Archive for April, 2013

A Plausible Scenario

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

I call those who are behind the scenes with the current power and authority “central planners”.  They attempt to map out the best strategy to keep their power and authority intact.  Control is the name of the game.  They would sell their grandmother for a buck.  After all, she isn’t lookin’ so good now is she.

We must sift through all the words and painted perceptions to see their intent as well as expect Our Heavenly Father to expose their hearts to us.  On a macro scale it is becoming obvious what direction the central planners are pursuing.  We must assume that isolated thinking is not occurring at the top of the pecking order.  If anything, communication is greater now than ever before.  1oo years ago you could isolate a country and extract its wealth with little awareness on the other side of the globe.  The Internet eliminated the ability to hide the intent.

The central planners’ current actions:

1. Control the printing of a country’s currency by legal mandate.

2. Disconnect gold as a reserve against the amount of currency you can print.

3. Charge the country interest for money you create out of thin air.

4.  Attempt to eliminate the business cycle dips by increasing money supply.

5.  Utilize “agents” to manipulate certain financial indexes that the market looks to in determining investment focus, such as the S&P 500 Index.

6.  Manage business activity by manipulating interest rates thus promoting borrowing by reducing rates to zero if necessary.

7.  If the market fails to buy sovereign bonds, buy them and collect interest yourself on the money you created.

8.  Create derivative agreements that insure your profit in all your activities, given that you control the outcome thus insure the counter-party will lose.

9.  Attack the price of gold (and silver) in the futures market to weaken the resolve of holders of gold thus slowing down the rise of gold against the money you created out of thin air.

10.  Buy up infrastructure assets from countries who are desperate to raise funds to pay for their deficits.

11.  Imbed language into certain laws that will allow you to confiscate the public’s deposits if certain events occur.  You will make sure those events DO occur.

12.  Test the public’s reaction to money confiscation on a small scale, then back off.  Hello Cyprus.

13.  Goose the stock market by injecting liquidity (printing excess money) and make people feel like they are wealthy.

14.  Short the market, then publicize that the market is too high sending signals to institutional managers to switch to bonds.

15.  Keep the population entertained and their focus off of your activities.

16.  After gold investor sentiment is sufficiently negative, accumulate gold and silver bullion at lower prices in preparation of creating a new currency.

17.  Redefine government statistics to hide poor performance, inflation of your currency, and minimize transfer payments to the retired.

18.  Create an adversary for the population to focus on whenever any negative event is about to occur.

19.  After you accumulate sufficient gold, reconnect the gold to the currency at a much higher price.  After all, you bought gold with money you created out of thin air.

The above is not all inclusive but just a plausible scenario motivated by the love of money.  Our Heavenly Father will (or has) created a snare for the central planners.  Time will tell us just how it plays out.  It sure does take a lot of energy and focus to manipulate and exploit people.

Last Night’s Ustream Broadcast

Monday, April 8th, 2013

We deem last night’s broadcast as a success.  We had 150 viewers.  Some viewers represent more than one person.  Our brethren in Australia were able to join us live.  I hope each of you found the 2 1/2 hour live broadcast helpful.  It is now time that we no longer operate as isolated individuals loosely held together by a couple of Feast gatherings per year.

Could this be the beginning of us rallying resources together for a Kingdom-based enterprise?  There is a small group of us ready to take on that mandate if we can secure a public shell or other legal entity that will provide the necessary flexibility to accomplish the melding together of diverse callings and produce a life-promoting enterprise to benefit people rather than exploit the common man.  FATHER, we stand ready!

3 Generations of the Henley Family running in the Red Bud Classic

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Making memories with your Loved Ones.

Working on audio/video upgrade

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

I have received several comments about the audio quality of our Bible studies.  I am working with Thom Mills of Canada to determine what equipment would better satisfy the quality of the broadcast.  There is a direct correlation to money invested in quality equipment versus quality of broadcast.

Our initial investment has served us well in simply getting a broadcast out there.  Improving the quality will take additional funds.  If you would like to partner with us in funding the additional equipment, simply send money to:

Servias Ministries, Inc.

PO Box 1471

Bethany, OK 73008

Servias’ general account will make up any difference in funds needed.  Only give if you are led to by Our Heavenly Father.  To date, we have provided about 30 hours of broadcast teaching for less than $1,000.  Not a bad investment.  Many of us would spend that much to go to an out of town conference for one weekend.  We are averaging over one hundred viewers each week and we are truly grateful for their participation.

Our upcoming broadcasts this year will include Dr. Speckhart’s new book “Quantum and Non-Quantum States of the Lord Jesus Christ” and Kemper Ditzler’s new book “Raising a Remnant”.  I have read drafts of both books and am very excited that Servias Ministries having both books printed.

Even a 12 Year old understands the problem!

Sunday, April 7th, 2013


Thanks to Michelle from Canada to bring this to our attention.

The BBAN Story –or- “How to not operate in your calling”

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

I was introduced to “Spiritual signs” in late 1995 and with that came a lot of excitement.  It was like a whole new world had opened up to me, not unlike Neo in the movie “Matrix”.  Suddenly I could see signs around every corner knowing that even around those corners, Our Heavenly Father created signs.  I must admit I became intrigued with the signs to the point where they played an important role in my decisions.  The result was disastrous.  Over the next few years I was deceived by the signs because “signs will answer you according to the idols in your heart”.  Yes, signs become idols.

A close friend known by many of the brethren had introduced me to the stock BBAN.  Along with the introduction, many signs were given to indicate that this stock would be a “slam dunk” for profitability, a fabulous return on investment, the sky was the limit.  The signs were everywhere thus I plunged into the stock expecting a blessing from Above.  Instead of a blessing, I took a huge “haircut” on the deal.  The details are below:

IRA Shares   Total   Avg Price
4/20/2000 200   $619.75   3.10
  300   $896.63   2.99
3/20/2000 500   $3,572.50   7.15
  500   $3,594.50   7.19
Total bought  1500   $8,683.38   5.79
Sold BBAN          
12/24/2003 1000   $22.81   0.02
  500   $0.00   0.00
Total 1500   $22.81   0.02
Total Loss     ($8,660.57)    

Notice how I was stilling “listening”  to the friend and the signs in April of 2000 thus I bought more stock.  I failed to use my gifts and calling to discern whether this was an appropriate investment.  Had I been more mature in my calling I doubt I would have taken the plunge.  Did Our Heavenly Father orchestrate this situation to train me?  Of course.  Was it my friend’s fault I invested?  That is between him and Our Heavenly Father.  I must accept accountability for my own actions.

Later in 2004 the SEC brought charges against the head of the company for his “pump and dump” scheme:

When I asked Our Heavenly Father about “signs”, HE said “All signs are of me but not all signs are relevant to you, I will let you know which are relevant signs.”  Did I recover from the $8,660 loss?  Yes, that was one of the many costs of education and training associated with my calling.

Each of us needs to focus on our individual callings and not allow our calling to be compromised by others’ words and/or actions no matter how good their intentions.  Our callings will be tested to see where we stand.  If we pass the test, we go on to the next level of maturity.  It we fail, we get some further training at the current level.

Our callings produce something for the Kingdom.  If it is money, we should distribute.  If it is some other tangible calling, we should distribute.  If it is intangible, we should distribute.  Hoarding the fruits of your calling is an indication that you don’t understand how the dynamics of the Kingdom work.  We are called to minister to others according to our calling, not consume others’ callings for our own self-preservation.

I shared this personal example to provide perspective.  Most people only want to share the successes.  I have had my share.  However, examples like this caused my eyes to be opened to correction so that I could continue the maturing process.  My desire is to help the brethren to come into full maturity with good fruit abounding to their account.  If I want advice about cattle ranching, I don’t see the counsel of an auto mechanic.  If I want tax advice, I don’t go to a plumber.  When you get ready to take action based on the advice or perspective of another, make sure their calling and anointing is in the area of the advice or perspective.  Just as Moses used artisans to build the various instruments of the Temple, we should identify callings before we put time or money in a deal.  Unless you hear Our Heavenly Father, do nothing!

Caveat emptor!  (Latin for "Let the buyer beware")

Developing a Calling

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

1. Decide what specific calling is needed in the 21st Century

2. Imprint the calling and the gifts in quantum energy and intelligence to form in the womb of a mother during the fertility of the egg.

3. Protect the fetus from danger.

4. Bring forth the child at a specific time and place for development.

5. Utilize the parents to identify gifts and encourage their development.

6. Place in the child the ability to perceive Spiritual instruction.

7. Protect the child from any danger that might compromise the calling.

8. Educate and train the child into adulthood.

9. Activate the hunger to study the ways of Our Heavenly Father.

10. Further fine-tune the hearing ability.

11. Direct the adult to a vocation that suits the preparation of the calling.

12. Move the adult from job to job for further training and preparation.

13. Place adversity in the path to provide sufficient experience of dealing with crisis by faith, not emotion.

13. Rally assets needed to assist in fulfilling the preparation of the calling.

14. Teach patience to perfection.

15. Teach Love as being the basis of all decisions.

16. Walk in the fullness of the Law… Love.

It’s a race

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

Which currency can win the race to depreciate the quickest?   The dollar, euro, pound, or the yen?

Place your bets!

U.S. Labor Update

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

Does the following graph indicate a recovery as the stock market would have us believe?


The Fatal Mistake

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

The worst mistake a logical person can make is to think the other logical person will not walk into an unwinnable situation.  The logical person fails to consider the spiritual and emotional aspects affecting men’s thinking.  Consider Jesus.  Logical men thought Jesus would say whatever was necessary for self-preservation.  HE did the opposite.  Glorification requires death of self to precede life, a counter-intuitive act.

Seeing a loss in the gold and silver stocks this week was a time of adding to my positions with the cash I could scrape up.  Why?  As shown in my previous blogs, the global economic situation screams weakness to the point of failure.  The only conclusion I could make was the PPT was once again pushing the price of gold and silver down in an attempt to frighten holders of the metals and related stocks.  Too little, too late.  We are on to your mischief.

Both sides knew WW I was unwinnable and expected the other side not to walk in to war.  It was illogical but that did not stop the war from going global.  Who would have thought the rule of law would be crossed in Cyprus.  It was a totally illogical act.  In one fell swoop, the IMF pulled the rug out from under Bernanke’s massive plan to re-liquefy the banking system.  Now you have a potential contagion that could rock the entire financial system.  Your money is no longer safe.  Actually, the value of your money is no longer safe and hasn’t been for a while.

Assuming that you believe that I have been listening to Our Heavenly Father for the last 10 years, you have been exposed to steps I have been taking to protect my family’s financial state.  Isn’t that simply being a good steward?  We have been moving towards zero debt, simplification, and diversification into investments that retain value over the long haul.

Has the fatal mistake been made in the global financial market?  We may soon find out.