Bring Forth The Glory

We need to see things from a Divine perspective and act accordingly.  This will occur as we renew our mind.  A renewed mind is essential for continued victory in our lives.  A renewed mind will speak the pure Oracles of GOD to those who have ears to hear.  In turn, they will respond.

The Sons and Daughters of GOD need to demonstrate the Glory of GOD in their everyday lives by manifesting the power and authority given to them from Above.  When this demonstration occurs as it did in Jesus’ earthly ministry, people will be drawn to us and respond.

Do angels say or do anything apart from FATHER’S perfect plan, will, or purpose?  Absolutely not!  They have a mandate to assist us in bringing Heaven to earth.  Yes, they may face opposition from the devil and his minions but they overcome that opposition as long as we don’t empower the enemy with our Words or actions.  They carry Heaven’s power with them when they are summoned to the earth on our behalf.  They are dispatched to help us carry out our individual callings.

In John chapter 10, Jesus spoke concerning the difference between the two kingdoms and their attributes:

9 I am the Gateway. To enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. 10 A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!

Are you living in abundance to the point of overflowing?  If not, there is still more required in changing your mindset.  I didn’t write or express this Truth, Jesus did.  My responsibility to you is to assist you in reaching full maturity (and this includes me as well).  I will not be denied this expectation set by Jesus.  Will you?

I have experienced abundance to overflowing a few times in my life but not consistently.  I am fully convinced that we can walk at the level Jesus expects.  He set the bar, I didn’t.  Since I have tasted abundance, I can testify of it firsthand.  That abundance did not come to me by my own devices but instead it came by responding to His revelation and acting accordingly.

The Kingdom of GOD is far beyond what anyone can imagine.  Does overflowing abundance denote restriction?  When Jesus came, He spoke with authority from the Throne of GOD, not with the world’s perspective of scarcity and destruction.  Jesus came from the place of Absolute Authority.  Every piece of real estate must submit to this Authority since it was first formed, established, and owned by The Creator.  Ownership was transferred by lawless deception thus we are to recover real estate by lawful means through our covenant with Heaven.

The Holy Spirit speaks only what The Father is saying and since this is the Source of Absolute Truth, power, and authority, I desire to pray more in Tongues, not less.  I want only Truth to proceed out of my mouth when I pray.  My angels will respond to those Words, not words coming from a worldly mindset.

Jesus spoke in John chapter 5:

30 “Nothing I do is from My own initiative. As I hear the judgment passed by my Father, I execute those judgments. And My judgments will be perfect, because I seek only to fulfill the desires of My Father Who sent Me. 31 If I were to make claims about Myself, you would have reasons to doubt. 32 But there is ANOTHER WHO bears witness on My behalf, and I know that what HE testifies of Me is true.”

In John chapter 6, Jesus emphatically states:

38 And I have come out of Heaven not for My own desires, but for the satisfaction of My Father WHO sent Me.

FATHER validated Jesus by the demonstration of power and authority over the god of this world.  He did not need human validation.  Jesus’ desires, Words, and actions specifically came from FATHER.  We need to walk in the same manner if we are to expect the same results as Jesus when He walked the earth… even greater results.  I would call that “overflowing”.

The Holy Spirit speaks in the same manner as Jesus, the Divine Intent of FATHER thus The Holy Spirit is speaking what the FATHER is saying to us and through us.  His desire is to implement the complete Will of GOD into a believer’s life. 

The expressed Will of GOD is to pray Heaven onto the earth and we are meant to be the vessels who accomplish it without further delay.  We are to overtake the kingdoms of this world.  We are the ones who are here and intended to accomplish the mandate given to us in what is known as The Lord’s prayer. 

The Holy Spirit was sent to empower this mandate so let us not neglect Him in any aspect of our lives.  Why do you think the adversary works so hard in trying to remove The Holy Spirit from being allowed in the church services?  He is well aware of The Holy Spirit’s ministry which is to empower us to overthrow his temporary kingdom.  The Holy Spirit needs our bodies, our voices, and our breath, so let us fully submit them to Him once and for all.  This is why we are to live a crucified life.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians chapter 6:

19 Have you forgotten that your body is now the Sacred Temple of the Spirit of Holiness, Who lives in you? You don’t belong to yourself any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary.20 You were God’s expensive purchase, paid for with tears of blood, so by all means, then, use your body to bring glory to God!

Let us bring glory to FATHER in all our words and actions today!

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