Archive for July, 2021

Absolute Versus Everchanging

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

We are meant to base our lives on Absolute Truth rather than observations by mankind.  Absolute Truth can only be found in Heaven and is conveyed by The Word and The Holy Spirit to us for our benefit.  Since man’s truth is based on observation, it is subject to change as man’s observations become more accurate.  Our foundation must be based on Absolute Truth which does not change or deviate thus It is fully reliable.

The Beloved Disciple wrote by The Holy Spirit in John chapter 17:

1 This is what Jesus prayed as He looked up into Heaven,

“Father, the time has come.

    Unveil the glorious splendor of your Son

    so that I will magnify Your glory!

2 You have already given Me authority

    over all people so that I may give

    the gift of eternal life to all those that You have given to Me.

3 Eternal life means to know and experience You

    as the only true God,

    and to know and experience Jesus Christ,

    as the Son whom You have sent.

4 I have glorified You on the earth

    by faithfully doing everything You’ve told Me to do.

5 So My Father, restore Me back to the glory

    that We shared together when We were face-to-face

    before the universe was created.”

Jesus only spoke and acted based on what FATHER told Him to do, without exception.  Jesus expressed the Image of FATHER and as He prayed, we are to do the same as we walk in unity with THEM.

And Jesus further prayed to FATHER:

17  “Your Word is Truth! So make them Holy by The Truth.

18 I have commissioned them to represent Me

    just as you commissioned Me to represent You.

19 And now I dedicate Myself to them as a Holy sacrifice

    so that they will live as fully dedicated to God

    and be made Holy by Your Truth.”

Holiness has a foundation based on Absolute Truth so let us protect our foundation from anyone who attempts to dismantle the Truth.  This includes anyone who has access to you.  We must be on guard from those who attempt to compromise what FATHER has shown us.  Some of those friends who were once with you have fallen behind and decided to stay at a lower level of revelation.  Can you afford to allow them to drag you down since you can no longer be in unity?

All who are led by the Spirit of God are Sons of God.  Paul wrote this Absolute Truth by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 8:

14 The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. 15 And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as He rises up within us, our spirits join Him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” 16 For the Holy Spirit makes God’s Fatherhood real to us as He whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”

17 And since we are His True Children, we qualify to share all HIS Treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God Himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that He is and all that He has. We will experience being co-glorified with Him provided that we accept His sufferings as our own.

As we base our daily lives on the Absolute Truth, we will begin to understand what it means to be qualified to share all HIS Treasures.  The world’s trappings are of no interest when you have full access to the real treasures given to us by FATHER.  When we accept life and Agape Love as our total commitment, then the blessings of Deuteronomy chapter 28 will manifest on our behalf.  Those blessings are

by-products of a mature Son or Daughter.

The world’s observations contain a bias of the observer.  He or she will see “facts” based on a slant of past experience thus new facts may contain inaccuracy in order to fit their bias.  This is not the case with Absolute Truth.  Isn’t it simpler to base our life on error-free Truth that never changes?

I urge you to not be moved by the ever-changing Truth being spewed out by the world.

Hidden Treasure

Thursday, July 1st, 2021

Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 13:

44 “Heaven’s kingdom realm can be illustrated like this:

“A Person discovered that there was hidden treasure in a field. Upon finding it, He hid it again. Because of uncovering such treasure, He was overjoyed and sold all that He possessed to buy the entire field just so He could have the treasure.”

One facet of this parable is the following:

The hidden treasure as a symbol of you and me. Jesus is the man who sold all that He owned, leaving His exalted place of glory to come and pay for the sin of the whole world with His own blood just so He could have you, His treasure. Heaven’s kingdom realm is experienced when we realize what a great price Jesus places on our souls, for He gave his sacred blood for us. The re-hiding of the treasure is a hint of our new life, hidden in God.

I experienced another facet of the parable in October of 1971 but to a much lesser degree as a Son of Our Heavenly Father.  I was an immature believer and hardly knew any Scripture.  In August of the year, I was led to a Christian coffee house called “The Open Door” by my neighbor who was also a professional musician.  When his band was in town, I would go hear the band play if I was not playing a “gig” with my own rock band.

Anyway, I went and heard The Word through this fireball minister who would cover about 60 verses per hour.  I was unexpectedly immersed in The Word every time I went to The Open Door.  I actually went to hear my neighbor play during the breaks.  Clearly, FATHER had other plans. 

The Open Door had an upper room and when I asked about the baptism of The Holy Spirit, the elder took me upstairs and led me to receive The Baptism with the evidence of speaking in Tongues.  I was totally inexperienced in The Word but I had no resistance to what FATHER was offering.  I easily received The Baptism.

When I received this hidden treasure, my life totally changed course.  I quit the band and sold my gear.  I assumed that I would never play bass guitar again since it represented the world.  I gave up everything I knew to proceed on this new course.  My story is similar to many others and it is just another confirmation of what Jesus did for you and me.  He is our Example and I simply submitted to The Holy Spirit He sent.

I received Jesus when I was twelve but received The Holy Spirit when I was twenty.  FATHER was patient with me during those eight years and I am truly grateful as I look back at that time period.

I only share this story to assure you that your book in Heaven has brought you to this place at this time just like my book has orchestrated our unity in Christ.  FATHER prepared me to teach and share the revelation of The Sons of GOD to those who have ears to hear. 

Some have rejected the teaching in the Gospel of John whereas others have embraced the revelation.  Those are among the remnant which FATHER reserves in each generation.  The Trinity decided our individual books before we were formed in the womb to live in this generation.  We are simply responding to FATHER’S Divine Intent and submitting to The Holy Spirit.

As the Beloved Disciple wrote in John chapter 1:

12 But those who embraced Him and took hold of His Name

    He gave authority to become

    the children of God!

Each of us is willing to serve FATHER in whatever capacity HE assigns us.  As for me, I purpose to be led by THE SPIRIT more and more.  There are times I have totally failed in the past but FATHER’S great grace and mercy was present to deliver me.  Jesus’ Blood covered my sins and I was fully restored.  He will pursue each of us to be fully reconciled unto Him.  Yes, we do have a choice of which path we will take.

I urge you to join me in the Unity only found in Agape Love.  As we accept Absolute Truth which is unique to Heaven, we will not be moved by the world’s truth and temporary facts.

We are His hidden treasure so let us walk in that reality!

PS:  Six years after I sold my guitar, FATHER told me to start playing bass guitar in the small church we were attending.  I reminded HIM that I did not have a guitar.  Forty-five minutes later, a man came up to the pastor and told him that GOD instructed him to give the church a bass guitar.  I began playing bass the next week and continued playing for twenty years until FATHER released me.