Archive for August, 2012


Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

Matthew 5:9   Blessed [are] the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. (NKJV)

Is there a greater honor than to be included in the “sons of God”?  A son denotes an intimate relationship, authority and inheritance.  Sons are included whereas servants may not be.  These were the words spoken by Jesus for our instruction and benefit.

Many Americans have developed an “us against them” mentality and is promoted by our ego’s desire to be dominant.  Moreover the professional and collegiate sports infrastructure adds fuel to the fire.  NBC reports the medal count of the top five contenders.  Who will be superior in the final tally?  Superiority is furthered by America’s military supremacy around the world.  This can also be seen on the highways as road rage is no longer isolated.  Recent mass shootings are a strong indicator that the moral fiber of the country has become weak.

Love overcomes all other traits.  If your peacemaking is based on Love then you can expect tangible results.  If your peacemaking is based on any other motive, people will see through you and disregard you.  Peoples’ hearts become hardened when there is no expression of Love.  When hate enters in, the person’s view changes to a perverse standard of conduct.  You can’t legislate restraint of hate because it does not address the core issue of the absence of Love.  As you walk in Love and promote peace, you will change people’s lives.  Little by little you will melt away the hatred and low self esteem that many of these people suffer with.  No longer will they need to prove they are superior by bullying others.  Instead they will see the benefits of living in peace and harmony.  When people are in one accord, they can accomplish so much more.

113 Degrees

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Last week Oklahoma City tied its all time record for the high temperature- 113 degrees.  The record heat was tied with August 11th, 1936, seventy-six years ago.  76 is the number of cleansing and Oklahoma is the” Land of the Red Man”.  The red man is being cleansed.  Last year the state set the monthly records for being the hottest state on record, using both the highs and lows for the day.  Thankfully, we are not charged for the sauna here.

The period of cleansing is the bridge from judgment (414) to jubilee (490) a/k/a forgiveness.  The intent behind forgiveness is Love.  Judgment comes as a result of error in some form whether it be lawlessness, failure to pay a financial debt, or ignorance.  Nonetheless, an injustice was done to somebody.  Judgment demands restitution which may perpetuate the cycle of judgment.  If a man cannot pay the debt, do you add additional penalties to increase the debt?  Do you put him in jail thus eliminating his capacity to pay the debt?  Our current system perpetuates the problem and we wonder why we have more incarcerated men and women per capita than any other country in the world.  What is the solution?  A revelation of Love!

Love looks for solutions to the core problem.  Our current system simply deals with the symptoms.  This is much like the current healthcare system.  Cattle, chickens, and hogs are all fed hormones to increase their size and weight in order to improve profitability.  We then consume the meat with traces of the growth hormone and wonder why we gain weight.  We are given foods laced with chemicals in various forms and expect our bodies to process those chemicals and excrete them.  No, many of those chemicals are stored in fatty tissue to protect the rest of the body from their toxic effect.  These chemicals screw with the hormone levels resulting in weight gain.  You have the stored chemicals even if you are not overweight.  In short, the pursuit of profit has put millions in poor health.  Our current healthcare system is attempting to deal with the symptoms of the problem instead of the source of the problem.  Give ‘em a toxin to help reduce weight.

We have an unsustainable economic system at hand.  Retirees will lose some or all of their retirement purchasing power.  There is no positive outcome in the current system.  What is the answer?  Love knows.  Our Heavenly Father has plenty of resources along with the revelation of how to use those resource to support the current global population.  After all, HE did create all of it.  What will unlock the revelation?  Love.  Since HE is the Lawgiver, HE will not allow the lawless to take control of the revelation needed to get us out of this current mess.  HE will raise up a group of Overcomers who will be faithful stewards over the solution.  The one quality those stewards will need is Love.  Love will help the unlovely.  Love will jubilee those in debt.  Love will focus on the core problem, not just the symptoms.  Love will change hearts of men and they will respond and come into unity.  As Love prevails and brings forth unity, problems will be solved and mankind will be restored.  How do I become Love?  Immerse yourself in Love, you become like the company you keep.

Spoofing the Spooks

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

Smile, you’ve been spoofed!

The Purpose of “Ascending to Love”

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

Ephesians 6:12   For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].

Why would the principality of death take an interest in me?  I am but one of many who seek to know Our Heavenly Father in a more personal and intimate way.  It goes back to one of the visions Our Heavenly Father gave to Martin Paulat concerning me: 

I was walking with a crowd at night on a road and came to a fork.  The Lord showed me which road to take.  The other road led down to a town with many lights that drew them.  Most of the people went on that road.  We continued as the road narrowed to a path.  We came to another fork.  The LORD once again told me which path to take.  Most took the other path.  Martin asked, “Is Bob on the right path?”   “Yes”, answered THE LORD.  The path became narrower and those of us still on the path had to walk single file.  Finally the path vanished and we were in a field with no beaten path walking side by side.  (End of vision)

In looking back of the last 7 years, the pursuit of the revelation of Love has been my sole spiritual focus.  The previous attempts on my life by the principality of death occurred in September and November of 1995.  This was the time of receiving the revelation of Tabernacles, the reconciliation of all mankind (no eternal hell),  and the study of the Law.  This ten year study was to prepare me for the focus on Love.  Previous to that I had spent 24 years focusing on faith.

The latest attempt on May 9th occurred as I was preparing to publish this book.  It took Divine intervention to make sure this book made it to the publisher.  Am I so special that Heaven has taken extraordinary measures to keep me around??  No more than any other child of the MOST HIGH GOD.  We all have a part to play in bringing forth the Kingdom.  One of my duties was to spread the revelation of hearing HIS Voice concerning Love.  I am convinced that Love is the foundation of the Kingdom coming to this earth.  We all have seen counterfeit attempts to establish a one world order, none based on Love.  Without Love it is impossible to be in one accord with your brother or sister.  Do you want to be in one accord and at peace with your brother?  If so, your relationship must be based on Love.  Love will overcome any obstacle placed between you and your brother.  Your focus will move from “taker” to “giver”.  You will no longer view the other person with the intent of trying to extract something from him.  Instead, you will desire to improve his life, help him in his weakness, be of service to him.

If you want to hear Our Heavenly Father to greater degree you should focus on HIS primary attribute: Love.  There are those who cannot hear HIM, those who barely hear HIM, and those who hear HIM on a regular basis.  I would suggest that if you want to improve your hearing, Love more.  By turning your focus to Love, you turn your focus toward Heaven.  Read the book.  Immerse yourself in Love.  Be purged of all the worldly trappings that so easily weight you down.  Get additional copies of the book and give to those who have a hunger to know Our Heavenly Father to a greater degree.  The purpose of the book is to move people closer to Our Heavenly Father so that they become fruitful for the Kingdom, improve their hearing, and serve all of mankind.

Details on obtaining the book:

“Ascending to Love” books sent

Saturday, August 4th, 2012

After finally receiving our shipment, our new book “Ascending to Love” has been shipped to those who requested copies.  You may order your copy or copies from:

Servias Ministries, Inc.

PO Box 1471

Bethany, OK 73008

The cover price is $16 and we include shipping.  However if you do not have the funds we will send you the requested copies anyway.  Our goal is to spread the revelation of Love to all whether they have the financial means or not.  We are grateful to those who send in additional contributions which more than offset the cost of publishing and shipping.  We are pleased to bless those who desire a greater understanding of the Character of Our Heavenly Father!

In the Kingdom Economy, those with resources help those who are in need so that all needs are met.  As we plant seed in the Kingdom, we trust Our Heavenly Father to provide the increase in whatever form it takes.  In HIS Kingdom, there is abundance, not scarcity.

The Risk inside Financial Markets

Friday, August 3rd, 2012

I wrote my first computer program in 1971 using 80 column punch cards.  Many of you have never heard of punch cards.  Forty-one years later and the same fundamentals still apply to writing software- you are only as good as your weakest programmer.  Programs are more complex and databases are much larger. 2.5 megabyte disk drives were standard back then.  Storage space was at a premium.  Now disk capacity is cheap, memory is cheap, but errors still occur.

The latest financial exposure is at Knight Capital Group.  A software glitch caused a $440 million loss, or so they say.  Did one single line of code wipe out nearly a half a billion bucks?  Possibly.  Do you think this is the only bad piece of software code out there?  What about the recent double posting of debits for mortgage payments in Great Britain?  Maybe now you can understand why I don’t pay bills online.  Do I really want a third party putting what little cash I have at risk?  The system presses us to go cashless and checkless.  It is to their benefit, not mine.  A check is a tangible contract and is much easier to track than a few bits in a vast computer network created by a debit card.

Do you have most of your stocks in a brokerage account?  If so, third parties can expose you to risk.  That is why I have most of our stocks in certificate form or in direct registration.  As the following article shows, things can go south inside of a week:

Global risks can increase as quickly.  You have once again been warned.

Building a Spiritual Network versus a Social Network

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

Facebook, Linkedin, and other social networks provide Internet users the ability to share their social interests with others.  In some cases, it replaces face-to-face fellowship.  Taken to an extreme, the user will lose valuable social skills of reading the body language of others.  Social media should never be used to replace quality fellowship. is intended to become a Spiritual Network.  It is intended to become an infrastructure to link those who are called to establish the Kingdom of Our Heavenly Father on earth.  As more people make the commitment to become an “aspiring overcomer” the Kingdom database will grow.  Within this informational database we will develop a clearinghouse of skill sets and callings as well as tangible assets committed to the Kingdom.  As the need arises, we will be able to match resources to needs.  A Kingdom Infrastructure will result.

We need to be in one accord, in unity, of like mind.  Moreover we each need to be identified among the brethren so that we can pool our resources when a Kingdom project arises.  Many of us get frustrated when we are not walking in the fullness of our calling.  By coming forth in unity and becoming part of a community, opportunities to operate in our calling will come forth.

Now is the time to come forth in unity.  We have been in somewhat of an isolated state by design.  We each needed to mature in the various aspects of our gifts, callings, and resources.  Though geographically separated, we now have the ability to network together through the Internet.  We now can communicate our agreement with Our Heavenly Father and our brethren.

Is complete?  No, it is in its infancy but we expect it to develop as our community of overcomers develop.  Those who have a heart to serve will gladly become a part of the Kingdom Infrastructure.

Due to the sensitive nature of our personal data, we opted to use our own servers and build the network ourselves using world class servers.  We could have simply signed up on one of the social networks.  These networks are supported by programmers and staff we do not know.  More important, we do not know their motivation.  The social networks are designed and expected to create profit.  Facebook generates billions in advertising revenue.  They must “serve” the dollar, we must serve Our Heavenly Father.

To sign up:

1. go to

2. click on the button “To Learn More”

3. fill out the form and “Submit Request”

We will send a confirming email with your UserID and password to sign on to the site.  You will then enter your profile information that you want to share with us.  As our network grows, the site will add features to facilitate bringing forth the Kingdom.

Glenn Beck on “Restoring Love”

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Unbeknownst to me until Saturday, Glenn Beck was holding a “Restoring Love” meeting at the Dallas Cowboy Football Stadium at the same time as our meeting at the Tree Farm in Minnesota.  It now appears that others are embracing the need to bring Love to the forefront:

Glenn focuses now on “serving” mankind.  This is exciting to me since I have been proclaiming this message since 2005.  Our Heavenly Father continues to move on people to focus on HIS core characteristic: Love!

The “Third Awakening” started in 2005.