Credible Witnesses

1 John 3:8 says:  For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Jesus did not need healed, set free, saved, or delivered from the works of the devil but the rest of mankind did.  His Blood was and is sufficient to completely destroy the works of the devil.  As Sons we should expect to mature to the point where we operate under the same anointing.  There will be some who ascend to this fullness whose hearts are fully aligned with FATHER’S Love for mankind and will be most sensitive to FATHER’S Voice just as Jesus was.

John 14:12   “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

Jesus spoke these words directly from FATHER’S Intent for us yet guilt, shame, and unworthiness cause many believers to be unwilling to move upward into HIS Perfect Will.  The adversary would prefer you to stay in the lower physical world at all times where you have no power or authority.

The works of Jesus included salvation, healing, deliverance, and loosing the bands of wickedness.  Jesus was never afraid or timid in any circumstance and we should look to operate in the same manner.  My wife and I are both witnesses to HIS healing power and no one can convince us otherwise, it’s too late for we both received miraculous healing.  We are indeed credible witnesses and we both had physician records confirming the miracles… as though we would need them to prove to those who doubt FATHER’S Ability to fix one of HIS creation.

Attaining to the calling spoken by Jesus in the above passage requires us to be “all in”.  Casual commitment will not move you higher.  Those who are fully committed will not be disappointed for FATHER knows their hearts and HE is pleased with those who become men and women of great faith.

Are you committed to destroy the works of the devil or are you satisfied with being subjected to his works?  I could write volumes concerning the narrow path of overcoming the world but volumes of knowledge are not as effective as one true revelation from FATHER.  Seek HIM and HE will speak an appropriate Word to you in reference to your specific set of circumstances.  There is not one catch all formula for we each have a unique testimony.  It is time for us to act and thus become credible witnesses.


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