Hindrances To Our Destiny

As I wrote yesterday, when you have understanding and no longer have questions about your position with FATHER and HIS Covenant with you, you will have a boldness about you and you will no longer hesitate in your destiny.

The adversary wants to derail you from your destiny.  He will do this by attacking your faith which is your “currency” from Heaven.  As Paul writes by The Holy Spirit in Hebrews chapter 11:

6 And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that HE is real and that HE rewards the faith of those who give all their passion and strength into seeking HIM.

We must walk in faith in order to fulfill our destiny.  We are not to sit around in an idle state waiting on FATHER to walk out our destiny for us.  We must go when directed, speak by The Holy Spirit, and take command of our destiny.  Doing “nothing” will not fulfill our destiny and this is what the adversary wants and promotes… do nothing toward your destiny.

If you enter into doubt, uncertainty, and unbelief, you may forfeit your purpose and destiny.  Regrettably, FATHER may bring you home early.  It is critical that we understand our authority provided for us in the Covenant with Our Lord Jesus Christ.  This Covenant is enforced by the angels and we must know Its terms and conditions so that we properly demand Its results.

We must not allow ourselves to be around those who promote division.  Unity is also critical in our walk as it is to the entire Body of Christ.  Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Ephesians chapter 4 concerning this unity:

11 And he has appointed some with grace to be apostles, and some with grace to be prophets, and some with grace to be evangelists, and some with grace to be pastors, and some with grace to be teachers. 12 And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ. 13 These grace ministries will function until we all attain oneness (unity) in the faith, until we all experience the fullness of what it means to know the Son of God, and finally we become one perfect man with the full dimensions of spiritual maturity and fully developed in the abundance of Christ.

14 And then our immaturity will end! And we will not be easily shaken by trouble, nor led astray by novel teachings or by the false doctrines of deceivers who teach clever lies. 15 But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our Love as we express the Truth. All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into Him, the anointed Head of his body, the church.

16 For His “body” has been formed in his image and is closely joined together and constantly connected as one. And every member has been given Divine gifts to contribute to the growth of all; and as these gifts operate effectively throughout the whole body, we are built up and made perfect in Love.

In order to be made perfect in Love, we must walk in unity and not allow ourselves to be led astray by novel teachings or by the false doctrines of deceivers who teach clever lies.  If those teachings were not out there, we would not be warned by The Holy Spirit.

Pride and greed will cause disunity.  Remove those from your midst and you will promote unity among the brethren.  Greed is the root of all evil.  Why do you think we are instructed to give the firstfruits of our income to FATHER?  This establishes HIS place in our lives.  HE is more important than “things” which are bought with funds we receive.  The tithe is a reminder of our relative position with FATHER.  This is one reason I look forward to tithing.  It promotes unity.  The enemy wants us to have a scarcity mentality so that we will enter into greed and distance ourselves from our destiny. What subtlety!

We need to be fully content in Christ and not look to anyone for some unfulfilled desire.  If the devil perceives that we have some unfulfilled desire, he will send someone to fulfill it and take you off track.  You should be able to be content no matter where you are at or who you are around but you should not rely on anyone to fulfill you for only Christ can do that.

You must be willing to give up relationships with those who have become weak links in your circle of influence.  If they are negatively impacting you, you must distance yourself from them.  They will pull you away from your destiny as they try to transfer their problems to you and get you to accept their problems as yours.

Promotion comes from FATHER, not man.  We don’t need to pursue relationships with those of influence in order to be promoted to the next level of our destiny.  FATHER will promote us in due time and will use those who are meant to be included in moving us toward our destiny.

There is a rhythm in Heaven which denotes a proper and timely flow toward fulfillment of our destiny.  We are to walk out this rhythm in order and proceed through the various stages of maturing as we ascend to the fullness of our individual callings.

If you do not have the “Fear of GOD” in your life, you will not be able to fulfill all aspects of your destiny.  We must know our place relative to FATHER.  If HE says to do something, we must have no hesitation else we have placed ourselves above HIM.  Think about it.  When you have the “Fear of GOD” operating in your life, there is no fear, uncertainty, or doubt.  You do not challenge the directive of where to go, what to do, and how to respond.  You are not move by apparent inconvenience of what FATHER has directed you to do.

Each of us needs to do a frequent assessment of where we are at.  We cannot live on yesterday’s manna.  Am I progressing in spiritual maturity or am I in a rut?  I do not want to be who I was last year.  I must focus on maturing in Christ in order to fulfill my destiny.  Do I need to cut back on certain activities?  Do I need to address and adjust what I eat?

All the devil wants is to expand spiritual territory.  Are you giving him any of your territory?  Are you being “moved” by the devil thus giving up territory?  If so, it is time for a spiritual assessment.  You are either taking territory or giving it up… period!

The devil is not afraid of a man with multiple PhD’s diplomas on the wall.  He is not afraid of experts on the Law, or Hebrew, or Greek.  He is not afraid of experts on numerology or Biblical meanings of names.  He is not afraid of experts on identifying signs or seasons.  We must mature to the point where we can fully operate in our Covenant and all Its benefits.  We must walk in the “Fear of GOD” at all times and embrace the anointing of The Holy Spirit just as Jesus did when He confronted demons.

Let us be consistent when we fight the devil.  We will use The Word, faith (activated by The Word), spiritual strength, and spiritual endurance.  As James wrote by The Holy Spirit in chapter 4 of his epistle:

7 So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will turn and run away from you.

When the “Fear of GOD” is at the forefront of my consciousness, I have fully surrendered my life to HIM.  I can then successfully stand up to the devil and his demons and they will depart from me and my area of influence.

FATHER doesn’t give lazy, idle believers the anointing and authority over the adversary.  Let us activate our faith and pursue our destiny today.

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