Taking Command of Your Thoughts

By THE SPIRIT, Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians chapter 10:

 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

Our job is to bring our thoughts into alignment with FATHER’S Divine Intent which is expressed in HIS Word.  Men will look for external signs to guide their actions because they want their soulish thoughts confirmed in some manner.  The enemy will gladly oblige with whatever sign you are looking for that will justify an act of lawlessness.  It has happened to us all and none can say they have been immune.

If we are told to bring into captivity our thoughts then that is exactly what we should focus on and those impure, negative, judgmental thoughts need to cease being planted in your mind.  You can act as though the thoughts aren’t there but FATHER knows.  We can choose to reject those impure thoughts which will surely come and attempt to gain root.  Let us each only reinforce FATHER’S Word and thus align ourselves with HIM.

Proverbs 23:7 states:

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

We have a responsibility to protect our hearts and our minds from the world’s perverted views.  We can control what we allow to become a part of us by not allowing any evil thoughts to be given time in our thought life.  Let us spend quiet time pondering FATHER’S Word to us and let us be rooted and grounded IN HIM.  As we align ourselves in our thought life with HIS Word we become transformed by the renewing of our mind.  Once we are fully aligned with HIM, then we will  truly be able to say with certainty: As HE is so are we!

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