Our Day of Deliverance

By THE SPIRIT John wrote in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 1:

8  “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

You are not your circumstances. but you are a Child of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  It is HE who formed us in the womb and WHO was before the universe was created.  There is no GOD particle separate from HIS command and Divine Intent.  We must keep that Truth and reality before as we walk out our lives in Love and faith.  HE is the beginning of our walk and HE is the destination of our walk.  We must deal with the in-between by pressing in to pierce the veil of the Heavenlies and no longer submit as slaves to our flesh but rise above the chaos and approach FATHER’S Throne in boldness.

Faith IN HIM is a necessity in our journey between the Alpha and Omega.  We cannot and should not trust in worldly men who would deceive us in order to exploit us and place us in bondage.  In Proverbs chapter 25 it is written by THE SPIRIT:

18 ​​A man who bears false witness against his neighbor

​​Is like a club, a sword, and a sharp arrow.

​19 ​​Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble

​​Is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint.

​20 ​​Like one who takes away a garment in cold weather,

​​And like vinegar on soda,

​​Is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.

Our trust must be placed in our Deliverer, Jesus Christ.  It is HIS Words that fully express FATHER’S Divine Intent of Love and should be lifted up in our hearts and our minds as we walk through the trials and tribulations set before us.  Every Word out of our Elder Brother’s mouth was for our encouragement and instruction.  He warned us of the times we are now in so we must not be moved by the wickedness, perverseness, and lawlessness all around us.

Spiritual blindness abounds.  Are you surprised?  The world is awash with selfish motives and for many their Love has grown cold.  People are once again looking for an external solution to an internal problem for the heart must change before the circumstances will change.  We must plant seeds of life to grow trees with fruit.  Where do we get our seed?  From FATHER.  Jesus tells us in Luke chapter 8:

11 “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.”

How much more plain can it be expressed!  As we plant the pure seed of HIS Word in our hearts, it produces good fruit.  Yes, it will require patience and must be rooted and grounded in Love.  Love must be the basis by which we plant all other seed from FATHER in order that the seed be fully stable when the stalk, leaves, and fruit come forth.  We must be able to withstand the storms which will test our root system.  Our faith will be tested to see how deep our roots go.  Our day of deliverance is at hand and when we have done all to stand, STAND!

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