Finance-oriented Broadcast This Sunday at 7:30PM CDT

In talking with Thom Mills, we believe this would be a good time to have a Finance and Economics-based broadcast in light of the global events now occurring. 

You can ask questions during this live session and I will give you my personal opinion as a response. Of course my opinion does not necessarily reflect the views of Servias Ministries, Inc. nor am I a licensed, qualified investment professional.

To participate and ask questions, go to 

Select the Chat tab to enter your questions or comments.  Hopefully you will find  this broadcast informative and timely.

We expect to return to our normal Bible study broadcast next week on Sunday at 3PM CDT.

The material in the broadcast and on the website have no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of any visitor or participant in any broadcast. This site is published solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments.

References made to third parties are based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as being accurate. Visitors should not regard it as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment. Any opinions expressed in this site are subject to change without notice. Servias Ministries, Inc. is not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein.

Servias Ministries, Inc.’s officers, directors and associates may have an interest in the securities or derivatives of any entities referred to in this material and accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of all or any part of this material. Our comments are an expression of opinion. While we believe our statements to be true, they always depend on the reliability of our own credible sources. We recommend that you consult with a licensed, qualified professional before making any investment decisions.

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