The Adversary’s Strategies: Part 2

My friend Steve wrote the following:


“For as the soul of a living person thinks, so is he. . .” (Proverbs 23:7)


Choice is the greatest power that God has given to His Man, both male and female. From his choice, he decides. From his decisions, he rules. And, in his ruling, he must choose and decide if he is going to rule on his own or WITH Jesus.

Man’s power to choose and decide is the target of every strategy devised by the powers of darkness. This is what they attempt to exploit and control because through Man’s decisions he exercises his rule.

And so, as far as the kingdom of darkness is concerned:

• If it can control what a person sees or hears, it can control what a person thinks.

• If it can control what a person thinks, it can control what a person believes.

• If it can control what a person believes, it can control what a person decides.

• If it can control what the person decides, it can control them, what they have and what they will do.

In other words, it can control how a person exercises their authority to rule. So, by controlling what a person thinks, the kingdom of darkness can control what a person decides, and the reality he or she will produce and live in.

“. . . as the soul of a living person thinks. . .”

This is what happened in the Garden of Eden. It is what happened in the 1960s. It is what is happening today. It’s all the result of how YHVH created His Man to function and the power of choice that He gave to him. Jesus invites His Man to rule WITH Him. The powers of darkness persuade Man to rule on his own. And, based on Man’s choice, his decisions will produce either the Good of the Kingdom of God or the Evil of the kingdom of darkness.

My instruction in the power and reality of decisions and the inescapable harvest they bring came many years ago. It happened one day when out of nowhere, Jesus asked:

 “Stephen, when did President Kennedy die?”

Though the question caught me off-guard, I obligingly answered: “In November 1963 in Dallas.”

He responded:

“No, he died the moment he decided to go to Dallas and drive without a bullet-proof covering.”

When I first heard this, I had no capacity to grasp what Jesus was saying. The concept was so foreign to the way I thought, I just stood there stunned. However, as I continued to explore WITH Him what He had said, I could literally feel my old thoughts being stripped away as He reshaped my mind to make room for the new. Then, as if in the blink of an eye, there it was. I could see exactly what He had said from the beginning of the first decision to the end of its outcome. Each decision  and action led to the next as if they were all connected as a single event in time. This continued until there were no more decisions to be made. And when the last decision came, so, too, came the harvest of JFK’s new reality. He – along with all those who were with him both near and far – experienced the full fruit of his first decision.

And he died.

That’s when Jesus began to teach me about the nature of decisions, how they work, and the power they possess. The initial decision is directly connected to the outcome, and the outcome is directly connected to the initial decision. It is as if they are inseparably joined by a single thread of time. This is how God designed decisions to work.

“And He was saying, laying the argument to rest, ‘In this way is the Kingdom, Sovereignty and Royal Power of the God: It is like a man who casts the seed that is sown upon the physical earth and land that operates in time and space,

“And then he sleeps at night and rises up by day, and the seed that has been sown sprouts, produces and grows; how this happens he does not know, nor does he perceive it by observation. “But the physical earth and land that operates in time and space acts automatically on its own to bear the fruit without needing to be

persuaded by other external forces – first the blade of grass, then the head of grain, then the full grain in the head.

 “Then when the fruit hands itself over, he at once commissions the sickle because the harvest has been presented.’” (Mark 4:26-29)

So, when JFK spoke the words of his decision, he planted the seeds of his fate that fixed the time, date, and means of its harvest – November 22, 1963.

How this all happened, he, himself, did not know, nor did he perceive or observe anything about it while it was forming. And yet, he lived the full reality of his choice in the precise manner of its nature. And no power in creation was going to change the outcome of his sovereign choice except another decision that countermanded the first.

This brings into crystal clarity why Jesus responded the way He did to the Devil after his first temptation:

“But answering, He said, laying the argument to rest, ‘It has been written and inscribed that it is not fitting that the man shall live solely upon bread alone but upon each and every part of the totality of every spoken word that comes out from the mouth of God and the effect and influence it has on the man.’” (Matthew 4:4)

It also explains YHVH’s perspective about the seemingly strange thing He said to Adam in the Garden of Eden about the effect his choice would have on his life:

“And YHVH of the Elohim laid charge and ordered the Man, saying, ‘Of the whole and all of every tree in the enclosure of the garden you may eat and eat.’

“‘But of the tree of the knowledge of what is good, beautiful, pleasant and agreeable, and what is evil, bad and adverse, you shall not eat from it for in the day you eat from it, dying you shall die.’” (Gen 2:16, 17)

What YHVH was saying to Adam was that as a sovereign who possessed the authority to rule and to exercise dominion, his choices and decisions carried great weight. They would produce outcomes that would be inalterable, so they were to be made wisely WITH Him. And that’s exactly what Adam discovered. One sovereign decision; one inalterable outcome. The two connected by a single thread in time. And, over the next 930 years, Adam was dying until he was dead. (Genesis 5:5)

“For in the day you eat. . .”

As it was with Adam, so it is with us. The reality that Adam lived then, is the reality we are living today. The choices and decisions that we were tricked into making by the powers of darkness in the 1960s have since been producing their inalterable results. If we like these results, we can keep producing them by continuing to make the same kinds of decision that Adam made – on his own. But if we don’t, we can change them by exercising our sovereign choices to make a different set of decisions WITH Jesus. Only then will our decisions produce a different outcome in our day.

“. . . Select and choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve

and work with. . .” (Joshua 24:15)


The clear and obvious break from traditional norms that occurred in the 1960s created massive shifts in America’s attitudes, culture, and law. These shifts weren’t the result of a series of random events that somehow suddenly converged into a mega-movement. Rather, the shifts were incremental and intended. This made them products of design, which then revealed that they were also products of strategy.

What’s important to note about strategy is that it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Strategy doesn’t make itself but is the product of intelligent design. Thus, a strategy can only originate from one of two sources – a human source or a spiritual source. Determining the source then aids in determining the scope of the strategy and how it must be dealt with.

Strategy only exists in a competitive environment where one party is trying to gain an advantage over another. In non-lethal engagements, like in sports or business, it’s called competition. In lethal engagements, like with nations or kingdoms, it’s called war.

Strategy is a military term that comes from the Greek word, strategia, which means, “art of the general or generalship.”

The art of strategy is that it is comprised of stratagems – schemes, devices,

and maneuvers designed to trick or outwit an opponent. Misdirection is the core function of stratagem. Its purpose is to make the opponent think one thing while another is happening. Anything can be used to misdirect, but whatever first catches the eye or is the first conclusion drawn by the mind is usually the misdirection when stratagem is in play.

Strategy, then, is an artful plan devised by a sophisticated command leader to achieve a predefined outcome by outwitting his adversary. The presence of strategy not only affirms intent but also serves as a window into the command leader’s objectives and attitude toward his adversary. When the markers of strategy are present it is therefore wise to pay attention because it reveals adversarial intent.

As discussed throughout this report, the kingdom of darkness is the source and origin of the strategies that were devised in the 1960s. The architect of these strategies is attempting to outwit and outmaneuver Jesus by packaging its strategies as “rights.” By mobilizing its human partners to advocate for these rights, the powers of darkness hope to achieve 5 key objectives:

1. Dismantle traditional norms.

2. Exploit the youth generations.

3. Contain the explosive growth of the human population by

slaughtering the unborn (abortion).

4. Secure and tighten control of human institutions.

5. Invert God’s authority structure.

While the human population both then and now was and is being duped into mobilizing these hideous strategies in the name of rights, none of this has caught Jesus off-guard nor has it surprised Him. He isn’t reacting to them because He doesn’t have to. He is so far ahead of the curve that they are actually serving His interests as all things do. They set in place those things that were necessary for the release of the Seventh Angel’s Sounding and the mobilization of The Transfer, which were to be launched 22 years later in June of 1982.

Personal Experience & Witness

As a high school student during the 1960s, I was not only a prime target of these strategies but was also a firsthand observer of and participant in many of the seismic events that were taking place during that time. All of us were being swept away by forces that were suddenly and violently being thrust upon us as an unsuspecting population. Riots, rebellion, campus marches, drugs, war, lawlessness, and the like, were tearing families, businesses, and educational systems apart. The very fabric of the nation was ripping – and no one was equipped to deal with it. The older generations were paralyzed in shock while the Boomer generation was too naïve to know that what they were advocating for was deadly. All of this happened in a few short years as we were being led like sheep to the slaughter, and we didn’t even know it.

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