Another Kids In Need Update

From one of the principals:

2 weeks ago I brought an upperclassman student to my office who was in trouble.  He started crying telling me that his mom’s car broke down and she got laid off from work.  He said he’s working but still doesn’t have any money.  He said his mom’s birthday was the day before and he didn’t have enough money to get her a birthday cake.  I gave him a few gift cards that were donated and he started crying again.  He stood up in my office and said,”can I hug you?”  I hugged him and told him to take the cards and get what his family needed.  I told him to let me know if he needed help in the future.  He left the office but not before he gave Mr. Jewell a hug too.

As you can see, our giving is impacting the hearts of those kids and they will not forget it.

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