The Call To Spiritual Warfare: Part 7

Our mindset needs to be elevated and no longer tolerate fear in any aspect of our life.  This includes physical death.  Since I have experienced near death five times since 1984, I am not fearful of death anymore.  Neither was Paul as he wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians chapter 15:

51 Listen, and I will tell you a Divine mystery: not all of us will die, but we will all be transformed. 52 It will happen in an instant—in the twinkling of his eye. For when the last trumpet is sounded, the dead will come back to life. We will be indestructible and we will be transformed. 53 For we will discard our mortal “clothes” and slip into a body that is imperishable. What is mortal now will be exchanged for immortality. 54 And when that which is mortal puts on immortality, and what now decays is exchanged for what will never decay, then the Scripture will be fulfilled that says:

Death is swallowed up by a triumphant victory!

55 So death, tell me, where is your victory?

    Tell me death, where is your sting?

56 It is sin that gives death its sting and the law that gives sin its power. 57 But we thank God for giving us the victory as conquerors through Our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. 58 So now, Beloved ones,] stand firm and secure. Live your lives with an unshakable confidence. We know that we prosper and excel in every season by serving the Lord, because we are assured that our union with the Lord makes our labor productive with fruit that endures.

The devil will use fear to cause us to become focused only on personal survival.  He wants us to be totally self-centered and only consider activities that promote a mindset of self-centeredness.  It is a direct attack on Agape Love.  We must not allow those seeds of fear to grow but instead utilize the armor of GOD to deflect those fiery darts.  It is much easier to pull up a weed when it is simply a seedling rather than letting it take root and become a major weed.  The Name of Jesus is our solution to fear.  Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Philippians chapter 2:

6 He (Jesus) existed in the form of God, yet He gave no thought to seizing equality with God as His supreme prize. 7 Instead He emptied himself of his outward glory by reducing Himself to the form of a lowly servant. He became human! 8 He humbled Himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man and was obedient. He was a perfect example, even in his death—a criminal’s death by crucifixion!

9 Because of that obedience, God exalted Him and multiplied His greatness! He has now been given the greatest of all names!

10 The authority of the name of Jesus causes every knee to bow in reverence! Everything and everyone will one day submit to this Name—in the Heavenly realm, in the earthly realm, and in the demonic realm. 11 And every tongue will proclaim in every language: “Jesus Christ is Lord Yahweh,” bringing glory and honor to God, His Father!

Fear must submit to the Name of Jesus.  The demonic realm must submit to the Name of Jesus.  There is power in that Name.  Luke recorded by The Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 19:

11 God kept releasing a flow of extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul. 12 Because of this, people took Paul’s handkerchiefs and articles of clothing, even pieces of cloth that had touched his skin, laying them on the bodies of the sick, and diseases and demons left them and they were healed.

13–14 Now, there were seven itinerant Jewish exorcists, sons of Sceva the high priest, who took it upon themselves to use the name and authority of Jesus over those who were demonized. They would say, “We cast you out in the name of the Jesus that Paul preaches!”

15 One day, when they said those words, the demon in the man replied, “I know about Jesus, and I recognize Paul, but who do you think you are?”

16 Then the demonized man jumped on them and threw them to the ground, beating them mercilessly. He overpowered the seven exorcists until they all ran out of the house naked and badly bruised.

It is clear that the seven sons of Sceva had no personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  They only knew Jesus by what Paul preached.  They simply tried to emulate Paul’s ministry and paid a dear price for their error.  We are not to rely on copying what others do.  We must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. 

When we finally get to know THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY by the relational name FATHER, we will truly begin to understand the need to full maturity.  When you hear someone simply call HIM “God”, there may be a relational issue in that person’s life.  FATHER reminds of this every time I hear a prayer with the only term “God” being used.

The sons of Sceva did not have the empowerment given by The Holy Spirit.  When we receive this empowerment, we will know it and there will be no question when confronting demons.  I expect this empowerment and you should too else you would not continue to pursue maturity through these teachings.

As a child of Our Heavenly Father, if you will not accept fear in your life, you cannot be tormented by the demons.  You will deal with fear using the Name of Jesus.  Demons cannot deal with this Name or proclaiming His Blood over your life.  They will back off and go looking for some weak Christian to torment instead.  Frequent communion keeps this Truth at the forefront of our mindset.

David recorded by The Holy Spirit in Psalm chapter 27:

1 The Lord is my revelation-light to guide me along the way;            

HE’S the Source of my salvation to defend me every day.

I fear no one!

I’ll never turn back and run from You, Lord;

surround and protect me.

2 When evil ones come to destroy me,

they will be the ones who turn back.

3 My heart will not be afraid even if an army rises to attack.

I know that YOU are there for me, so I will not be shaken.

Fear not!  The adversary will never be victorious in your life if you will trust in The Name of Jesus and maintain a direct, personal relationship with THE FATHER, Son, and Holy Spirit.  You do not need to rely on others to fight your battle with the devil.  You can do it as you become strong in THE LORD!

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