The Call To Spiritual Warfare: Part 8

Our mindset needs to be elevated to the point where we only rely on the Absolute Truth and righteousness revealed to us from FATHER.  Until then, our perception may be wrong.  If this is the case, we are living in deception.  Deception in its purest form is when a person doesn’t know he or she is deceived.  Demons rely on this situation thus we need to pray in The Holy Spirit so we can hear AND understand what is Truth and righteousness.

We are instructed by The Holy Spirit in Psalm 89:

14 Your glorious Throne rests on a foundation

of righteousness and just verdicts.

Grace and Truth are the attendants who go before you.

15 O Lord, how blessed are the people

who experience the shout of worship,

for they walk in the radiance of your presence.

16 We can do nothing but leap for joy all day long,

for we know who You are and what You do,

and you’ve exalted us on high.

FATHER is always speaking what is correct and what is right in an absolute sense.  Why would I start the morning without first praying in The Holy Spirit?  What else is more important than hearing and understanding what is coming from the Throne Room where Truth and Righteousness are at the foundation of FATHER’S Throne?

There is no doubt in Heaven nor is there fear or uncertainty.  There are only answers!  This is why we must be baptized in The Holy Spirit and it is also why that many religions are opposed to this Baptism.  They lose their ability to control and manipulate when believers begin to hear directly from the Throne Room rather than relying on religious leaders who may or may not be speaking the Absolute Truth.  Instead, they may be wolves in sheep’s clothing and promoting their own self-serving agenda.

Jesus is always right and I am not always right thus I need to rely on Him and His Words, not some incomplete doctrine promoted by others.  The plumb line in Heaven is perfect.  When I spend time in the Secret Place (Psalm 91), I receive correction which results in deception being removed.  I then repent and go on.

The adversary wants to keep us blind and deceived so that we will cease maturing as Sons and Daughters of GOD.  We must acknowledge his devices and not allow ourselves to be tossed by every wind of doctrine.  Paul spoke about the true mandate of the five-fold ministry to bring us into full maturity as he wrote by The Holy Spirit in Ephesians chapter 4:

14 And then our immaturity will end! And we will not be easily shaken by trouble, nor led astray by novel teachings or by the false doctrines of deceivers who teach clever lies. 15 But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our Love as we express the Truth. All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into Him, the anointed Head of His Body, the church.

16 For His “Body” has been formed in His image and is closely joined together and constantly connected as one. And every member has been given divine gifts to contribute to the growth of all; and as these gifts operate effectively throughout the whole body, we are built up and made perfect in Love.

In Leviticus chapter 10 we are told FATHER’S Heart concerning Holiness: 10 that you may distinguish between Holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean.  We must not allow ourselves to knowingly fellowship with unholiness and bring unrighteousness into our midst. 

Would I knowingly consume something into my body that has harmful effects?  Would I give my child something poisonous?  We are to protect ourselves from impurities in whatever form they take.  We are to Love people but not condone their unholiness or misguided doctrines.  We are to minister life and restoration.

In Ezekiel chapter 44, it is written by The Holy Spirit:

23 “And they shall teach My people the difference between the Holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.”

We are to discern what is not Holy in our lives and remove it from our midst.  People have a tendency to compromise in this area often because of peer pressure.  However, Jesus never allowed Himself to compromise.  The adversary tried to tempt Him with compromising FATHER’S Word but failed.

It is further written by THE SPIRIT in Psalm 119:

1 You’re only truly happy when you walk in total integrity,

walking in the light of God’s Word.

2 What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God,

those who seek HIM as their heart’s passion!

3 They’ll never do what’s wrong

but will always choose the paths of the Lord.

4 God has prescribed the right way to live:

obeying HIS laws with all our hearts.

5 How I long for my life to bring YOU glory

as I follow each and every one of Your Holy precepts!

FATHER has shown us the right way to live and has given us The Holy Spirit to discern between Holy and unholy.  The adversary will use clever lies and cunning deceit to direct us away from Holiness.  We must be on guard to such devices.  The Bride will be without spot or wrinkle and we don’t want to be disqualified due to misperception and lack of discernment concerning our interactions with others.

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