The commission of healing the sick begins with proclaiming Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and fully relying on The Word rather than sense knowledge.
Sense knowledge is limited but spiritual knowledge is unlimited. Which would you rather have to guide you throughout life? Spiritual forces are stronger than physical forces and once you trust in that reality, you will grow into full spiritual maturity. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
The Beloved Disciple wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st John chapter 4:
4 Little children, you can be certain that you belong to God and have conquered them, for the One Who is living in you is far greater than the one who is in the world.
Peter wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st Peter chapter 3:
15 But give reverent honor in your hearts to the Anointed One and treat Him as the Holy Master of your lives. And if anyone asks about the hope living within you, always be ready to explain your faith
If you are reluctant to share your Love and faith in Jesus Christ, you have not yet fully embraced who you are in Christ.
Wisdom wrote in Proverbs chapter 3:
5 Trust in the Lord completely (with all your heart), and do not rely on your own opinions (sense knowledge). With all your heart (your spirit) rely on him to guide you, and HE will lead you in every decision you make.
6 Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all,
7 for Wisdom comes when you adore Him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong (Do not be wise in your own eyes i.e. sense knowledge).
8 Then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for.
9 Glorify God with all your wealth, honoring Him with your very best, with every increase that comes to you.
10 Then every dimension of your life will overflow with blessings from an uncontainable source of inner joy!
When you finally place your full trust in THE LORD, all obstacles will become smaller and you will be able to overcome them ALL! Notice how Wisdom speaks about our wealth. The tithe is first because it is our best fruit, not our leftovers. When we give our best, we acknowledge and worship FATHER for Who HE is. Giving HIM our leftovers, or nothing, indicates that our souls are prevailing in our lives. As a young man with a family, I had to learn this as I faced the pressures of the world. I know it can be a challenging transition for I know what it means to be broke.
Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10:
3-4 For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our Spiritual weapons are energized with Divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide.
I see manipulation by the world everywhere I turn. Exploitation is its twin. These are the product of self-centeredness and orientation toward scarcity brought on by fear.
5 We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.
6 Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion, as soon as you choose complete obedience.
The Word must be superior to sense knowledge so we must take every thought captive!
Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Philippians chapter 4:
19 I am convinced that My God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through the Anointed One, Jesus Christ!
We must not only know, but communicate these Truths to those who need healing in their bodies and other scarcities in their lives.