
Matthew 5:9   Blessed [are] the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. (NKJV)

Is there a greater honor than to be included in the “sons of God”?  A son denotes an intimate relationship, authority and inheritance.  Sons are included whereas servants may not be.  These were the words spoken by Jesus for our instruction and benefit.

Many Americans have developed an “us against them” mentality and is promoted by our ego’s desire to be dominant.  Moreover the professional and collegiate sports infrastructure adds fuel to the fire.  NBC reports the medal count of the top five contenders.  Who will be superior in the final tally?  Superiority is furthered by America’s military supremacy around the world.  This can also be seen on the highways as road rage is no longer isolated.  Recent mass shootings are a strong indicator that the moral fiber of the country has become weak.

Love overcomes all other traits.  If your peacemaking is based on Love then you can expect tangible results.  If your peacemaking is based on any other motive, people will see through you and disregard you.  Peoples’ hearts become hardened when there is no expression of Love.  When hate enters in, the person’s view changes to a perverse standard of conduct.  You can’t legislate restraint of hate because it does not address the core issue of the absence of Love.  As you walk in Love and promote peace, you will change people’s lives.  Little by little you will melt away the hatred and low self esteem that many of these people suffer with.  No longer will they need to prove they are superior by bullying others.  Instead they will see the benefits of living in peace and harmony.  When people are in one accord, they can accomplish so much more.

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