth of inspired utterance and the riches that come from your intimate knowledge of Him.

6   For the reality of the Truth of Christ is seen among you and strengthened  through your experience of Him.

7   So now you aren’t lacking any Spiritual gift as you eagerly await the unveiling  of the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One.

8   He will keep you steady and strong to the very end, making your character mature so that you will be found innocent on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

9   God is forever faithful and can be trusted to do this in you, for He has invited you to co-share the life of His Son, Jesus, the Anointed One, our King!

First of all, we have been given the gift of Eternal Life.  This gift then allows us to activate specific gifts deposited in us so that we can minister to others in need.  What a beautiful plan designed by Agape Love!

Eliminating The Distance

Thursday, March 3rd, 2022

Intimacy is what FATHER desires with HIS Sons and Daughters.

There should be no distance in our relationship with FATHER.

Paul expressed this desire for intimacy when wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians chapter 13:

4  Love is large and incredibly patient.  Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else. Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance.

5   Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honor. Love is not easily irritated or quick to take offense. 

6   Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong. 

7  Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others.  Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up.

We see the fruit of perfect Love so that we can not only seek to walk in such maturity, but to also assess our current level of fruitfulness in this area.

8   Love never stops loving.  It extends beyond the gift of prophecy, which eventually fades away.  It is more enduring than tongues, which will one day fall silent. Love remains long after words of knowledge are forgotten. 

9   Our present knowledge and our prophecies are but partial, 

10   but when Love’s perfection arrives, the partial will fade away. 

11   When I was a child, I spoke about childish matters, for I saw things like a child and reasoned like a child. But the day came when I matured, and I set aside my childish ways.

12   For now we see but a faint reflection of riddles and mysteries as though reflected in a mirror, but one day we will see face-to-face.  My understanding is incomplete now, but one day I will understand everything, just as everything about me has been fully understood.

13   Until then, there are three things that remain: faith, hope, and Love—yet Love surpasses them all.  So above all else, let Love be the beautiful prize for which you run.

In the 1970’s, faith was the predominant message preached and many believers latched onto this move and attempted to work the faith system to accumulate stuff.  They failed to see the motivation of FATHER behind the message of faith for most were too immature to realize that Love needed to be the motivating force, not faith.  Some went bankrupt as a result of misguided teaching.  Many cried in their pillows at night.  Others failed to be healed as they attempted to work the system without the motivation of Agape Love.  The adversary worked his deception and the faith message was tainted and ridiculed in many circles.  However, the Remnant was not moved by the partial message for they understood Father’s Love for His Children.  They pressed in even more so.

Paul also wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 10:

12   So then faith eliminates the distinction between Jew and non-Jew, for He is the same Lord for all people. And He has enough Treasures to lavish generously upon all who call on Him. 13And it’s true:

“Everyone who calls on the Lord’s Name

will experience new life.”

14   But how can people call on Him for help if they’ve not yet believed? And how can they believe in one they’ve not yet heard of? And how can they hear the message of life if there is no one there to proclaim it? 15And how can the message be proclaimed if messengers have yet to be sent? That’s why the Scriptures say:

How welcome is the arrival

of those proclaiming the joyful news of peace

and of good things to come!

16   But not everyone welcomes the good news, as Isaiah said:

Lord, is there anyone who hears

and believes our message?

17   Faith, then, is birthed in a heart that responds to God’s anointed utterance of the Anointed One, (Jesus, The Word Who was made flesh).

Paul expresses the need to spread The Gospel to those who haven’t heard It.  How can they experience Agape Love unless we expose them to The Word made flesh?

Servias Ministries is in the midst of publishing a work written by a Beloved Brother who combined the four Gospels in chronological order and provided a commentary as led by The Holy Spirit.  We currently have an experienced editor in Australia working on the technical corrections.  Once she finishes, we will review the work in preparation for publication.  The Words of Jesus are the most important Words spoken on the earth and we will do our part to spread The Gospel.  Father will provide the funds and avenues for distribution and we look forward to what HE has in mind!

Love promotes intimacy with Our Heavenly Father and Jesus’ Words pointed to Father’s desire for intimacy with His Children.  Let us remove the distance between Him and His many Children.

A Relevant Response

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022

I sent this response concerning the global upheaval occurring:

Beloved Sister,
There is so much corruption throughout the globe, we must trust FATHER to reveal HIS Kingdom economy as HE exposes the false economy based solely on “perception” by the masses.  There are no major currencies based on gold or silver which has no “counterparty” risk.  The U.S. Dollar is based solely on the military’s ability to support and enforce its use throughout the globe.  This is now being challenged by Putin and China.  The West’s SWIFT system was the controlling factor but is now being circumvented by China’s CIPS system.  The West may desperately attempt to keep this from happening.  This may cause much tumultuous time ahead which I have been alluding to  in my writings.  The adversary wants to control the economic system in order to control mankind.  We must rely on The Holy Spirit to navigate us and empower us to deal with these global events.

I am focusing on FATHER’S upcoming systems rather than mankind’s.  Putin had warned the West at least twice about infringing on his country’s borders with armament. They ignored his warnings, thinking they could overpower him with their economic structure.  He did not blink.

Cash and precious metals are not subject to any cyberattacks which can take down a country’s payment system. A “paper” bank check has never been hacked. This is why my wife and I still prefer to pay by check even though it irritates the impatient people behind us in the checkout line in the grocery store. We also like to pay cash when we go out to eat. We pay a little extra on our utilities so that we carry a credit balance in case of an interruption in the payment systems. In the strictest sense, we owe nobody but Love thus we are not enslaved. Get the picture? Our treasures are in Heaven where there is no corruption to deal with.

The Abundance Of Love

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022

Both Jesus and The Holy Spirit express FATHER’S Words and HIS Divine Intent to us, in us, and through those of us led by THE SPIRIT.  Every Word has one or more facets of Agape Love within It.

We are meant to have a close, personal, and intimate relationship with FATHER.  When we do, Agape Love will prevail in our life.  This is what we need to walk in and we will appreciate the eternal life within us.  Love lives in abundance and is described by the works of Jesus, the ministry of The Holy Spirit, and even the construction of the physical dwelling place Moses’ artisans created as directed by FATHER in the greatest of details.  FATHER’S Love promotes excellence and we should do the same. 

We should move toward excellence in our lives and expect FATHER to provide as we do.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Philippians chapter 4:

10   My heart overflows with joy when I think of how you demonstrated Love to me by your financial support of my ministry. For even though you have so little, you still continue to help me at every opportunity. 11I’m not telling you this because I’m in need, for I have learned to be satisfied in any circumstance. 

12-13   I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.

I too have experienced lack but it is only temporary by nature for those who Love Christ and are led by The Holy Spirit.  The enemy steals (lack) but then FATHER restores (abundance).  FATHER always has the last “move” with respect to the intent of the enemy.  We must not be moved if “lack” arrives.  This gives us the opportunity to walk in faith and allow FATHER to restore whatever has been stolen from us.  My wife and I have seen this countless times in our lives.  My GOD does supply all my needs from the Treasures in Heaven which are greater than any temporary situation on earth.

14   You’ve so graciously provided for my essential needs during this season of difficulty. 15   For I want you to know that the Philippian church was the only church that supported me in the beginning as I went out to preach the gospel. You were the only church that sowed into me financially, 16   and when I was in Thessalonica, you supported me for well over a year.

17   I mention this not because I’m requesting a gift, but so that the fruit of your generosity may bring you an abundant reward. 18   I now have all I need—more than enough—I’m abundantly satisfied! For I’ve received the gift you sent by Epaphroditus and viewed it as a sweet sacrifice, perfumed with the fragrance of your faithfulness, which is so pleasing to God!

FATHER will use willing vessels to deal with the needs of others just like the example Paul mentions.  The believers in the Philippian church were moved by THE SPIRIT to fund Paul’s ministry to the point of abundance.  This pleased FATHER thus I am sure HE opened the Windows of Heaven and blessed those people in abundance.  Paul spent much time with Jesus in the third Heaven and understood this Spiritual Truth thus he wrote:

19I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through Jesus Christ!

I can testify as a True witness to this reality in my life.  I know others who have been blessed in the same manner.  If you are being challenged by the adversary, don’t be discouraged but press in even more so to The Word which is where the Truth can and will be found concerning your deliverance.

A Victorious Soldier

Tuesday, March 1st, 2022

Jesus Christ is faithful, reliable, and trustworthy in every Word He spoke.  This is true of The Holy Spirit as well.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Philippians chapter 4:

12-13I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.  TPT

Paul also wrote in 2nd Timothy chapter 2:

3 Overcome every form of evil as a victorious soldier of Jesus the Anointed One. 4For every soldier called to active duty must divorce himself from the distractions of this world so that he may fully satisfy the one who chose him.

You and I have been in training as overcomers so that we can be true soldiers in the Army of GOD.  We have been trained in spiritual warfare so that we can and will overcome the devil and his demons on every front.  There will be days where the spiritual fighting may be intense but do not let your emotions rule over you.  Neither let any distractions prevent your victory over the evil one. 

The enemy wants to distract us and remove us from the battle that is now raging around the world.  The enemy wants to once again lull us to sleep and become lethargic as he tries to take ground from us.  We must continue to press in to victory on all fronts.

5An athlete who doesn’t play by the rules will never receive the trophy, so remain faithful to God!

In order to win, we must obey the commands of Our Lord Jesus Christ in all matters.  When things get financially challenging, I purpose to give more and with a cheerful heart.  I know scarcity is of the devil since he is motivated by stealing, killing, and destroying… all aspects of scarcity.  As we remain faithful, we will receive our trophy in Heaven where the true riches reside.

6The farmer who labors to produce a crop should be the first one to be fed from its harvest.

The farmer is a partner with FATHER and that is why he is fed first from the yield of his sowing.  He tithes, eats, and then distributes the remaining harvest receiving a return on his investment.  As he continues this process, his harvest grows and he expands his influence in establishing The Kingdom of GOD.

7Carefully consider all that I’ve taught you, and may our Lord inspire you with wisdom and revelation in everything you say and do. 8But make Jesus, the Anointed One, your focus in life and ministry. For He came to earth as the descendant of David and rose from the dead, according to the revelation of the gospel that God has given me. 9This is the reason I am persecuted and imprisoned by evildoers, enduring the suffering of these chains—but the Word of God can never be chained! 10  I endure all these hardships for the benefit of the chosen ones  in Christ so that they may also discover the overcoming life that is in Jesus Christ, and experience a glory that lasts forever!

I too have no issue with enduring trials, tribulations, and hardship on your behalf.  Why?  That is what Agape Love does.  Be of good courage!  The times ahead look to be tumultuous for the world and we must not be moved by what is coming.