Greed and Apathy

The current U.S. culture relies on greed by those in control and apathy of the voting masses.  Just gimme my Dallas Cowboys on Sunday and I’m happy.  By the way, thanks for the new billion dollar stadium, Jerry.  The President is going to send Social Security recipients $250 since there will be no annual increase this next year.  Isn’t it great that inflation is under control for all of those non-essentials!  However if you look at true core inflation, the rate is notably higher.


It is too bad the our retirees can’t choose the Pre-Clinton Era CPI.  Will the retirees respond as depicted in the movie “Network”?

Warning: (Rated: R for language)


Will the average Joe on the street finally get fed up with the attitude of “entitlement” for the few, well-connected people in power?  The Tea Party held in Washington D.C. had hundreds of thousands of protestors but was under-reported by the network media.  We must ask ourselves why?  It appears that this country and the globe are moving toward an inflection point.  How long will the masses tolerate decisions of self-interest by those in charge?  Expect a Second American Revolution to surface in 2010.

However, If the apathy continues, the country may dig an economic hole that cannot be salvaged.  Other countries see it and are taking steps to distance themselves for the plight of the U.S. Dollar.

Bolivia summit adopts new currency

Leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean have agreed during a summit in Bolivia on creation of a regional currency aimed at reducing the use of the US dollar. See:

Harvard University, where many of the leaders were educated, announced they had a serious investment portfolio problem to the tune of a half of a billion dollars: 


Smartest Man in the World

A doctor, a Harvard graduate, a little boy and a priest were out for a Sunday afternoon flight on a small private plane. Suddenly, the plane developed engine trouble.
In spite of the best efforts of the pilot, the plane started to go down. Finally, the pilot grabbed a parachute, yelled to the passengers that they had better jump, and bailed out.
Unfortunately, there were only three parachutes remaining.
The doctor grabbed one and said “I’m a doctor, I save lives, so I must live,” and jumped out.
The Harvard graduate then said, “I graduated from Harvard  and Harvard graduates are the smartest people in the world. I deserve to live.”
He also grabbed a parachute and jumped.
The priest looked at the little boy and said, “My son, I’ve lived a long and full life. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Take the last parachute and live in peace.”
The little boy handed the parachute back to the priest and said, “Not to worry, Father. The ‘smartest man in the world’ just took off with my back pack.”

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