Archive for June, 2013

“Raising a Remnant” now available for ordering

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

I am pleased to announce the latest book published by Servias Ministries is now available for ordering at the website.

I have read the manuscript and believe that the book should be read by every person who wants to move to a higher level of maturity in the Body of Christ.  Kemper is one of the members of our Online Bible Study and provides a fresh look at many passages we cover.  Our Heavenly Father has hidden him away for the last couple of decades and he has focused intently on understanding the breadth of the Word.  I know for a certainty that when we cover his book in our Bible study, many of the brethren will be grateful for his willingness to write this book for distribution.  I also know that I will read this book again as I want to immerse myself in the many truths that are contained therein.

We expect to begin filling orders for the book by the end of next week.

De-cluttering Your Life

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Jesus had no storage units.  Many baby boomers had parents who lived through the Great Depression.  Things were scarce back then.  You saved buttons, thread, nuts, bolts, and washers.  Today’s children have no idea how bad it was.  Many people were flat broke but survived with minimal resources.  You had to be creative on the playground.  Kids climbed trees, kicked cans, and played marbles.  There were no IPads, IPods, and Nintendo DS’s.  Kids played outside until it was time to take a bath and go to bed.

Nowadays life is dramatically different.  Relationships take backseat to technology.  “Texting allows you to control the conversation” says an avid texting person when quizzed by a researcher.  Since when do we need to “control” a conversation?  Once again the ego is raising its ugly head to stay in control.  91% of the adults in America have cell phones, mostly smart phones.  Have we conveyed our intelligence to the phone?  See:  Are you “disconnected”?

When I went to distribute funds to the families yesterday, it was clear how quickly things can be removed from our lives.  The Jameson family’s house was near the end of the tornado track below.  One minute they had a house and storage buildings full of possessions accumulated over the course of their multi-decade marriage.  The next minute, most all of it was gone but their family was still intact.  The tornado de-cluttered their lives in a minute.  However the impact will take months to overcome.  I guess they don’t need that garage sale now.  Life has become simple once again.  After all, it’s all about people, not things.  Jesus impacted the entire globe without any technology or “stuff”.  Don’t sweat the stuff, go give someone a hug today.


Helping the Tornado Victims

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Several of our Donors wanted to help the victims of the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma.  My goal was to personally deliver a check to those in need rather than go through a charity and hope the funds reached their “optimum” use.  It wasn’t easy finding the right situation but once again Our Heavenly Father ordered our steps.  The money was distributed yesterday.

Our first donation of $1,000 went to a family who was in the path of the El Reno record-breaking tornado.  They were located at about mile 16 of the path, just before it dissipated.  Below is their house.


The Jameson Family has a massive cleanup job ahead:

image (1)

The second family to receive a $1,000 check from Servias is the Hughes family.  The actual tornado that struck their home was said to be an EF4 strength.  Here they are standing on the slab of what used to be their home:

image (2)

I appreciate those who wanted to help these people.  I found out that the Red Cross would show up on the weekend to feed the cleanup volunteers then the family would bear the burden during the week.  Volunteers had already been through this area and helped remove much of the debris although there was much more to be transported.

Both families were surprised and thankful for our help.  They lost much of what they had accumulated throughout their lives and found out first hand what is truly important after a disaster… relationships!

How to confirm receipt of your Census Coin

Monday, June 10th, 2013

As we receive your coin, we are updating your profile on, assuming you have registered at the website.

When you log on, go to “Your Information”.  In the upper right area of that screen, you should see the following":


Notice “Receipt is confirmed”.  This means we have successfully logged your coin.  If you have registered on the site, sent a coin, allowed sufficient transit time, and do not have this notice, email us at and let us know.  The U.S. Postal Service may have lost your coin, especially if you did not send it as directed.  Standard envelopes are run through machines that will tear the envelope allowing the coin to be dropped into the machinery.  There is also the possibility that we received the coin and simply failed to update the status.  We want to be very accurate in this Census.

For those who did not register on the site, no worries.  We have you accounted for as well.  Online registration is an additional safeguard to audit the process.

Pressing the Boundaries

Monday, June 10th, 2013

A beloved brother from “Down Under” wrote me an encouraging email about our online Bible study yesterday:

Hi Bob,
Simply to say I am in "full absorption mode" with Dr. Speckhart because there is so much to absorb. It is incredibly believable and clears away some "unknowns" till now; so you may choose to tell him there is one dedicated listener here Down Under, albeit stunningly muted! What else!!!
My wife is persevering with interest and my son is picking up on points here and there but definitely all positive and in belief that Vince has a God guided path to the verge of the universe to glimpse beyond the Quantum, in preparation for the trials of the future as this Quantum world of Babylon yields to His authority of "Love".
We are soon to watch this Sunday’s ustream broadcast which is the one without Vince and eagerly await the reflection across all that he has said.
We are often delayed in watching your Sunday sessions because we endeavour to get together, clear in thought as possible, to absorb and discuss what we can. When you suggest we may get "one thing" from this discussion being worth while; it is likely, given time, we will have considerable transformation in our understanding once we have absorbed much of what he has written. Vince will have a "time delay" action in my life like no other but I must remain patient.
Pressing the boundaries is an invigorating experience and we look forward to his return.
The ustream broadcast is fully effective and without corruption now.
Thanks for your sterling efforts.
Love and Blessings

“Pressing the Boundaries” sums it up.  After we finish the broadcast, we continue with post-broadcast discussion, sometimes as long as an hour.  Kemper’s working definition of Wisdom- “Hearing with the willingness to receive correction” is appropriate when absorbing a new revelation such as the  “non-quantum”.  Our friends Rose & Roy have a 40 year history with Pam and myself.  We met in the Assembly of God church and  we all went to two other churches as families from 1973 to 1996.  There were greater revelations to hear, receive, and embrace.  Along the way it was important to hear everything and discern what were truths from Heaven and what were opinions from man.  We could then judge the fruit and see what came from Our Heavenly Father.  Our doctrines were changed, torn down,, built up.  Some sacred cows had to be removed.  This is all necessary in becoming one of the “Amen” Remnant.  In the end, we must seek the Truth.  Truth comes by revelation, not by the number of books you have read, not by the some diploma issued by man’s institution.  Training has its place.  Study has its place.  But a revelation from Our Heavenly Father disclosing a higher truth provides a peace and satisfaction far superior than that contained in a book.  The prophets of old did not have the Internet, or smart phones, or public libraries.  Their attention was not diverted by electronic “time burners”.  There was plenty of time for pondering and reflection.

We will continue to press the boundaries because Our Heavenly Father’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts and we want to ascend in Love, not passively be drawn to the outer darkness.  Let nothing dissuade us from being one with Our Heavenly Father!  And they all said “AMEN”.

Jeremiah = "whom Jehovah has appointed"

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

The first chapter of the book of Jeremiah discloses much.  He was the son of Hilkiah ( "my portion is Jehovah"), a priest of Anathoth ( "answers to prayer").  When we participate in the Census, we are accounted for thus able to be appointed for duty.  Jeremiah was just such a man.  In the thirteenth year of Josiah ("whom Jehovah heals"), the Word of THE LORD came.  This parallels the 13th year since the millennial celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  Those who are appointed for healing of “the land” are being raised up.

Jeremiah 1:5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

This one verse provides us with a peak at the non-quantum aspect of Our Heavenly Father.  Before Jeremiah was “formed” he was “known” by Our Heavenly  Father.  He was set apart for duty, he was accounted for and appointed by Divine Intent.

:6  Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I [am] a child.

Jeremiah claimed immaturity, incapability, lack of fullness, when approached by Our Heavenly Father.  That did not sway Our Heavenly Father for HE knew of Jeremiah’s gifts and calling in the non-quantum state.

7: But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I [am] a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.

Our Heavenly Father opened Jeremiah’s eyes to the power of being able to hear Our Heavenly Father and respond hence Jeremiah was empowered with a Spiritual connection to carry out his calling.

:8  Be not afraid of their faces: for I [am] with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.

It was clear that he would be challenged by the current system who would try to compromise and intimidate him.

:9  Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.

The anointing was all that was necessary for his ministry to be activated.  Massive amount of study or information was not needed.  Jeremiah did not see himself as “skilled”.

I expect to discuss more of this chapter in today’s online Bible study:

To participate live or watch this Bible study as a recording afterwards, go to

Dr. Speckhart’s new book:  Quantum and Non-Quantum States of the Lord Jesus Christ may be ordered online at  (click on "Purchase Books")

Arresting Yourself

Saturday, June 8th, 2013

There is no question in anyone’s mind that the price of gold has been illegally manipulated.  What happens if an investigation is conducted by the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)?  It surely would find that another branch of government is the “felon”.  Will it arrest itself?  Nope!

The Rule of Law has been the cornerstone of American life.  The citizens have relied on this foundation of America.  What happens when the foundation is compromised?  Distrust ensues and a division is created.  This division will ultimately bring forth weakness and disintegration of the country.

Who is righteous enough to set the rules and manage the population?  People create lists of those who are adversaries to a particular nation.  Which people should be able to add to that list?  Those who lie to us and keep us in the dark?  Those who accept money from special interest groups and find ways to exploit the system for personal gain?  Who should be the guardians of our personal, intimate conversations, texts, and emails?

When a society places someone in control to look out for their best interests, what safeguards must be in place to insure proper conduct of their fiduciary responsibility?  When a policeman takes an oath to enforce the law then later habitually breaks the speed limit, should his punishment exceed the average person’s fine and/or imprisonment?  When a Congressman takes an oath to serve the American people and support the U.S. Constitution then begins his exploitation of his (or her) office, should he be imprisoned with a more severe sentence?

What would happen if Our Heavenly Father were to expose ALL of the lawlessness inherent in the current system.  With few exceptions, each of the public enforcers of the Law would have to arrest themselves.  I dare say that the current system does not have enough penal institution space to handle the load.

What is the solution?  There is only one long-term solution.  A Theocracy.  Our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom must become the rule of Law on earth.  Only those who have been deemed worthy by walking in Love and empowered by HIS authority can properly serve the interest of mankind.  If you don’t know the Character of Our Heavenly Father, how can you properly serve HIM?  Who can you trust other than those who have been willing to die to self and take on the qualities of Christ?  Any other aspects of rule and control are all associate with “anti-Christ”.

Just because someone claims to be a public servant doesn’t mean he or she is one.  Our Heavenly Father is in the midst of raising up true public servants.  They are known as “The Remnant”.  They will be above reproach and will be known by their Love for mankind.  They will insure “equal weights and measures” and enforce the Law from Above.  They will discern good from evil and men will no longer manipulate the system for personal gain.  Righteous judgment will reign and those who have been habitually lawless will have their day of reckoning.  Once exposed, they will arrest themselves!

The Erosion of Wealth

Friday, June 7th, 2013

It has been said that “Paper money hides the truth”.  Unfortunately I agree.  Paper money starts out as a convenience and is backed by gold.  Then the central planners want to pump up the economy and bypass the normal contraction portion of the economic cycle.  Interrupting this natural rhythm begins the path to destruction of the currency.  We are in the midst of observing this destruction play out during our lifetimes. 

“The increase we have seen in paper wealth is illusory both for individuals and for the world.  But it suits the governments to fool their people.  This gives them the best chance of being reelected and they also engage in theft through inflation.“  The U.S. Government is now under fire for its widespread use of monitoring telephone calls and emails of the entire population.  What is the justification?  Hidden agendas of those in charge will only be tolerated for so long by the masses whether it be manipulation of wealth or compromising civil liberties and basic rights.  No matter how you look at it, we are heading for a major change.

The biggest personal challenge most of us have is the fact that we lived through a rather reliable time in history in the Western World.  Several decades of stability have left us without any comparison to how drastic change can be.  Unlike other countries who have had major upheavals, the Western Nations have been somewhat stable since WWII and most of that generation is now gone.  They can no longer warn us of the alternatives.  The fact is we think we are smarter than the previous generation but only destined to repeat the same mistakes again.

The Silver to Gold ratio has been 16 to 1 for most of history.  Today it is 62 to 1.  Since gold is in record demand which supports its current price (and higher prices), I believe silver is positioned to make a dramatic move upward.  At the current gold price, silver should be $88 per ounce to bring it back in line, nearly a fourfold increase in price.

The question we must all ask ourselves:  Which will go to zero value first- fiat currency or gold & silver?

The Census of Amen

Friday, June 7th, 2013

As I have mentioned, the number 137 has risen to a focus.  One aspect of the Proclaimed Census is to not only speak “Amen” but to act in response.  As Stephen Jones wrote: “The amen people know the truth of Passover and have also renewed their minds—their thinking—through Pentecost. In other words, they have faith and have proven their faith by being faithful in their works. When they mature enough to move from obedience to agreement, then they are an amen people.”

The 137 days of the Census provide sufficient time for the “Amen” people to ponder, assess, and respond.  There is no pressure to participate and you should only do so if Our Heavenly Father directs you.  If you hear nothing, do nothing.  Hearing implies responding.

137 approximates the angle of life found in the Golden Spiral, the Golden Ratio.  Our Heavenly Father, the Great Mathematician, provides us with a beautiful mosaic of HIS Plan.  This plan is in agreement with nature for all of the plan and nature originated from the Non-Quantum State where nothing is inconsistent. 

Golden Spiral - a special spiral drawn inside of a Golden Rectangle that appears in may places in nature. To calculate the increasingly larger Golden Rectangles needed to draw this Golden Spiral, add the length (A) and the width (B) to get the next measurement for the next side (C) needed.

The following phrases reflect the numeric value of 137 (the Golden Angle of the Golden Ratio).  They provide many of the subjects we are covering in our Bible studies.  I am fascinated how Our Heavenly Father’s Plan is interwoven to the books we are covering in those Bible studies.  HE has a very specific maturing process that is preparing us for the age at hand.

The Number 137

The God of Truth [Is 65.16]  (Originating in the Non-Quantum State)


Elohi Amen


I am the truth [Jn 14.6]  (Originating in the Non-Quantum State)



The God of gods [Ps 136.2]  (Last week’s study on the Name of Jehovah conducted by Dr. Speckhart)



Tittle [S# 2762]  (Refers to the fullness of the Law… Love)



Miracle of the Lord  (The result of understanding and embracing the Quantum versus the Non-Quantum State, a Tabernacles Revelation)



For an only begotten son [Zec 12.10]  (The focus of “Raising a Remnant”)



Crucifix (The focus on the recent Sufferings of Christ broadcasts)



Pillar [Gen 28.18]  (On the front cover of “Raising a Remnant”, our next study text)



The surrounding brightness [Ezek 1.28]  (The expectation of the maturing of the Sons)



Thursday, June 6th, 2013

I have been taught by Our Heavenly Father though all signs originate from HIM, not all signs are relevant to me.  HE will point out the relevant signs as confirmations to me.  In the mid 1990’s I learned a painful lesson about signs and numbers: the adversary could use the abundance of signs to lead me astray.  It seemed as those prophetic signs were cropping up everywhere and would just about confirm any action I was contemplating.  After dealing with the repercussions of following misleading signs, I hope I learned my lesson.  I have become cautious in putting too much emphasis on signs and numbers and purpose to hear HIS Voice when there is something prophetic that I should pay attention to.

As I mentioned in previous posts, the number 137 keeps surfacing in the midst of the Proclaimed Census.

137 is the 33rd prime number.  Bonnie Gaunt believed that Adam walked in his glorified state prior to the fall for 33 years as Jesus had to walk in the fallen state for the same period.  Could this be related to the anti-particle discussion that Dr. Speckhart spoke of in our last online Bible study?

The following quote by Richard Feynman relates 137 as the number associating the relationship of light and matter:

“There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e – the amplitude for a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been experimentally determined to be close to 0.08542455. (My physicist friends won’t recognize this number, because they like to remember it as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the "hand of God" wrote that number, and "we don’t know how He pushed his pencil." We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don’t know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!”

—Richard P. Feynman (1985). QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. Princeton University Press. p. 129. ISBN 0-691-08388-6

Michael from Missouri directed me to the Book of Jasher to point out that Ishmael’s lifespan was 137 years, just like Levi.  What did both men have in common?  Their callings preceded the callings of “Promise”.  Levi preceded the calling of Melchizedek and Ishmael ("God will hear") preceded Isaac, the Son of Laughter. Both predecessors were associated with affliction.

Since I did not choose the timing of the Census but was given the time cycle from Our Heavenly Father, I must pay attention to this 137 day period.

The golden ratio includes the golden angle:

The golden angle g can therefore be numerically approximated in degrees as:

g \approx 360 \times 0.381966 \approx 137.508^\circ,\,

Clearly, this number is relevant to the Census as well as the Quantum and Non-Quantum States of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Who would have thought it!