A Wise Man will hear

Proverbs 1:5  A wise man will hear and increase learning,
And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel,

We are currently flooded with information like never before.  Within the flow of information are the opinions from all types of so-called experts.  I have found that I can only trust where FATHER directs me and what I hear HIM say.  HE will use people from every walk of life to speak forth a facet of HIS plan so we must not ignore any encounter by judging the source.  Remember, HE used an Ass to speak to Balaam (Numbers 22:22-30).  As we walk in non-judgmental Love, our ability to discern increases.

‘To discern” means to distinguish, to recognize as distinct or different, to perceive; discriminate.  Each of us has a unique perspective of what is going on around us and as we share what we see with others, a multi-dimensional picture is formed.  We respond to that picture according to our level of understanding.  Each of us can read a certain passage in Scripture and it will minister to us according to our own need even though others may see something totally different.  FATHER will not be placed in a box with a single view determining HIS Divine Intent.

Now that you have been alerted to the need to be wise and discern according to what FATHER says to you specifically, I want to share with you that my attention has been drawn to the fall of this year once again.  There appears to be a convergence of diverse writings and other forms of communication that all appear to focus and culminate after August 31st of this year.  These diverse forms of communication all come in the form of warnings of expected upheaval.  Rejection of the Gospel and the pursuit of the world’s ways are leading mankind to a day of reckoning.  Clearly FATHER has been preparing HIS Remnant to be fully prepared when the day of judgment comes.  The Standard of Truth will arise as the world’s way comes crashing down.

Proverbs 30:24 ​​There are four things which are little on the earth,

​​But they are exceedingly wise:

25 ​​The ants are a people not strong,​​ Yet they prepare their food in the summer;

26 ​​The rock badgers are a feeble folk, ​​Yet they make their homes in the crags;

27 ​​The locusts have no king, ​​Yet they all advance in ranks;

28 ​​The spider skillfully grasps with its hands, ​​And it is in kings’ palaces.

The ants are wise in that they store up food for the winter when the weather is adverse.  In the past I have written much about the deteriorating economic conditions as a warning to those who have been drawn to this site.  In more recent writings, FATHER had me focus on preparing those who desire to move on toward the perfection of Love.  The inward man determines the outward expression of fruitfulness.  As we change inwardly, we attract the resources we need to fulfill our calling.  This is not limited to any one area at the expense of another.  If we need something in the physical, FATHER will see to it that we have it.  If we need knowledge or information about a particular topic, HE will send this as well.

Will we see the collapse of the current economic system this fall?  If so, what should I do to prepare?  Those are questions that each of us might ask if we are seeing warning signs from multiple diverse sources.  Would it hurt to keep the pantry and freezer stocked up with extra food?  Would it hurt to keep extra cash on hand if the banks were to be closed for an extended “Bank Holiday” as they call it?  FATHER prepared Noah well in advance of the impending judgment while others were blind  and saw no issue.  After judgment comes restoration and we must be prepared to transition into that restoration in whatever form it takes.  The five wise virgins were in a constant state of preparation when that fateful day arrived.  The foolish virgins were too late once the time had arrived.

My family keeps extra nonperishable food on hand and I expect we will increase the levels over the summer.  The goal is to help others if an economic collapse comes, not just the immediate family.  What happens if nothing occurs toward the end of this year?  We will simply eat at home more often.  Until FATHER provides details, we will do what the exceedingly wise ants do: store up for future consumption.

There are about four months to prepare if you believe the warnings may be valid.  It is better to be four months early that one day late… if they are right.  We must not be fearful but instead we must be led by HIS SPIRIT to navigate through whatever adversity and challenges confronting us in the coming days, months, and years.  Perfect Love cast out fear.

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