Communication is Key

In the 5th chapter of Ephesians, Paul wrote:

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,

26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,

27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.

Every serious student of Scripture would like to know exactly when FATHER plans to intervene on their behalf.  Prophetic writers and speakers have been predicting major events for decades and now is no different.  I recall when Jesus was suppose to return for the church in 1988 as well as many other dates scattered throughout the last several decades.  As each target date passed, we simply went on to the next plausible date and focused on it.  I found that as I focused on those dates that I became less productive in the “here and now” to the degree that I felt that time was wasted in the interim.  I finally realized that I should treat each day equally important and not get caught up in some future date.

We are cleansed by the washing of water by The Word.  As FATHER speaks to you and me on a daily basis HE is removing any spots and/or wrinkles so that we should be holy and without blemish.  Communication is critical to this process.  As we speak we either promote life or else we promote death.  As husbands we are given the mandate to speak words of life and encouragement to our wives for the purpose of them becoming “spotless”.  Our wives are to reflect us in the same manner that the true church will reflect the values of Jesus Christ.  For those of you who are married, does your spouse reflect Christ?  For those who are single, to what degree does your life reflect Christ?

I once knew a man who had studied Scripture for years and then finally proclaimed it was no longer required and he “closed the book” as though he no longer had need to study the Written Word.  Many others have effectively done the same thing without any fanfare but I say to you that there are many more facets to Scripture than will be revealed to us in a normal lifetime.  How would you like for FATHER to cease communicating with you?  As for me, I desire more communication not less.

Communication is a means of connecting, imparting, and exchanging ideas, thoughts, and direction.  As I grow older and more mature in Christ I am convinced that hearing FATHER daily is key to my progress in removing “spot or wrinkle”.  Each and every day before I write these blogs, FATHER instructs me what to write.  I have no hidden agenda or preconceived notion but simply respond to HIM.  Beloved brothers and sisters will communicate with me about specific blogs and how they were appropriate to their situation.  These writings may tweak guilt or remorse to some.  If so, it is because FATHER needed to expose a spot or wrinkle for removal.  There are some blogs I write that cause me to change as well.  As FATHER’S Spirit leads me, I write.  I purpose to be the first to change as a result of a Word of correction.

Love is the basis of all things pertaining to life.  Absence of Love promotes death, division, and destruction.  When my wife and I are at odds concerning anything, I ultimately have to accept responsibility for failing to inject Love into that facet of our marriage.  Jesus came to perfect the church, not condemn it.  The church is to reflect Jesus just as the moon reflects the light of the sun.  If my wife is not reflecting Love in a situation, it is time for us to communicate and expose the issue.  Not in a condemning or judgmental manner, but pursue resolution with Loving sensitivity.  I must admit I am still being perfected in this area myself.

Jesus proclaimed in the Gospel of John, chapter 10:

10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”

Are you and I producing life in abundance in our interaction with others?  In Luke chapter 6 Jesus also spoke:

45  “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

If we have Love in our hearts, our words will express that Love.  If we say nothing, what does that indicate?  If we speak negatively and judgmental, where is Love found within?  FATHER’S Breath of Life is in every person for HE formed each and every one of us in the womb, no exceptions.  Therefore we should be communicating Love and life to all mankind.  Yes, there will be times of needed correction but it must be done out of Love.  Communication is the key to conveying the revelation of Love to others.  Let your words build up others and bring forth good.  Be transparent and allow your Love to shine forth in others.  This is exactly what Jesus did as He proclaimed the Gospel!

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