Meditate on The Word

The word meditate means to think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time.  This can’t be done with a 140 character “tweet”, cell phone text, or FaceTime comment.  This requires focused attention.  In the Book of Joshua the children of Israel were instructed in chapter 1:

 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

People want to live and not die yet they are for the most part unwilling to direct their attention to the Book of Life.  In order to promote life we must renew our minds which requires us to remove toxic thinking and actions which promote death and destruction.  Men’s egos will embrace toxic thoughts which will exploit others and squeeze the life out of relationships rather than die to self and thus live a life of Love and service.

The consequences of toxic thinking are mental disorders such as attention deficit disorder or ADD.  Treating kids with chemicals is not the solution but promoting the Word of Life will change their chemical makeup.  Science is beginning to embrace the reality of thoughts effecting changes in the DNA strands.  It is time to no longer accept the agenda of those who have a bias against the Creator of Life.  Our Thoughts have been proven to change our bodies and I personally observed that to be the case while studying under the direction of Dr. Vincent Speckhart who proved that cancer was not a death sentence but could be arrested and often reversed without orthodox chemical or radiation therapy.

In 1984, FATHER healed me of hepatitis by having me renew my mind and focus (meditate) day and night on HIS healing Scriptures or promises.  The doctors had no cure but yet I was healed in less than 11 days.  They had no understanding of how that could happen and were not interested in finding out how the worst case they had ever seen was remedied in a short time.  I made a commitment to dwell and meditate on HIS Word which in turn my body responded and submitted to the higher power contained in HIS Word.  It takes full commitment and many would rather simply take a pill for relief.  I did not have that option, and… I had nothing else to distract me.  Everyone kept their distance from the guy with yellow eyes.

It is time that we no longer accept the current status quo and really begin to trust in HIS Word.  If you have the power to renew your mind and given it is in command of your body, then you have the power to renew your body.  Caleb was 85 years old when he claimed his inheritance and I am sure he meditated on what FATHER had told the children of Israel concerning the key to life.  Quit allowing the world to bombard you with its toxic, stinkin’ thinking!  

Set yourself aside with a quiet time to feed your mind with the positive promises contained in HIS Word and dwell on them throughout the day.  Resist the noise that the world is bombarding you with through your five physical senses.  Allow FATHER’S Word to be rooted and grounded in your spirit, mind, and ultimately your body.  That is the pathway to all being well with you.

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