Too Big To Fail Gets Bigger

November 14th, 2013

WASHINGTON — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) warned in a speech Tuesday that the problem of banks considered "too big to fail" has only gotten worse since the 2008 financial crisis, potentially sowing the seeds of a future crisis.

"Today, the four biggest banks are 30 percent larger than they were five years ago. And the five largest banks now hold more than half of the total banking assets in the country," Warren said in a keynote address at a conference on the future of financial reform put on by the Roosevelt Institute, a think tank. "Who would have thought five years ago, after we witnessed firsthand the dangers of an overly concentrated financial system, that the ‘too big to fail’ problem would only have gotten worse?"


Unrighteousness grows worse everyday.  At some point, a banking crisis will again surface, but only bigger.  Man has no real solutions but to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results.


November 13th, 2013

James 4:13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” 16 But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.

17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

We have no excuse.  Generally, those who read these blogs are well versed in Scripture.  As of today, I have previously written 360 blogs on Love by itself.  One could say that I have circumnavigated the subject 360 degrees.  Our Heavenly Father has made it quite clear we should be walking in a greater revelation of Love.  By not submitting to HIS call, you are moving toward sin.  Isn’t that the essence of verse 17 above?

“If the Lord wills” denotes the need to hear HIS Voice.  Our daily walk should be one of sensitivity to HIS commands, urgings, and corrections.  We are to minister to mankind as HE directs us.  People who are thirsty for the Living water should seek us out.  As we become “Love”, they will detect it and be drawn to us.  Each day should start with an expectation to extend the Kingdom of Our Heavenly Father.  Instead, most people have their own agenda based on pride and arrogance.  They exploit others for self gratification.  They belittle others to exalt “self”.

America has become the epitome of arrogance and greed.  Yes, there are pockets of Love and gratitude, but for the most part, America has earned a reputation for its arrogant behavior.  As a nation, we have masked our boasting as being patriotic, just as the lawmakers have disguised new oppressive laws with terms such as “patriot”, “affordable”, and “reform”.  You can put a positive twist to describe something, but in the end it is still sin.

What is the solution?  Repent and turn away from your wicked ways.  Replace arrogance with gratitude.  Treat those with less means no different than others.  If you don’t know what to do, just stop going in the direction that brought you the emptiness.  Doing nothing is better than sinning.  Once you stop, focus on what is good and start doing it.  The Scripture is full of actions associated with “good”.  Just start by doing one thing each day for someone else besides “me and my four and no more”.  Quit spending so much time on “self” and start ministering life to others.  As you purpose to serve others, arrogance will depart.  Once people detect a person with pure intent, they become attracted to that person.

If you still don’t know how to get started, get the books we offer at .  Read them and they will help direct you toward the Wisdom from Above.  You become what you focus on and immerse yourself in.  If you seek wisdom, It will respond.  If you seek sin, it will find you.  It is your choice.

Proverbs 16:16

How much better to get wisdom than gold!
And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.

State Pension Liability Picture

November 13th, 2013

Besides the Federal Unfunded Liabilities, the individual states have their own challenges.  Let’s not forget the city unfunded liabilities as well.  How much more debt can the future generation absorb?  Who is going to be responsible for all the mounting debt in an economy that is not responding to the Fed’s $85 Billion per month stimulus?

State Budget Solutions 50 State Pension Table, Moody’s Plan List (all figures except Per Capita in thousands)


Actuarial Assets   

Market Liability

   Funded Ratio             

Unfunded Liability










































































































































































New Hampshire






New Jersey






New Mexico






New York






North Carolina






North Dakota






























Rhode Island






South Carolina






South Dakota










































West Virginia























Note: this spreadsheet included pension plans listed in Moody’s Investors Service’s "Adjusted Pension Liability Medians for U.S. States," published June 27, 2013


Default or Hyperinflation

November 12th, 2013

The staggering debt levels in the U.S. economy can only be resolved by two options: Default or Hyperinflation.  Either way, I believe those who have positioned themselves with physical assets will weather the coming economic storm.  Both options will create economic pain.  I tend toward the hyperinflation option, based on the current and past attitudes of those in power.  Hyperinflation allows you to “legally” pay your debts off.  Those in power like to hide behind existing laws and use the law as their justification for their actions.  They use the “letter” of the law rather than the “intent” of the law to further their own agendas.  This is the classic case of self-interest at an extreme.

When there is a disconnect between authority and responsibility, problems arise.  Those in authority have no resulting responsibility for their actions.  Why?  The populace is not in one accord thus there is no unanimous voice to say “No” to the irresponsible decisions of the few.  The two party system is designed to divide the people, each group looking at the weaknesses of the other group as its justification for existence.

The largest bank in the United States will stop making student loans in a few weeks. (See:  JP Morgan Chase has notified schools that it is exiting the student loan market in a few weeks.  This should tell you that this bubble is getting ready to burst.  With over $1 Trillion in student loans, American households are teetering on default if interest rates rise.  This is why the Fed cannot and will not taper their $85 Billion per month of money printing.  This continued money printing will serve as a basis of a greater inflationary period to come.  At some point, gold and silver prices will sustain upward moves to new levels.  Remember when gold was $275 per ounce and silver was $5 to $6?

The recent lack of resolving the debt ceiling tells us that the politicians have no stomach for doing the right thing.   Some now believe we don’t even need a debt ceiling.  Too bad we as individuals can’t have an unlimited checkbook to feed our egos.  Where am I gonna park my yacht?

What is the solution to our problem?  Unity among the people.  How can that be attained?  By everyone getting the revelation of Love.  Until then, we are destined for pain.

The Pool of Water

November 11th, 2013

Isaiah 41:

17 ​​“The poor and needy seek water, but there is none,

​​Their tongues fail for thirst.

​​I, the LORD, will hear them;

​​I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.

18 ​​I will open rivers in desolate heights,

​​And fountains in the midst of the valleys;

​​I will make the wilderness a pool of water,

​​And the dry land springs of water.

19 ​​I will plant in the wilderness the cedar and the acacia tree,

​​The myrtle and the oil tree;

​​I will set in the desert the cypress tree and the pine

​​And the box tree together,

20 ​​That they may see and know,

​​And consider and understand together,

​​That the hand of the LORD has done this,

​​And the Holy One of Israel has created it.  NKJV

In our Bible Study yesterday, my wife was describing a vision given to her by Our Heavenly Father when she read page 1 of Kemper’s book.  However, we failed to fully explore its implications.  Her discussion of this began 20 minutes into yesterday’s study.  The vision revealed to her that “the wilderness” is our individual body.  As we partake of HIS Word, HIS Living Water starts flowing through our veins.  This Living Water makes it to our heart and begins to totally encompass our “arid” heart, changing it.  Once changed, we begin to be fruitful.  Our desert is no longer barren but will be productive by its new nature.  It is Our Heavenly Father Who plants the trees to enable us to be fruitful.  HE opens the rivers and fountains of Living Water.  The desolate heights could be seen as our minds.  The Remnant are the ones thirsting after HIM and HE responds by satisfying the thirst within us.

The cedar tree was used for purification. (wisdom)

The acacia tree was used to build the walls of the Tabernacle. (understanding)

The myrtle tree’s branches were used to “wave” during the Feast of Tabernacles.

The oil tree produced the oil for light. (revelation)

The cypress, pine, an box trees provided for the structure of the rest of the “House” of THE LORD:

Isaiah 60:13… “The cypress, the pine, and the box tree together, To beautify the place of My sanctuary”

As Pamela saw in her vision, “We are the wilderness being transformed” into a dwelling place for HIS use.  HE is providing us wisdom, understanding, and a full revelation of Tabernacles as HE is building a dwelling place to reside… US!

Chinese Oil Consumption Impact

November 10th, 2013

Why does China need U.S. Dollars to buy oil from these trading partners?  Because the current system overseers say so.  I wonder if the Chinese would like to see a different economic system?  How about those listed trading partners?

It looks like there may be a change in the petrodollar’s future coming soon.

Today’s Online Bible Study Broadcast: Raising the Remnant

November 10th, 2013

At 3 PM Central Daylight Time we will have our next Bible Study live on the Internet. Servias Ministries offers this to allow our brothers and sisters around the world to pursue the most important characteristic of Our Heavenly Father with us. HIS Love is the primary motivation in which all of creation is framed. All aspects of understanding the depth of Scripture require us to view revelation from a standpoint of Love.

Notify your friends of our Bible Study and give them an opportunity to join us. As the Revelation of Love expands our the globe, people’s lives will be transformed.

This week we will begin our study that follows Kemper Ditzler’s new book: "Raising the Remnant" and he will be with us for this broadcast.

To participate live or watch this Bible study as a recording afterwards, go to

You can purchase the book at

You can receive a free copy by writing us at:

Servias Ministries

PO Box 1471

Bethany, OK  73008    USA

We will send multiple books to those who want to study the book in their local Bible study groups.  Just let us know.

Cookin’ the Books

November 10th, 2013

This week continues to confirm my past comments about the state of the economy.  The rosy U.S.  unemployment numbers came out this week: “204,000 jobs were added”.  However, John Williams of comments:

“With Washington awash in scandals, political turmoil and sinking approval ratings, the political timing could not have been better for this morning’s (November 8th) stronger-than-expected jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).  An unusual shift of favorable seasonal-adjustment factors—into the August, September and October reporting period—boosted the latest jobs numbers.  The jobs growth borrowed from other periods will be buried in the next benchmark revision or will be re-shifted in the months ahead, with the details never to surface in official reporting.  Separately, the October payroll survey counted furloughed government employees as employed, as the BLS previously had indicated.”

Let’s face it, the Bureau of Labor Statistics “cooked the books” and it appears they really don’t care if guys like John Williams knows about it.  Watcha gonna do about it?

Why misrepresent the employment numbers?  The only reason you would do this is to try to convince the overall market that things are better than they really are.  You want to promote an illusion to keep people passive about the current state of the economy.  John has been keeping close eyes on the real unemployment numbers, currently at 23.5%.  What does this tell you?  Nothing that the Federal Reserve Bank is doing has positively impacted the average American.  To the contrary, their zero interest rate policy is taking money aware from the middle-class savers and putting it into the pockets of the bankers and top 1%.  They have successfully inflated the stock market.  How?  Where else can money managers go to earn any type of return on investment?  The Fed is forcing all investors to put money in a riskier environment.  The result is that the stock market is making new highs.  Once the chickens come home to roost, the market will possibly take an epic dive.  At that time, people will suffer major losses.  Bonds are in the same shape.  Once interest rates finally go back up, the bondholders will suffer huge losses.  If the other countries begin to trade among themselves without the use of U.S. Dollars but agree on another currency for settlement, the value of the U.S. Dollar will plummet and prices will skyrocket.  Inflation will increase dramatically.

Stock losses, bond losses, dollar losses, and high inflation.  That is a pretty bleak picture.  Where would one go to try to offset major losses in these areas?  Physical assets.  Gold, silver, oil, natural gas, farmland.  You can see why there is such attention paid to the price of gold by the Federal Reserve’s agent banks trying to manipulate the price of gold downward.  It is the one global indicator of the health of the U.S. Dollar.  When it goes up dramatically, it signals big losses in the value of the Dollar.  Holders of the Dollar are then alerted that it is time to dump their Dollar holdings and move to a safer medium of value.  The Chinese are well aware of this issue.  This is why they continue to aggressively acquire gold before the bottom falls out below the Dollar.

The following chart provides us perspective:

If the Chinese fully trusted the future of the U.S. Dollar, they would not be in such a hurry to increase the gold reserves.  Actions speak louder than words!

Optimizing Your Health

November 9th, 2013

Make no mistake, you can be sure there will be unintended consequences when Obamacare fully kicks in.  It’s not a matter of “if”, but “when”.  One of the keys to improving your health is losing weight, eating healthier, and taking supplements as needed..  My family is focused on doing all three.

If you need to lose weight, you must weigh yourself everyday with a reliable scale.  I prefer a digital scale that measures tenths of a pound.  Every morning when I wake up, I weigh and then record my weight.  I also write notes of what might have negatively impacted my weight.  The biggest issue appears to be excess salt.  When I eat some heavily salted food such as popcorn or chips, my body retains extra water to insure its internal equilibrium.  It usually takes about 48 hours for my body to readjust from the impact of an overdose of salt.

I received a Word from Our Heavenly Father yesterday… literally one word- inflammation.  HE then said we should focus on eliminating inflammation from our bodies.  In pondering this, I knew the EDS technology would identify invaders, the source of inflammation.  However, there are other things we can do to actively reduce chronic inflammation.

Exercise is critical to pumping your lymphatic system, the body’s drainage system.  Toxins and bacteria are dealt with by this system.  (see:  I have noticed that I always feel better after my 30 minutes of exercise.  If I have been dealing with a virus, my symptoms diminish.  A virus produces bacteria and that bacteria must be dealt with by the body.  Exercise promotes the processing by the body of this bacteria.  (OK, this is the layman describing the process).

Eating healthier is tougher than we admit.  It takes real commitment.  If you want to know how to prepare for Obamacare, you must eat healthier and stay out of the doctor’s office.  Most doctors are “treaters”, not “healers”.  They have been taught to prescribe pharmaceuticals to treat your symptoms, not deal with the source of the symptom.  They protect themselves legally by operating under the acceptable “standard of care” umbrella established by the American Medical Association.  Who is to say what is best for my body besides me?  Who can claim expertise in having full knowledge of all the toxins, bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and the various diseases that I have been exposed to over my lifetime?  Only my body.  Do I consciously know the full list of invaders?  No.  But my body does.  Within our bodies, we have a complex system that knows what we have been exposed to, when, and  the relative impact to our current state of health.  As we focus on improving our health, we can “listen” to the body and be sensitive to its needs.  There is no reason you can’t tap into this aspect of your bio system.  In one of our recent Bible studies, Dr. Speckhart illustrated the use of a pendulum in determining whether a food agreed with your bio-field.  That is a starting point.  If you ingest something that disagrees with your bio-field, you are probably promoting inflammation.  If you do it long enough, you have created “chronic” inflammation.  This has a major, negative impact on your state of health.  Drug trials have no full biological history of the participants in the study.  This is why some people die during a large trial.  The chemical they take in reacts with existing toxins in their body and overtakes the body’s defenses.  Death results.  This is one reason many pharmaceutical commercials spend 2/3 of the air time warning us about potential complications of ingesting their product… and they call this an acceptable “standard of care”?

This morning, I happened onto this article on inflammation:

The current state of health among the population is going to change, one way or another.  You can either submit your body to the system, or take responsibility over your own health.  Your health is not my responsibility, it is yours.  However, Love serves mankind and I want to serve you in a positive fashion by increasing your awareness of positive, possible outcomes that can impact your life and be a blessing to you.  If I know of something that might improve your health, why not share it?  I expect to write more on the research and outcomes I have been exposed to in the past.  Let’s get healthy!

PS:  In the large pharmaceutical research drug trials, “unintended consequences” is the term used when a participant dies as a result of taking the drug.  That sounds a little better than “we killed ‘em”.

The 3rd Baptism: The Pattern Son

November 8th, 2013

Jesus Christ is our ultimate example.  His life provides us with many examples we should expect to walk in as well:

John 14:12  “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”

Jesus Himself spoke these words to us.  “He who believes in Me” is the key to these greater works.  We should carefully follow His pattern of growth to maturity.  Jesus didn’t start out His ministry to the masses at birth, He spent time maturing and preparing for His calling.  Not much is said about this period, but Luke provides a few details:

Luke 2:40   And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.

It is critical for us to also be filled with wisdom for it is the foundation of our house.  We will spend significant time on this particular aspect of maturing as we study “Raising the Remnant” in our weekly Bible Study broadcast.  You can purchase a copy of the book at

Luke 2:42   And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast.

Before reaching full maturity and before walking in the fullness of His calling, Jesus observed the three annual Jewish feasts: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.

Luke 2: 46 Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.

At the age of 12, Jesus had studied and understood Scripture well enough to amaze the teachers.  Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  The Word was in His heart.  He was not only filled with wisdom, but also understanding, knowledge, and skill, yet He spent another 18 years in preparation before He would fulfill all three feasts.  This was a time of letting patience have her perfect work, lacking nothing.  During this time, He was fruitful, He didn’t just sit around waiting for His 30th birthday:

Luke 2:. 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

When Jesus had come to full maturity according to the Law, He was now to fulfill all three feasts as an example unto us:

Matthew 3:15 But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him.

16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water (Passover); and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him (Pentecost). 17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

At a personal level, Jesus would go through the process of proceeding through all three feasts.  He had observed the feasts from His boyhood and understood the need to experience each feast to provide us a pattern or process we must walk through as well.  During the Pentecost period, it was necessary for Him to go through His wilderness experience just as the children of Israel had experienced in the time of Moses.  Instead of 40 years, He was to spend 40 days in the wilderness.  After His Pentecost experience of “receiving the Spirit” at the Jordan, the Spirit led Him into the wilderness to fulfill Pentecost:

Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.

This is the appointed time to bring our bodies into submission.  We must die to the flesh and not feed the ego.  As a requirement of the maturing process, we must be tested in the area of our greatest weaknesses.  We will not be fully mature without being severely tested.  How else can we be found worthy to walk in the fullness of the Tabernacles calling?  Jesus had fasted for 40 days.  What better initial test than to tempt Jesus with food:

:3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”

How did Jesus respond?  By the Word written in His heart and in His mind:

4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’

Next, Jesus was tempted with use of power:

5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written:

​​‘​He shall give His angels charge over you,’


​‘In their hands they shall bear you up,

​​Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’

The devil used the phrase “if You are the Son of God” to test Jesus and see if pride would be found in Jesus in His response.  Jesus did not need to defend His calling for He knew His relationship with Our Heavenly Father.  Instead, Jesus responded with The Word:

7 Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God.’

The third temptation focused on authority:

8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

10 Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’

Once again, Jesus responded with The Word.  He was not intimidated by the devil and would not be moved by the offers of surrogate power and authority.  He knew that power and authority originated with Our Heavenly Father and that usurped authority was not an option.  His calling would have sufficient power and authority given by His Heavenly Father to operate in its fullness at the appointed time.

After Jesus had completed His Pentecostal time of testing:

Luke4:14 Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit (Tabernacles) to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region. 15 And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.

Once the Pentecostal phase was completed, Jesus walked in the power of the Spirit, being glorified by all.  He was now walking in the fullness of His calling.  He was able to heal, raise people from the dead, walk on water, teleport himself in an instant from one location to another, and become invisible to the crowds.  And what did He preach?  “Now is the time!”

Matthew 4:17 17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

This Sunday, we will begin our Study following Kemper’s book “Raising the Remnant”.  The essence of this book is to focus on maturing the sons and daughters to the fullness of their calling.  I strongly urge those who are seeking to walk in the fullness of the Spirit, the 3rd Baptism of Love, to join us for this study.  The study is on Sunday’s at 3PM CST at: