Archive for June, 2012

Eliminating Sovereignty using Monetary Weapons

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

The Germans invaded France in 1870.  See:

The Germans invaded France in 1914.  See:

The Germans invaded France in 1940.  See:

None of those attempts worked out for Germany.  There was much loss of life and destruction of property associated with those attempts.  This time the method is different.  The strategists have finally figured it out.  You create an easy money policy and convince the population to borrow more money than they can possibly pay back.  You then threaten to cut off their ability to sustain their current lifestyle.  What are the people willing to give up: lifestyle or sovereignty?  Germany has the strongest economy of the European Union and they are wielding their economic power in an attempt to force the other European countries into a “sovereign” economic union where each country must give up its independence and submit to a central government and central bank.  Of course, Germany would be the major ruling entity.  Do you think that will fly?

The use of fear of the unknown is enabling those in power to sway many to give up the sovereignty.  Many of the people are now living in hopelessness.  Unemployment of the youth exceeds 50% across most of the countries.  Hopelessness leads to desperation.  Desperation leads to an extreme response, one way or another.  Either submission or violence will ensue.  The U.S. understands this as well.  Could this be why some of the Executive Orders have promoted greater control over the population even though they have not yet been acted upon?

Control can be achieved by might or money.  If you have they monetary system on your side, money is the preferred method.  However, if you decide to pursue a simpler, non-leveraged life, what can the wealthy lure you with?  The trappings of this world lead to entrapment.  Think about it.

An Example of Managing Perception instead of reporting Reality

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Bloomberg reported yesterday: “Household Net Worth in U.S. Increases by Most Since 2004”.

The article would have us believe that all is getting better. See:

Wrong.  What it fails to tell the reader is that for the 3rd quarter of 2011: “Net worth for households and non-profit groups decreased by $2.45 trillion to $57.4 trillion, the Federal Reserve said today in its flow of funds report from Washington. Americans reduced debt in the third quarter, extending a string of declines dating back three years”.


If you only read the first article, the mainstream media (MSM) would give you the perception that things are getting better.  Is it poor reporting or is there some mandate to make us think that things are better than they truly are?  Bloomberg wrote both articles.  You be the judge.

Pain ahead

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Debt levels continue to be at historic highs both in the personal sector as well as the public sector.  To qualify for a loan, the lending institutions have reverted back to rather stringent borrowing requirements so it doesn’t matter how low the cost of money is, people won’t or can’t borrow more.  To add insult to injury, the savers are being punished by being paid virtually nothing for their savings accounts.  The beneficiary is the federal government.  Near zero interest rates keep the interest payments unrealistically low so the government can delay any attempt to reduce spending.  With such a large debt structure any interest rate spikes could send the economy  into a tailspin.  The Federal Reserve believes that inflating your way out of debt is the only road to take.  This means that any wealth you have accumulated that does not keep up with inflation will be depreciated in purchasing power in order to pay for poor fiscal policy decisions.  The innocent once again pay for the guilty.

There is no silver bullet to solve this situation.  Someone will pay.  The con artist will attempt to misdirect you in order to extract your money.  The strategists will attempt to convince you all is well while your hard earned wealth gets sucked out of your savings account.  Terms such as “for the greater good” will be resurrected to convince the population to rally around the Flag.  Exploitation of the masses will occur until their eyes are opened and demand change.

Manipulation of the paper markets will continue to support the rhetoric coming out of politicians’ mouths.  Silver is depressed versus gold and its volatility tends to scare away investors who are not sure about the macroeconomic picture.  Historically, I have found that predicting the timing of macroeconomic change is nearly impossible.  The current environment seems to hang on longer than anyone can project.  But when that day comes, many will be caught off guard.  In the meantime, stay lean and mean.  Move your debt level to zero and keep your precious metal monthly purchasing program intact (if you have available funds).  “If you can’t pay cash don’t buy it” as Momma used to say.  “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Those who are called to serve should prepare to do just that.  We are all in this together and we should encourage others to set aside their “me and my four and no more” attitude and start thinking about the less fortunate.  Their numbers will soon increase dramatically.  Love and unity will then take center stage!

There is such an attitude of elitism and entitlement out there that I expect much sorrow to be attached to the coming pain.  Men’s and women’s egos continue to exalt themselves over others in an attempt to convince themselves that they are “special” and should be treated in that manner.  Israel demanded a king and was put into a long term judgment cycle because they wanted a social class hierarchy.  They rejected an intimate relationship with Our Heavenly Father who is not in “ego feeding” business.  Jesus made himself of no reputation but many who claim to be mature in Christendom, seek to exalt themselves over others.  When the current system comes tumbling down, pain and sorrow be widespread even among those who were thought to be mature in Christ.  Focusing on Love now will properly position you for the upcoming events.

Eurozone Realities

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

Bank runs in Europe are moving closer to a wide scale basis.  Countries are passing legislation to restrict capital flows.  The U.S. does not want its citizens moving money out of its borders.  Why?  They are concerned about future economic stability.  The think tanks are busy trying to foresee what might happen given the current circumstances.  One must only look at the actions of leaders to determine what they are privately thinking.  While they are attempting to sell the public on the idea that “all is well” and we are on the road to recovery, they are busy implementing stop gap measures to prevent the wheels coming off the economic wagon.  Freedoms are being curbed, tax laws are becoming more restrictive, and don’t forget to empty your pockets before going into security to board your plane.  Large corporations and banks receive favorable treatment as we enter into the uncharted territory of economic lawlessness.  The problem in the Eurozone runs parallel to that of the U.S.  We are told that things are manageable then suddenly the politicians call for emergency meetings.  This has been the rule since 2008.  We reported the current issues years in advance.  This is not new news.  Our Heavenly Father has given us adequate warning about the impending economic disaster.  The following slides from a great presentation provide us some detail of the issue in Europe.  The  U.S. could be substituted for Germany but with larger numbers.  In the link below, you can view all slides of the presentation.  In the end of this complex issue, who is on the line for the losses?  The taxpayer/saver who has his wealth concentrated in paper currency.  What a mess!

The following is part of the core issue to Germany:


As the housing bubble bursts:


Who is at risk?



Kingdom Enterprises

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Read the following and contemplate it:

The problem with "Christian" businesses is just that —
    Christian business — they are not Kingdom

Christian businesses try to take the world’s model —
    the bottom line being money — and add Christ to
    it.  It is like when My Son first came: they had a
    model, Judaism, and they wanted to keep it.  They
    wanted to add Christ to Judaism and keep all the
    old ways.

This is the same today, not because people don’t
    have the right heart, but because they do not
    have the revelation of what a Kingdom Enterprise
    is, its foundation, its principles, or how it is to
    function in the Kingdom.

This is KEY — profound — pay attention!
    The foundation is Me, My Love, and to serve people.
    The bottom line of Kingdom Enterprises is not
    money, nor can it be.
To check what your bottom line is; check what
    your decisions are made from — money or people.
Decisions in the Kingdom will be made because they
    are right and in line with the Kingdom — not
    because of money.

Money is to be used in the Kingdom and for the Kingdom,
    but will not to be the basis of the Kingdom.
So this is the start of what I have to show you
    about Kingdom Enterprises.

As I have shown before, to have the proper Foundation
    and bottom line is KEY for a Kingdom Enterprise.
Some think the purpose of a Kingdom Enterprise should
    be making money.  It is not.  It is service; money
    is the by-product of a fruitful Kingdom Enterprise —
    with the proper Foundation and Covenant.

After the proper Foundation is established, next comes
    the Covenant.  I start relationships with a Covenant.
    First, between Myself and initiators , and then with
    the people.  The Covenant states that the initiators
    and the Kingdom Enterprise will embody all of Who I
    AM — Love, Mercy, Grace, Justice, and that people
    are more important than money. This will be the
    Covenant that the Kingdom Enterprise will operate from.

Then will come the Covenant between the initiators
    and the people (helpers or doers).  They will covenant
    with the people that they, as initiators,  will fully
    implement the Covenant that they have made with Me.

If the people believe in the Foundation and Covenant
    between Me and the initiators, then they will enter
    into the Covenant.  It becomes their Covenant — a
    Covenant between Me, the initiators, the people
    and the Kingdom Enterprise.

A Kingdom Enterprise will be unified as one in the
    Covenant with shared goals for the purpose of
    service.  No longer, as with worldly businesses,
    will there be competing groups that bring separation.
When the Kingdom comes in fullness, it will be a whole
    New World where enterprises will be conducted in
    My ways, not because of the bottom line of money.
My Kingdom come! is now under peer review

Monday, June 4th, 2012

I was asked to speak at the Dallas Pentecost  Conference that happened to begin on the 153rd day of the year.  It was appropriate to announce that the Kingdom Enterprise website was now operational since that day happened to be my target for completing the initial development of the website.  Our Heavenly Father chose that day back on March 17th at the Sunny Day meeting in Eau Claire, WI.  We are all called to be obedient to HIS Word.  I am doing my part and I trust you are doing your part as well.  If not, Our Heavenly Father will raise others to complete the tasks at hand.

This website will begin the process of connecting people with callings and resources reserved for establishing the Kingdom of GOD on earth.  The site is designed for global access and is funded through Servias Ministries, Inc. and/or its directors.  We expect the site to grow and expand in function as Our Heavenly Father directs.  We expect “Kingdom Enterprises” to arise from the connections made here.  Their focus will be to serve mankind rather than mammon.  What a refreshing thought!  Love will be the basis for Kingdom Enterprises rather than greed and lust.  Any information you enter in is voluntary.  Clearly the more complete will enable us to “connect the dots” as the needs of the Kingdom arise.

The website will be reviewed and updated before people will be allowed to enter their detailed information for inclusion on the Kingdom initiative.  In the meantime, let me explain how you can sign up.

Go to

To request a User ID and password, click on KG_Learn

You will be sent to another page.  On this page you will have the opportunity to complete the following:

Fill out the information: CropperCapture[95]

Click on Submit Request and you will be emailed a User ID and Password to enter the website once the site has been reviewed for general use.