Prepare Your Imagination Now

There is a process for manifestation to occur: positive imagination, words, hope, faith, expectation, manifestation.

Can you see yourself ministering salvation, healing, restoring body parts, and raising the dead?  If not, it is time we begin to imagine ourselves doing such acts.

Are you willing to speak those Words given to you by The Holy Spirit in all situations?  We are to walk as Vessels of Honor and minister to the world.  As this happens, people will be drawn to the Ministry of Jesus through us.  We will take no credit but give all the credit to FATHER, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. 

As mighty miracles come forth, people will be drawn to meetings where true change takes place.  Multitudes will experience the Fear of THE LORD and repent.  Bars will close in the proximity of meeting places.  Hospitals will empty out.  The list goes on.  The preparation of “the remnant” has been going on for years for FATHER is in no hurry and is not restricted by time.

What I find interesting is that Azusa Street started with a man who placed a box over his head.  The purpose was to remove “the world” from sight as he prayed up to seven hours a day in Tongues and waited on GOD.  You can use your “prayer closet” instead of a box.  Jesus went up the mountain to isolate himself from “the world”.

Dr. Elizabeth Vaughan tells of the Azusa Street revival in great detail.  I urge you to watch her video more than once… listen closely.  Why?  We have to remove the natural thinking so that we can embrace the Supernatural.

Jesus spoke in Mark chapter 16:

15   And He said to them, “As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the Gospel to the entire human race!

16 Whoever believes the Good News and is baptized will be saved, and whoever does not believe the Good News will be condemned.

17 And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of My Name. They will speak in Tongues.

18 They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.”

In 1910, William Seymour and two others separately prophesied of the Great Move of GOD in about 100 years.  Separately and later, Smith Wigglesworth prophesied to Lester Sumrall a similar move.

FATHER has consistently expressed to me that “Now is the time” over the last few years.  Prepare yourself for what lies ahead.  Keep your lamp full of the Oil of The Holy Spirit.  Don’t worry about what is going on around you.  The Door is getting ready to open for many.

Elizabeth Vaughan’s video:

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