Pain ahead

Debt levels continue to be at historic highs both in the personal sector as well as the public sector.  To qualify for a loan, the lending institutions have reverted back to rather stringent borrowing requirements so it doesn’t matter how low the cost of money is, people won’t or can’t borrow more.  To add insult to injury, the savers are being punished by being paid virtually nothing for their savings accounts.  The beneficiary is the federal government.  Near zero interest rates keep the interest payments unrealistically low so the government can delay any attempt to reduce spending.  With such a large debt structure any interest rate spikes could send the economy  into a tailspin.  The Federal Reserve believes that inflating your way out of debt is the only road to take.  This means that any wealth you have accumulated that does not keep up with inflation will be depreciated in purchasing power in order to pay for poor fiscal policy decisions.  The innocent once again pay for the guilty.

There is no silver bullet to solve this situation.  Someone will pay.  The con artist will attempt to misdirect you in order to extract your money.  The strategists will attempt to convince you all is well while your hard earned wealth gets sucked out of your savings account.  Terms such as “for the greater good” will be resurrected to convince the population to rally around the Flag.  Exploitation of the masses will occur until their eyes are opened and demand change.

Manipulation of the paper markets will continue to support the rhetoric coming out of politicians’ mouths.  Silver is depressed versus gold and its volatility tends to scare away investors who are not sure about the macroeconomic picture.  Historically, I have found that predicting the timing of macroeconomic change is nearly impossible.  The current environment seems to hang on longer than anyone can project.  But when that day comes, many will be caught off guard.  In the meantime, stay lean and mean.  Move your debt level to zero and keep your precious metal monthly purchasing program intact (if you have available funds).  “If you can’t pay cash don’t buy it” as Momma used to say.  “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Those who are called to serve should prepare to do just that.  We are all in this together and we should encourage others to set aside their “me and my four and no more” attitude and start thinking about the less fortunate.  Their numbers will soon increase dramatically.  Love and unity will then take center stage!

There is such an attitude of elitism and entitlement out there that I expect much sorrow to be attached to the coming pain.  Men’s and women’s egos continue to exalt themselves over others in an attempt to convince themselves that they are “special” and should be treated in that manner.  Israel demanded a king and was put into a long term judgment cycle because they wanted a social class hierarchy.  They rejected an intimate relationship with Our Heavenly Father who is not in “ego feeding” business.  Jesus made himself of no reputation but many who claim to be mature in Christendom, seek to exalt themselves over others.  When the current system comes tumbling down, pain and sorrow be widespread even among those who were thought to be mature in Christ.  Focusing on Love now will properly position you for the upcoming events.

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