Double Honor

In 1 Timothy chapter 5, Paul wrote:

17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.

18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.”

Life is about promoting “flow and exchange” whether it relate to THE SPIRIT, blood, water, or other resources including money.  Every morning as FATHER gives me something to convey to others, I faithfully forward it for the benefit of all who would read these words throughout the earth.  Clearly there are billions who have not found this site but those who have and are drawn to return benefit from this flow of THE SPIRIT.  What would happen if I simply received the Word and did not spread it?  The flow would be stopped like a dam holding back water.  I would be blessed with the relevant Word for the day but no one else would receive needed ministry and instruction.

Those who faithfully carry out FATHER’S directions over sustained periods of time on behalf of The Body of Christ are called elders.  By THE SPIRIT, Paul says they are worthy of “double honor”.  In the context of verse 18 Paul is referring to twice the money or wages.

Be assured that I am not writing this in an attempt to extract your funds for I look to FATHER as my Source.  My family has not only been sustained but blessed by being givers ourselves so I know how FATHER’S economics works.  As you give, FATHER honors your intent by increasing the flow of resources back to you.  It is FATHER’S directive that we not “muzzle” the ox while it does its part in treading out the grain.  On the other hand, people who do not understand FATHER’S Divine Intent of provision dam up the flow of funds generally out of fear of scarcity.

Muzzling the oxen refers to Deuteronomy 25:

4 “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain.”

The ox must maintain its optimum strength in order to carry out its function on behalf of the Body of Christ.  The “selfish” people who focus on their own scarcity would have the oxen performing its task in a minimum fashion, barely making it through the day.  Those who understand FATHER’S view want the best for the oxen so that it can work in an optimal manner.  This is where wisdom enters into the picture.  Proverbs chapter 14 speaks of wisdom concerning the ways of Life and death.  In verse 4 we find:

4 ​​Where no oxen are, the trough is clean;

​​But much increase comes by the strength of an ox.

Wisdom says “Taking care of your ox is a wise investment in your future.”  If you can’t cheerfully embrace the revelation of this topic you will also hinder the flow.  I suspect FATHER has me write on this topic because of two reasons:  First, HE knows I will be obedient even though there will be some who will look for error to justify their hoarding.  Secondly, I know FATHER well enough and we have a history of HIM providing for me and my family.  Our history includes the revelation of cheerful giving.

This Word today is directed to those who have faithfully served FATHER over time and have done their part in laboring in the Word and doctrine.  Blessings will not be withheld but FATHER will honor that work in a greater degree.  THE SPIRIT of FATHER had Paul write this passage and it is just as relevant as any other verses that make up HIS Word to us.

Wisdom says “Let the cheerful givers give and withhold not”.  The hoarders will continue filling their barns until their death and the benefit will end up in hands of others at some future time.  FATHER’S economy demands that the rivers of Living Water flow forth.  The body demands that blood flow through the veins to provide nourishment.  The Truth of the matter is simple.  To carry it out demands taking command over the soulish thoughts and be led by THE SPIRIT.  Blessed are those who are willing to embrace ALL of The Word, not just a portion.  Their strength will continue to increase.

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