Honor Thy Father and Mother

The Fifth Commandment given to Moses was:

Exodus 20:12 ​​“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long and prosperous upon the earth which the LORD your God is giving you.”

The purpose of law is to support life and any perversion to it moves society to peril.  When Moses was given the Law, it is because FATHER Loved us and wanted to provide us with simple, concise guidelines to live our lives by.  We don’t have to memorize 613 commandments and statutes if we will simply pursue Love in every situation for it is the Divine Intent of all true Law.

The term “Father and Mother” represents those who came before you, the prior generations.  At an individual level it may be challenging to honor your physical parents because of their conduct and chosen path.  However, we must Love them as we are called to Love all of mankind no matter what their actions brought forth.  FATHER selected them to bring you into physical manifestation and is not unaware of what particular training program you were to be subjected to by your physical parents.  This commandment is intended for us to look beyond our own parents and honor the previous generations.  The previous generations had a part in getting us all to this very point in history and we must be grateful for that.  As history progresses we too will leave an inheritance for the next generation and Love always wants the best for those who are impacted.

By all accounts we are moving to the close of the Age of Pentecost.  We must not be critical of the previous generation for being unable to see into the Promised Land.  It was FATHER’S Plan to have them prepare the next generation to fulfill its ultimate call into maturity.  My parent’s generation lived through World War II and even though they were young, it had a notable impact on them.  They survived the Great Depression and suffered lack in every area.  There were no $5 latte’s in their time.  There were no air conditioned homes and most had first hand knowledge of outside bathrooms. aka outhouses.  The parents’ lives were not easy and they suffered many hardships yet they made sure the children were fed.  We must honor and respect the heritage that has been passed down for our stewardship in whatever form it takes.  When we deny the past, we are destined to reinvent the wheel again.  We must build on the revelation of FATHER given to them rather than starting over from scratch.  This attitude of embracing the past promotes long and prosperous days ahead for those who can grasp the value of past generations’ contributions to us.

This Sunday, May 24th, is the Feast of Pentecost.  In the Old Testament, the Law was given at Mount Sinai.  In the New Testament, the HOLY SPIRIT was given.  Both were given to direct us toward Love and life for all mankind.  In honor of this Feast, I traveled to Glastonbury, England to video Brian Williams and hope to post these videos to UStream for you viewing.  Brian and Freda were in the ministry for over 50 years and traveled to many countries throughout the world.  There were many who received Christ through his ministry as well as many who healed of sickness and disease.  He turns 80 years old on July 31st of this year.  Last year I traveled to his house hoping to video Brian reading The Law as he did at a Port Austin Tabernacles Conference in the 2000-2001 time frame.  His health prevented this from occurring.  That particular conference at Port Austin was unexpectedly the last public ministry of Brian.  FATHER had shut the doors to any further ministry and left Brian somewhat unfulfilled in his desire to continue to spread the Gospel.

I presented Brian and Freda with a Love offering we obtained through the acts of Love by those who responded.  They are extremely grateful and send their Love.  They live very modestly and this gift will surely help and minister to them greatly.  They live only a few hundred yards from the remains of the 2000 year old Holy Thorn Tree. (see:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337159/Glastonburys-2000-year-old-Holy-Thorn-Tree-hacked-vandals.html for pictures and history)

There has been a recurring theme of “bookends” over the last 12 months.  It appears that Brian’s ministry was missing a bookend.  This year I was able to record four different sessions with Brian where he shares a variety of topics from his childhood to his ministry of Love.  If you take the time to view all four videos, you will gain a perspective of the life of a couple who have been fully committed to FATHER’S work and more deeply appreciate the heritage brought forth from their generation.

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