The Adversary’s Strategies

Those of us who have been around for multiple decades and have pursued a higher Spiritual walk with FATHER have been given eyes to see the changes slowly shaping our world resulting in the current environment. My friend Steve has written a paper concerning the macro-view of what has been happening, especially in the U.S. He is openly exposing the strategies of the adversary and his minions for all to see. FATHER is always multiple steps ahead of the adversary who will once again paint himself into a corner.

In order to keep perspective as you read the installments, the following provides one with a simple illustration of God’s Authority Structure through which He delegates His authority and it might look something like this:

The Father Greater Than All (The God)


Elohim Class Ruling Class


Jesus YHVH, Lord Most High Elohim

Man Male & Female = Heaven + Earth

Elders Heavenly Rule

Watchers Heaven’s Administration of Earth


Angelic Class Ministering Class


Cherub } Angelic

Seraphim } Orders Arché } Etc. }


Animal Class Serving Class

God’s Authority Structure related to the Order of Man might look something like this:
The Father Greater Than All (The God)
Jesus YHVH, Lord Most High Elohim
Man Elohim Male
Woman Elohim Female
Children Elohim Heirs
First-Born Male Carry-on Family Elohim Rule
Under God’s Authority Structure, the Father has given all authority to Jesus. Jesus then delegates a measure of that authority to the Elohim Male who is responsible for blessing and protecting his wife and family. Jesus also delegates a measure of authority to the Elohim Woman (Wife and Mother) to bless her husband and bless and protect their Elohim Children. The First-Born Male Child is then in line to carry on the Elohim Authority for and on behalf of the family.

My friend Steve wrote the following:

A White Paper Examining the Spiritual Strategies

Devised and Mobilized in the 1960s

“Decisions are the seeds of reality’s harvest.”


The reality that we are living in today is a direct result of the decisions that we have made in the past. If we are happy with our life but want to ruin it, then all we have to do is to start making some bad decisions. It won’t take long before the good we had will be swallowed up by the bad we chose. The opposite is also true. If we’re unhappy with the life we have, we can change it by making good, quality decisions. The positive outcomes of the new good decisions will begin to outweigh the effects of the old bad decisions. Our life will then start heading in the right direction. This is how decisions work.

So, too, with America. The decisions that our founding fathers made in forming this nation were good as they grew to produce the greatest nation that the world has ever known. But apparently, we weren’t happy with that. So, we started making some really bad decisions as a nation in the 1960s. It wasn’t long before this once great nation began to change into something that those same founding fathers would never have recognized.

The decade of the 1960s was one of the most tumultuous periods in the history of the United States (U.S.). In a few short years, it had disrupted or altered virtually every aspect of American life and society. It then spread to the rest of the world, and from there to succeeding generations. And so, to understand our current reality as a nation and world, we must understand what was happening in the 1960s.

While previous decades seemed to be more event-focused:

• People sailing to the New World for adventure, opportunity, or religious liberty.

• Breaking from the tyranny of the English Crown.

• Forming a new nation on the novel idea of the sovereign citizen.

• Ending slavery.

• Establishing the supremacy of the Union over the States.

• Expanding the territory and occupation of the non-political land called America.

• Wars both national and global.

• Sinister efforts to subjugate the sovereign citizen, and so on.

The 1960s were highly strategic. Every event, action, situation, and mindset that was created or incited by these strategies were meticulously devised to achieve the architect’s grand ambition. Uncovering this Grand Ambition and the spiritual architect that conceived it is the subject of this White Paper. It is a comprehensive examination of the spiritual strategies that were devised and mobilized in the 1960s by the spiritual powers of the kingdom of darkness. Each has influenced America, the U.S., and the world in profound ways. And each has set in motion the destructive attitudes and behaviors that we now see on full display today.

Though this Paper discusses certain national and global events, its primary

focus is to reveal the linkage that exists between those events and the spiritual strategies that incited them. The report will also uncover the current state and ruling structure of the kingdom of darkness. This will give insight to the reader about:

• Who the architect of the strategies is.

• Why the strategies were conceived.

• What they were intended to accomplish.

• Who was targeted to implement them, and

• How The Transfer has affected them.

The purpose of this Paper is to inform and to shift. To inform the reader about the spiritual realities that exist in our day, and to shift the reader’s attention from those strategies to Jesus and what He is doing now.

To that end, the report is comprised of 3 major themes:

1. The human’s role and authority in the earth.

2. The desperate state of the kingdom of darkness.

3. The unimpeded advance of the Kingdom of God through The Transfer.

The reader will note that various scriptures are referenced throughout the report. Unless otherwise stated, the verses have been reconstructed using Strong’s Definitions of the original words of the scriptural text in combination with HELPS Word-studies where applicable.  The reader will also note the use of Jesus’ Old Testament Name – YHVH – when and where appropriate. Despite being recorded more than 6,800 times in the Old Testament scriptures, YHVH has been stricken from the record by the modern Bible translations and replaced with the title LORD. While history attests that there have been and continue to be many lords, there is but one YHVH, whose Name we proudly and reverently use with honor.

The strategic nature of the events that were mobilized in the 1960s by the kingdom of darkness presents a significant challenge to those who are living under the consequences of those events today. After more than 60 years, those consequences have become so embedded in how we think and live that most of us now just accept them as normal. Like a frog being boiled in water, we continue to point to other unrelated reasons for our decline while ignoring or even justifying the very things that are causing our demise as a nation.

As forces both seen and unseen continue to systematically dismantle America and the world, the challenge that is now confronting us is this: Are we willing to confront not only what we cannot see but more importantly what we have accepted as right, just, and true when it is a lie?  And yet, it is precisely when these lies have reached their pinnacle of acceptance and success and seem to be most impenetrable that Jesus has called for them to be revealed and dealt with. And so, for those who are up to the challenge, this Paper will prove to be exceedingly useful, especially for those who are serious about learning how to see as Jesus sees, so they can also learn how to rule WITH Him.

“Because to us the wrestling, struggle, and conflict is not against flesh and blood, but against the originating chief rulers; against the authorities that have been delegated the power and freedom to act in a designated jurisdiction with force, competence, and mastery; against the world rulers of this darkness who influence the lives of people; against the malicious, pain-ridden evil and wicked spiritual ones in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

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