Archive for July, 2012

Emma and myself sailing on the Gulf on a Hobie Cat

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

Relationships are what it’s all about!

Book Update

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

First of all, “Thank You” to those who have already ordered their books and sent a donation to Servias Ministries.  “Ascending to Love” was originally scheduled to already be distributed.  Due to that little bike accident of May 9th, the process of publishing was delayed.  The book is being printed now and I expect delivery in about two weeks.  It was a joy for me to continue to focus on Love and write this second book.  I guess I need this particular revelation more than most.

“Ascending to Love” continues the journey to an intimate relationship with Our Heavenly Father.  Each chapter ends with a personal assessment list of questions for you to answer.  If you are brutally honest with yourself, you will rejoice after responding to those questions with the appropriate actions.  If none of the questions seem appropriate to you then you are probably blind, deaf, and dumb… or you now have a glorified body and have hidden it from the rest of us.  If the latter is the case, contact me, I would like to hang out with you forthwith.

My beloved wife was the first and only one to read the manuscript.  Since she took no corrective action towards me that was a “sign” to go ahead and publish the book.  The book is published by Servias Ministries and all revenue and donations are payable to Servias.  As always the book will be sent to those who cannot afford the listed price of $16.  Simply send us a letter requesting the number of copies you want to distribute and we will accommodate your request.  Others have been generous and have more than offset the cost of mailing.  By sending us a letter, we can better track the distribution.  Because emails generate so much spam, we prefer snail mail.

Clearly my goal is not to make money on the book.  Our Heavenly Father blesses me through other means.  I write this book in hope that others will be blessed and join me on the journey up the Mount and ascend to the Presence of Our Heavenly Father.  As more of us make this journey, we will truly be in one accord and bring forth Heaven to earth.

To order your copies:

Servias Ministries, Inc.

PO Box 1471

Bethany, OK  73008

Is Healing a business or a ministry?

Friday, July 13th, 2012

What a question to contemplate shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled ObamaCare to be classified as a “tax” to the people.  My position is to find out what position Our Heavenly Father takes and adapt it as well.  After all, HE created the universe and everyone in it.  What better source of wisdom than the Creator Himself.  Jesus Christ set Himself apart early in His ministry by healing all manner of sickness and disease among the people:

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. 24 Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them. 25 Great multitudes followed Him—from Galilee, and from Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond the Jordan.  (NKJV)

What did Jesus charge for healing the people?  I have found nowhere in Scripture where He accepted money for healing.  The Son of the Most High GOD set a standard of healthcare for the entire earth.  Today, however, men have created an alternative healthcare system based primarily of pharmaceutical regimens.  Doctors practice alternative medicine.  This is based on the premise that Scripture provides the primary method of healthcare.

The alternative system of healthcare is quite lucrative.  There is an infrastructure created worth billions if not trillions to promote this alternative healthcare system.  This system is based on the assumption that Our Heavenly Father is no longer in the healing business.  It also assumes that you should pay for health and that not all men, women, and children are entitled to live healthy lives unless they are willing to pay.  If you are broke and destitute you will probably suffer with chronic health issues.  If you receive healthcare and can’t pay, you may be saddled with a debt or claim that will follow you for an extended period of time.  After all, Congress made it more difficult to file a “jubilee” bankruptcy.  I wonder who supported that bill?  Certainly not the poor.

The current system is all about enslavement.  Do you have severe allergies?  If so, take an allergy shot once per month to manage your condition.  Let’s assume that it costs $200 per month to see the doctor and pay for the shot.  Over a twenty year period, you are looking at about $50,000 to manage your symptoms.  Whether you paid the cost or your insurance paid the cost, you still ultimately are paying for symptom management.  Most pharmaceuticals are in the “symptom-masking” business.  They are not designed to heal but to relieve or mask the pain.  Why did Our Heavenly Father design our bodies to experience pain?  It was to alert us of an issue that needed to be resolved.

Is healing a gift from Above or is it an industry designed to generate profits?

If you have the gift of healing, should people pay you to facilitate the outcome of health?  If healing is a gift, how can you charge for something you paid nothing for?  Did you add value to the healing?  Was the healing based on your input in any way?  If you operate in the gift of healing, how should you expect to earn a living to pay your bills?  If you charge for healing, will this disqualify the poor from this gift?

Who should fund those who are called to a healing ministry?  The poor certainly cannot do it.  Many of those with substantial assets are too greedy to write a check.  They are more interested in building bigger barns than to focus on mankind’s need for a better quality of life.

I believe that all mankind is entitled to healthcare.  However, I don’t believe that the current alternative system is the solution.  Why should I pay for a system that focuses on treating the symptoms rather than addressing the problem?  How much different is this methodology than enabling a drug addict?  One has an immediate negative impact on society where the other has a subtle but even greater impact.  Think about it.

The Ten Lepers

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

11 Now it happened as He went to Jerusalem that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12 Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. 13 And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”

14 So when He saw them, He said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed.

15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16 and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan.

17 So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? 18 Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” 19 And He said to him, “Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.”

This story epitomizes the condition of the heart today.  When people are desperate they are willing to do anything to resolve their issue.  One such story comes to mind.  A young Samaritan girl was diagnosed with cancer and required a bone marrow transplant.  They attempted to do the transplant and it did not take for her body rejected it.  In her desperation she was willing to do anything to stay alive.  Her family shared her willingness.  Finally she heard of an alternative method of dealing with her body’s immune system but she would have to travel a great distance to check out this toxin removal methodology.  Money was no issue for she was on the road to death much like the lepers.  After all, she couldn’t take her money with her.  The Samaritan girl made the trip and began the process of toxin removal.  A few weeks later she made another trip, then another.  Suddenly, there was another bone marrow transplant process available and she agreed to do it.  This time it worked.  She was excited and sent word to everyone that she beat the cancer and credited the transplant process.  She forgot that fact that the toxin removal process allowed her immune system to function on a more normal basis.  Would the transplant have worked without the toxin removal?  I doubt it.  However, once a person is no longer desperate he or she tends to have a short memory about his or her deliverance.

This fictional story depicts the state of man’s heart today.  At the core is greed.  If a man is diagnosed by a top clinic in the world to have less than six months to live, he will do anything, he will spend anything, and he will go anywhere in an attempt to live.  But once the cancer is resolved or contained, greed once again sets in.  His gratefulness dissipates in record time.  Rather than make it his mission to see that others who are less fortunate get the same opportunity to live, he gets back to his life before the threat of cancer.  Where is Our Heavenly Father’s Love in his life?  What happened to his gratefulness?

Fear and greed are interesting to observe, especially in their subtleties.  Ten lepers were healed but only one was truly grateful for his life.  Jesus did not required his servitude but did expect his gratitude.  Jesus did not force the leper to be grateful but did express His approval of the leper’s actions.

Everyone wants a solution that promotes worry-free health on a personal level.  Very few care whether the less fortunate attain the same state of health.  It is all about “me and my four and no more!”  The Scripture has many stories that parallel the lepers’ responses to deliverance.  Rather than asking the question “What’s in it for me?” you should be asking “How can I help?”

What a sad commentary.

The GOD Particle

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Last week while I was on “holiday” the announcement of the confirmation of the existence of the “GOD” particle occurred.  It is thought to be the smallest particle in the universe.  The classic question: Is it a particle or a wave?  The answer is “both”.  Particles have intelligence and respond to external stimuli.  Waves are communicators and supply information to their target and surroundings.  Radio waves are a perfect example.  As I write this blog, radio waves exist all around me and are sending both voice and music.  Both mediums communicate intent by their source whether it be an announcer or an artist.  We have all grown to accept this reality from both observation and deduction.

Our bodies contain both particles and waves.  We are made up of “GOD” particles, all of which have specific assignments.  Some are called to form the heart while others are called to be a tendon or ligament.  Each particle has sufficient intelligence to keep itself differentiated from the other assignments.  This is no different than the assignment of the planets to stay in their orbits around the sun.  The only difference is scale and magnitude.  What would happen if the earth suddenly changed its orbit pattern?  Not good!  Mankind is located smack dab in the middle of the scale of the universe.  Just as the “GOD” particle is ‘X’ times smaller than the human body, the universe is ‘X’ times larger.  We are at zero point on this comparative scale.

Back to the particle…  In the human body, external stimuli enter into the body.  These are invaders and are unwelcomed.  They may take on the form of bacteria, viruses, chemicals, pollens, or even wave forms.  Excessive x-rays can cause cancer.  Radioactive waves from uranium can cause cancer.  Excessive sunlight can burn the skin.  We all accept these invaders to be a reality of living on this planet at this time in history.  “Seeing is believing.”

Any invader into the human body will have a negative impact whether it be slight or harsh.  Our Heavenly Father built an immune system in our body to defend against these invaders.  Otherwise, we would all die at a very early age.  What happens when we become saturated with invaders and our immune system is overpowered?  We become sick and possibly die.  For sake of discussion, let’s call these invaders “toxins” because after all, they are toxic to our body’s normal function.

Toxins communicate with their surroundings by putting off waves.  How else could we differentiate between a toxin and a healthy cell in the body?  When our immune system detects the toxin, it sends its defense forces to deal with the toxin for prompt removal.  Does the body completely remove the toxin?  Not in all cases.  Are all the signals of the toxin removed?  Not all of them.  The body’s immune system operates based on priorities.  “Acute” issues are focused on first.  “Chronic” issues take on a lower priority.  When I was a boy, I accidently stabbed my hand with a lead pencil.  Some of the lead remains in my hand today but causes me no problem.  My immune system determined for what ever reason that the remnant could stay.  The wave form of that lead also resides in the tissue.

Over time we accumulate both particles and waves of toxins.  The body will compartmentalize them as best it can.  Since this is happening at the subatomic level, we do not notice the buildup.  If we can’t see it, it must not exist!  That is the simplistic attitude of many.  Then one day we wake up with a severe symptom and wonder what we did yesterday to cause the symptom to occur.  We fail to realize that over our lifetime we have been accumulating toxins and they have been residing in our tissues and/or organs.  At some point they reach critical mass and our immune system is overcome.  Our bodies quit functioning normal and cellular communication breaks down.  Cancer is an example of this overload.  Hypertension and allergies are other examples.  Smokers know all too well that the chemicals they inhale will at some point cause lung cancer.  The only question is one what day will the symptoms become observable.  Pharmaceutical companies try to address symptoms on a large scale.  The problem is that each of us has a unique set of toxins residing in our body.  Their chemical could create an adverse reaction when introduced to our unique group of toxins.  Their trials uncover these adverse reactions and if they are statistically acceptable by the FDA, the drug is released for general consumption.  This is why they create an exhaustive list of contradictions on their packaging.  When you take their drug, you should hope that you are not one of the “unintended consequences”.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to deal with the uniqueness of each individual’s lifetime exposure to toxins?

Our EDS project is connected to the “GOD” particle.  We utilize the body’s electrical system to detect these toxins mentioned above.  These toxins communicate through the body’s electrical system as “interferences”.  Since waves reside at the same level as a particle, detection of interferences can occur earlier than our physical senses.  As an example, when a person contracts the flu, when did the virus enter the body: the time of exposure or the time of the first symptom?  Obviously, the time of exposure.  What was happening during the interim?  The virus was multiplying and spreading until it impacted the body enough for the immune system to kick in.  When would you prefer to detect the issue?

Early detection reduces the negative impact to the body.  The medical community now promotes early detection… but not too early.  What would happen if cancer was eliminated?  What would happen if allergies and headaches were no longer reasons to go to the doctor or pharmacy?  The current infrastructure would lose money and begin to target the cause of deterioration.

I believe that the EDS technology has the potential to change the life of every inhabitant of the earth.  Only the Spiritual gift of healing would be the superior and preferred method of staying healthy.  Spiritual healing can’t be legislated and controlled by man.  Other methods can.

If you can remove toxins and/or their signals from the body, the body will heal itself.  As we live on this earth, we are continually accumulating toxins in our body.  Vietnam veterans know all too well that Agent Orange is impacting their health decades later.  Though this toxin seemingly laid dormant for decades, the accumulation of toxins have finally taken their toll.

What would happen if you began to “detoxify” the body on a scheduled basis?  Your overall health would improve.  Your body would be able to do its job and your trips to the doctor would decline, if not be eliminated.  What would happen if enough people no longer needed to be treated for chronic diseases such as cancer?  It would be good for the population but not good for the current healthcare infrastructure.  Do you think that the embedded greed would give up without a fight?

This brings me to the long awaited point of this blog.  Why has our EDS project been delayed?  I believe that Our Heavenly Father has forced the delay until certain things are in place and HE is not revealing those details.  Has greed not yet taken its course?  Has the unrighteousness of the people kept this technology from ministering life?  Is there a judgment that needs to be invoked before the healing can begin?

The understanding of the “GOD” particle will help mankind to accept the EDS premise.  We accept radio waves and their function every time we turn on the radio.  We accept wireless communication as we speak on our cell phones.  As we accept the fact that the particles in our bodies are more intelligent than we have acknowledged in the past, we will embrace the EDS technology and will not allow special interest groups to restrict our use of alternative means to their solutions.  As we accept that Love is the “glue” that keeps those particles operating according to their assignment, we will experience improved health and a more fruitful life.  Is Our Heavenly Father waiting on our commitment to Love before this technology is released?  Greed will prevent the widespread use of this technology.  The EDS technology does not heal or cure.  The body will do the work if only we first remove the hindrances.  However, greed may be the greatest hindrance.

Charging depositors interest on deposits!

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

The Central Banks are looking at charging member banks interest on their deposits.  Additionally, there is a move to eliminate capital requirements on holding sovereign debts as assets (Basel III Accord).  These two moves would provide banks an incentive to go out and buy sovereign debt and fund the continued expansion of the current debt-based debacle.  The Federal Reserve Bank would not have to expand its balance sheet if banks take up the slack.  Unbelievable!

Commercial banks currently have over $1.4 Trillion in the central banks as deposits and currently earn .25% on their money.  If the central banks were to begin charging interest and at the same time eliminate reserve requirements on an alternative investment (sovereign debt) then the commercial banks would convert those deposits on their balance sheets to sovereign debt.  This move could easily flood the global market with up to $15-20 Trillion in money supply based on the fractional banking system.

With private borrowing being contracted, the sovereign market is where all the demand is.  Countries around the world continue to expand their debt levels due to their insatiable desire to expand at all costs.  This move would not serve to expand the private business sector which produces real GNP growth but would instead create a temporary boom in further government spending.  Commodity prices would inflate and the average person would be taxed by these higher prices.

If these two moves occur, we could see the price of gold soar to record highs with other commodities following.  Even considering these moves speaks to the desperation of the current system.  We are watching history in the making.  Unfortunately it is looking mighty ugly.

Europe’s Mess is growing worse

Monday, July 9th, 2012

The LIBOR scandal exposes the reality of the state of the current system.  There should be global outrage about this scandal which affected virtually every loan around the world.  Instead, Tom Cruise and his divorce appear to be more important.  Why is there no outrage?  The immorality of the population has overtaken the need for righteousness and the demand for lawfulness.  What a sad state!  For those of us pursuing the fullness of all Our Heavenly Father has for us, it can be a frustrating time.  Imagine how Daniel dealt with the captivity of his time and multiply it many times over.

The birds will come home to roost soon.  At some point Our Heavenly Father will open the eyes of the people and they will make a run on the banks in Europe.  The wealthy have already begun to respond but the average person has yet to figure out the endgame of printing money and inflating the currencies to pay sovereign debt with depreciated currencies.  Gold, silver, oil, and gas will continue to be the true currencies of value.  Energy will be a “currency” as long as the current energy-dependent infrastructure is in place.  Do you really think Our Heavenly Father will release “free” energy to perpetuate the current state of lawlessness?

The latest unemployment numbers indicate no change in the U.S. economy.  True unemployment is still over 22% based on  I agree with that number.  On a recent trip to the Gulf coast, the condo we were staying at had 25% of the units unoccupied during the peak week of the season.  In 2008, they would have all been lit up like Christmas trees.  People have cut back their vacations to a few days versus a full week.  The beaches were not as crowded as they have been historically.  The souvenir shops and restaurants were not as busy either.  Food prices were up as inflation grips the commodities due to the excessive money printing by the Fed.

When will the people cry out for Our Heavenly Father to intervene?  The current system is heading for collapse and my goal is to be prepared for that eventuality.  Take on no new debt, eliminate existing debt, and simplify.  Take advantage of the opportunity to reduce ongoing expenses and your level of overall pain will be lower when things get dicey.