
James 4:13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” 16 But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.

17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

We have no excuse.  Generally, those who read these blogs are well versed in Scripture.  As of today, I have previously written 360 blogs on Love by itself.  One could say that I have circumnavigated the subject 360 degrees.  Our Heavenly Father has made it quite clear we should be walking in a greater revelation of Love.  By not submitting to HIS call, you are moving toward sin.  Isn’t that the essence of verse 17 above?

“If the Lord wills” denotes the need to hear HIS Voice.  Our daily walk should be one of sensitivity to HIS commands, urgings, and corrections.  We are to minister to mankind as HE directs us.  People who are thirsty for the Living water should seek us out.  As we become “Love”, they will detect it and be drawn to us.  Each day should start with an expectation to extend the Kingdom of Our Heavenly Father.  Instead, most people have their own agenda based on pride and arrogance.  They exploit others for self gratification.  They belittle others to exalt “self”.

America has become the epitome of arrogance and greed.  Yes, there are pockets of Love and gratitude, but for the most part, America has earned a reputation for its arrogant behavior.  As a nation, we have masked our boasting as being patriotic, just as the lawmakers have disguised new oppressive laws with terms such as “patriot”, “affordable”, and “reform”.  You can put a positive twist to describe something, but in the end it is still sin.

What is the solution?  Repent and turn away from your wicked ways.  Replace arrogance with gratitude.  Treat those with less means no different than others.  If you don’t know what to do, just stop going in the direction that brought you the emptiness.  Doing nothing is better than sinning.  Once you stop, focus on what is good and start doing it.  The Scripture is full of actions associated with “good”.  Just start by doing one thing each day for someone else besides “me and my four and no more”.  Quit spending so much time on “self” and start ministering life to others.  As you purpose to serve others, arrogance will depart.  Once people detect a person with pure intent, they become attracted to that person.

If you still don’t know how to get started, get the books we offer at .  Read them and they will help direct you toward the Wisdom from Above.  You become what you focus on and immerse yourself in.  If you seek wisdom, It will respond.  If you seek sin, it will find you.  It is your choice.

Proverbs 16:16

How much better to get wisdom than gold!
And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.

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