The Abundance Of Love

Both Jesus and The Holy Spirit express FATHER’S Words and HIS Divine Intent to us, in us, and through those of us led by THE SPIRIT.  Every Word has one or more facets of Agape Love within It.

We are meant to have a close, personal, and intimate relationship with FATHER.  When we do, Agape Love will prevail in our life.  This is what we need to walk in and we will appreciate the eternal life within us.  Love lives in abundance and is described by the works of Jesus, the ministry of The Holy Spirit, and even the construction of the physical dwelling place Moses’ artisans created as directed by FATHER in the greatest of details.  FATHER’S Love promotes excellence and we should do the same. 

We should move toward excellence in our lives and expect FATHER to provide as we do.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Philippians chapter 4:

10   My heart overflows with joy when I think of how you demonstrated Love to me by your financial support of my ministry. For even though you have so little, you still continue to help me at every opportunity. 11I’m not telling you this because I’m in need, for I have learned to be satisfied in any circumstance. 

12-13   I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.

I too have experienced lack but it is only temporary by nature for those who Love Christ and are led by The Holy Spirit.  The enemy steals (lack) but then FATHER restores (abundance).  FATHER always has the last “move” with respect to the intent of the enemy.  We must not be moved if “lack” arrives.  This gives us the opportunity to walk in faith and allow FATHER to restore whatever has been stolen from us.  My wife and I have seen this countless times in our lives.  My GOD does supply all my needs from the Treasures in Heaven which are greater than any temporary situation on earth.

14   You’ve so graciously provided for my essential needs during this season of difficulty. 15   For I want you to know that the Philippian church was the only church that supported me in the beginning as I went out to preach the gospel. You were the only church that sowed into me financially, 16   and when I was in Thessalonica, you supported me for well over a year.

17   I mention this not because I’m requesting a gift, but so that the fruit of your generosity may bring you an abundant reward. 18   I now have all I need—more than enough—I’m abundantly satisfied! For I’ve received the gift you sent by Epaphroditus and viewed it as a sweet sacrifice, perfumed with the fragrance of your faithfulness, which is so pleasing to God!

FATHER will use willing vessels to deal with the needs of others just like the example Paul mentions.  The believers in the Philippian church were moved by THE SPIRIT to fund Paul’s ministry to the point of abundance.  This pleased FATHER thus I am sure HE opened the Windows of Heaven and blessed those people in abundance.  Paul spent much time with Jesus in the third Heaven and understood this Spiritual Truth thus he wrote:

19I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through Jesus Christ!

I can testify as a True witness to this reality in my life.  I know others who have been blessed in the same manner.  If you are being challenged by the adversary, don’t be discouraged but press in even more so to The Word which is where the Truth can and will be found concerning your deliverance.

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