Intense Deception

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1Timothy chapter 4:

1 The Holy Spirit has explicitly revealed: At the end of this age, many will depart from the true faith one after another, devoting themselves to spirits of deception and following demon-inspired revelations and theories.

The Holy Spirit is warning us about greater and intense demon activity in the “end times.”  Why?  This has always been a ploy of the adversary.  Since the adversary cannot discern times and seasons, he moves upon willing vessels who are in power to promote death and destruction of babies hoping to eliminate the callings given by FATHER.  Simply look at the time of Moses and Jesus… and now.

People who view demons as being born of man’s imaginations are already being deceived.  The enemy has you right where he wants you- walking in denial of the Truth.  The above Word is not my opinion.  I purpose to fully submit my mind, will, and emotions to The Holy Spirit in all areas.  Since I have encountered demons, I don’t need to be convinced of the above statement.  I have encountered angels as well so there is no need to theorize about spiritual activity.

2 Hypocritical liars will deceive many, and their consciences won’t bother them at all! 3 They will require celibacy and dietary restrictions that God doesn’t expect, for he created all foods to be received with the celebration of faith by those who fully know the Truth. 4 We know that all creation is beautiful to God and there is nothing to be refused if it is received with gratitude. 5 All that we eat is made sacred by the Word of God and prayer.

6 If you will teach the believers these things, you will be known as a faithful and good minister of Jesus, the Anointed One. Nurture others in the living Words of faith and in the knowledge of grace which you were taught.

7 Be quick to abstain from senseless traditions and legends, but instead be engaged in the training of Truth that brings righteousness.

True faith and Agape Love requires obedience and discipline.  Men will try to control us with their senseless traditions and legends but we must filter everything we hear and read through The Word and The Holy Spirit.  Neither your nor my opinion matter outside the Truth.  Why spend time debating a half-truth?

We must not allow ourselves to focus on what the world is doing and promoting.  Instead, we should start each day finding out what is on FATHER’S Mind and be a part of it.

We must not allow ourselves to be deceived and/or refocused on things which will have no lasting value to The Kingdom of GOD.  The adversary is always desperate to prevent FATHER’S Plan to come forth.  When you see greater darkness, be assured that greater light is ahead for those who Love GOD.

All of us should be engaged in the training of Truth that brings righteousness.  There can be only one Standard on this earth and it must be Truth.  FATHER is in the midst of exposing Truth to all those who Love HIM.  I am seeing it virtually every day.

Anyone who challenges the Truth is being deceived and his or her motivations of deception will be exposed.  Those who truly repent will be spared.  Those who do not, will undergo judgment.  It’s our choice.

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