The Fatal Mistake

The worst mistake a logical person can make is to think the other logical person will not walk into an unwinnable situation.  The logical person fails to consider the spiritual and emotional aspects affecting men’s thinking.  Consider Jesus.  Logical men thought Jesus would say whatever was necessary for self-preservation.  HE did the opposite.  Glorification requires death of self to precede life, a counter-intuitive act.

Seeing a loss in the gold and silver stocks this week was a time of adding to my positions with the cash I could scrape up.  Why?  As shown in my previous blogs, the global economic situation screams weakness to the point of failure.  The only conclusion I could make was the PPT was once again pushing the price of gold and silver down in an attempt to frighten holders of the metals and related stocks.  Too little, too late.  We are on to your mischief.

Both sides knew WW I was unwinnable and expected the other side not to walk in to war.  It was illogical but that did not stop the war from going global.  Who would have thought the rule of law would be crossed in Cyprus.  It was a totally illogical act.  In one fell swoop, the IMF pulled the rug out from under Bernanke’s massive plan to re-liquefy the banking system.  Now you have a potential contagion that could rock the entire financial system.  Your money is no longer safe.  Actually, the value of your money is no longer safe and hasn’t been for a while.

Assuming that you believe that I have been listening to Our Heavenly Father for the last 10 years, you have been exposed to steps I have been taking to protect my family’s financial state.  Isn’t that simply being a good steward?  We have been moving towards zero debt, simplification, and diversification into investments that retain value over the long haul.

Has the fatal mistake been made in the global financial market?  We may soon find out.

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