The Call To Spiritual Warfare: Part 5

The adversary’s arsenal includes fear, uncertainty, doubt, worry, anxiety, and torment.  You can categorize every situation by determining whether the situation arises from stealing, killing, and/or destroying something.  Does the situation produce life and restoration?

Jesus gave us this revelation when He spoke in John chapter 10:

9 I am the Gateway. To enter through Me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. 10 A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!

How simple it is to determine the source of our situations we are dealing with on a daily basis.  The demonic arsenal coming against you is trying to manipulate and control you.  When you are manipulated and controlled, you are actually working against Jesus, not with Him.

How many prophecies you have been exposed to have come to pass?  How many of those prophecies caused you to move toward inactivity because you stopped what you were doing for the Kingdom and simply waited for them to come to fruition? 

We have been exposed to many false prophets but in many cases, we simply “forgot” their past errors and continued to be mesmerized by their apparent or promoted connection with the spiritual.  Yes, they were connected but with the wrong spirit.  We must be fruit inspectors and rely on The Holy Spirit to reveal a true prophecy versus a false prophecy.

An arsenal is an array of resources available for a certain purpose.  FATHER has provided for our arsenal against the devil and his demons, we need to find out what those resources are and utilize them in an appropriate manner.  Both Agape Love and faith are in our arsenal.  Ephesians chapter 6 lists weapons in our arsenal.  Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit:

11 Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser! 12 Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. 13 Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.

14 Put on Truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph. Put on Holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart. 15 Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.

16 In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the Evil One! 17–18 Embrace the power of Salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken Word of God.

Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times. Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers.

FATHER gave us overflowing provision to walk and fight victoriously in every situation confronting us on a daily basis.  Do you think that the powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits are doing nothing?  The Holy Spirit has warned us of their nefarious activities and we have been given the authority and power to confront them and achieve total victory over them.  We must not allow ourselves to walk without this revelation!

If you take an audit of your daily activities, what will you find?  Are you too busy to focus on Spiritual matters?  Are there too many distractions that pull you in all directions?  Are you in the wrong job?  Are you dealing with health issues that appear to have no solution?  Are you predisposed to national politics and affairs which take your focus away from the Spiritual? 

Guess what, your mindset needs to change and realign with the priorities of The Holy Spirit.  If you do, The Holy Spirit will move you away from all these issues and your priorities will begin to align with FATHER’S.  You will get back on the road to Spiritual maturity and you must not look back.  Peace will be the result.

We must be discerners in our walk and not allow our time to be stolen by the enemy.  He will paralyze us if possible.  Fear is like a cancer in your spirit that will eat away at you.  This is why we are commanded to “Fear not” but instead walk in faith.

Look at what the current virus has done.  It has instilled fear across the globe and people are now being fully controlled and manipulated by the various powers put in place by the adversary.  Each of us has a responsibility to respond according to The Holy Spirit. 

It is clear that this is an all out war against the saints and FATHER’S current move which I call the “Great Awakening”.  Lies and fraud have been revealed at the highest levels by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  This battle will be won by Spiritual warfare, not bullets or intimidation. 

GOD has made a way for you to take away fear in your life.  You must seek HIM and not the latest counsel from men which happens to change nearly every day.  Their solutions are only temporary in nature whereas FATHER’S directives are based on Absolute Truth. 

The devil is a liar and he is limited as is his resources.  On the other hand, FATHER’S resources are unlimited and we have sufficient provision to walk out our calling.  Never forget this Truth.

When you become anxious and worry, you give the devil permission to “imprison”, captivate, or confine you from your purpose.  Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians chapter 15:

58 So now, Beloved ones, stand firm and secure. Live your lives with an unshakable confidence. We know that we prosper and excel in every season by serving the Lord, because we are assured that our union with the Lord makes our labor productive with fruit that endures.

Let us walk in unshakable confidence today knowing that the enemy has no weapon that can affect our walk in we stand firm.  We must control “self”.

Paul also wrote by The Holy Spirit in 2nd Timothy, chapter 1:

7 For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, Love, and self-control.

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