Properly Walking In Faith

Peter wrote by The Holy Spirit in 2 Peter chapter 1:

5 So devote yourselves to lavishly supplementing your faith with goodness,

and to goodness add understanding,

6 and to understanding add the strength of self-control,

and to self-control add patient endurance,

and to patient endurance add Godliness (complete devotion),

7 and to Godliness add mercy toward your brothers and sisters,

and to mercy toward others add unending Love.

8 Since these virtues are already planted deep within, and you possess them in abundant supply, they will keep you from being inactive or fruitless in your pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately. 9 But if anyone lacks these things, he is blind, constantly closing his eyes to the mysteries of our faith, and forgetting his innocence—for his past sins have been washed away.

10 For this reason, beloved ones, be eager to confirm and validate that God has invited you to salvation and claimed you as HIS own. If you do these things, you will never stumble. 11 As a result, the Kingdom’s gates will open wide to you as God choreographs your triumphant entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah.

12 I won’t hesitate to continually remind you of these Truths, even though you are aware of them and are well established in the present measure of Truth you have already embraced. 13 And as long as I live I will continue to awaken you with this reminder

Faith always releases the power of the Word of God so we need to properly walk in faith.  In order to do so what must put it in proper perspective.  In the past, the “faith” message was promoted beyond the message of Agape Love.  Paul clarified the relative importance of faith in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 when he spoke by The Holy Spirit:

12 For now we see but a faint reflection of riddles and mysteries as though reflected in a mirror, but one day we will see face-to-face. My understanding is incomplete now, but one day I will understand everything, just as everything about me has been fully understood. 13 Until then, there are three things that remain: faith, hope, and Love—yet Love surpasses them all. So above all else, let Love be the beautiful prize for which you run.

This is why FATHER had me focus on Agape Love since 2005.  HE began preparing me in 1998 to plan for a major mindset change.  I had a strong focus on faith for 25 years promoted by all the “faith” teachers of that period.  Why didn’t HE immediately change the focus in 1998?  I needed to be exposed to other things that would provide me with greater understanding and appreciation for the importance of walking in Agape Love.  There are other mysteries to be disclosed I’m sure but this stands out as the primary reason.  I had to transition from the focus of faith to Love.

As Peter wrote in the above passage- I won’t hesitate to continually remind you of these Truths, even though you are aware of them and are well established in the present measure of Truth you have already embraced.

To keep our mindset in proper focus, we need to be reminded of these Truths continually.  We must not allow ourselves to drift away and go off course from the narrow Highway of Holiness.  The spirit of deception wants nothing more than for us to leave our First Love, Jesus Christ.  This is why I am compelled to also remind you of these Truths.

Recently, that ugly spirit tried to insert itself into our family affairs but to no avail.  We recognized it and cast it away by the Blood of Jesus Christ.  It has no place in our midst.  Yes, this is a broken world and the demons will try to re-insert themselves if we allow it.  They are like a broken record for they have nothing else to do as their mandate but we are aware of their devices now.

I only share these personal events to show you that we are all challenged by the adversary from time to time and it is not unique to you that they attempt to take you off track.  Both you and I must remain vigilant, no matter how long we have been walking with THE LORD.  Peter knew this and that is why he did not hesitate to continually remind us of these Truths.  Both Peter and I are simply messengers.  The focus must be on Jesus Christ and the Covenant we now have with FATHER WHO is Perfect and Loving toward us!

When you have understanding and no longer have questions about your position with FATHER and HIS Covenant with you, you will have a boldness about you and you will no longer hesitate in your walk.  You will not be timid in confronting the enemy no matter how he subtly attempts to insert himself in your affairs.  You have added understanding and the strength of self-control so you won’t be affected by these challenges.

You now walk in patient endurance as you walk out your destiny in this fallen world and this is done with complete devotion to your relationship with FATHER and walking according to The Holy Spirit in His leading in all encounters.

You will have mercy on your brothers and sisters because you understand what they are going through, especially at their current level of maturity and understanding.  This is what Agape Love does.  I thank MY FATHER that HE has this same mercy toward me!

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