The Third Seal: The Black Horse

Revelation 6:5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”

The color black represents emptiness, darkness, and void.  There is no light or illumination coming forth.  There is lack or a “dearth” in the land ultimately leading to darkness and death and speaks of finality.  In a Spiritual sense you become aware of the fact that your carnal nature has absolutely no understanding of Truth and revelation and it must be removed.  Those who live in the fleshly nature have had their eyes darkened to the point they have no clue.  In essence, they are blind.

Light represents life and darkness represents death.  In looking back over the last 18 years, there has been a “dearth” in the land.  The major moves of the SPIRIT as evidenced by healing ministries such as T.L. Osborne, Oral Roberts, Kathryn Kuhlman, and others have past.  The faith movement has come and gone.  This has been a time to allow the past to die and move into darkness in preparation for new and greater illumination or light to come forth.  Death must come to the carnal nature and the black horse in its swiftness and strength has come to finish the work.  The fleshly man is doomed.

At midnight, the bridegroom arrives:

Matthew 25:6  “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’

In the midst of darkness (midnight), the bridegroom arrives and those with revelation (lamps lit with sufficient oil) will be joined with Him.  It is needful to make the transition of death and resurrection.  By faith, the old man of the flesh must die to allow the new resurrected man to come forth.  Saul of Tarsus experienced a type and shadow of this when he was transformed into a new man with a new name: Paul.  This was a “naming of a son”.

Acts 9:8 Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one. But they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus. 9 And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank.

Saul was in complete darkness for three days in order to transition into his calling.  Removal of the old man must take place in order for the new man to operate without spot or wrinkle.  The black horse must fulfill its purpose in our land.  Darkness is fulfilled when full light can be expressed in contrast.  The moon is dark relative to the sun.  The sun eclipses the light of the moon.  How much greater is the light of HIS Glory than that of the sun for it causes the sun to appear black in comparison.  The black horse reveals the full and complete darkness of the carnal nature found in each of us.  At the point of full disclosure, we fully reject the carnal nature for the glory of Christ.  The wisdom of this world, the emptiness of religion, and the pleasures and pursuits of this world have no attraction and we quickly jettison this nature in order for HIS Holy Presence to fully dwell in us.  This horse reveals the totality of our carnal nature and the emptiness of all its pursuits!

Barley, wheat, oil, and wine refer to the three major feasts: Passover, 50 days later- Pentecost, and 5 months later- Tabernacles.  These are appointed times of FATHER and each had a harvest associated with it.  Barley represents Passover.  The early ripening of barley was offered and was accepted on behalf of the rest of the crop yet to ripen.  Jesus was the initial acceptable offering at Passover while the Remnant needed to mature to also qualify as firstfruits.  The scales in His hand were to count the costs of dying to the flesh.  What are you willing to sacrifice in order to gain Life?  Are you willing to go and sell all you have and give it to the poor in order to follow Jesus?  The rich young ruler rejected life in order to have and maintain the temporary pleasures in life.

Proverbs 23:23  Buy the truth, and do not sell it,
Also wisdom and instruction and understanding.

Interestingly enough, the number 23 represents “death” and contains the very truth about dying to the flesh in order to received Eternal Life.  Salvation is a free gift.  The gift of the Holy Spirit is received by faith.  However, the Sonship costs you everything and it is not given to the faint-hearted.  We must overcome, we must suffer affliction unto death, and we must walk in unconditional Love to be qualified to ride in His army.  Death will precede Life in Him and we must first descend unto darkness in order to ascend to Life.  This requires faith IN HIM.  This is why those riding with Him were described as “called, chosen, and faithful”.

In the world, people are always wanting something for nothing.  They are the takers.  On the other hand, the givers know value and are willing to pay the price for that value.  Do you think that the “takers” will be chosen for the greatest service to mankind?  Absolutely not!  Those who have a heart to give and pay for value received will be the ones who will ride in the army of THE LORD.  It is time to change your attitude of scarcity and expect provision in your pursuit of the deeper things of THE Spirit.  Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding carry a high price.  What are you willing to pay?

Wheat is known as the harvest of Pentecost and its value was greater than that of barley.  More is required for the fulfillment of this feast.  The final feast- Tabernacles, is known for oil and wine.  The grapes must be trodden down to release the harvest of the vine and olives must go through the press.  Clearly we see a greater commitment to produce fruit in this final feast.  Each feast brings us through a progression of life, power, and victory.  The second feast increases the power by way of the Holy Spirit, being filled with the Holy Ghost.  Pentecost was the “firstfruits” of the wheat harvest  or from spiritual standpoint “the firstfruits of the Spirit”.  Each of the first two feasts were referenced by the word “measure” in the above Scripture indicating a limitation.  However the firstfruits of the third feast is “without measure”, in other words: fullness, maturity, and perfection.

“Do not harm the oil and the wine” is an indication that the 3rd Feast isn’t in the same category as the first two.  The Feast of Tabernacles is the feast of the FULLNESS of time, without measure.  It is the final harvest where those who have been chosen must not be hindered in the final preparation.  This will be an earth-shaking event but is yet to be experienced as of this writing.  Here in Oklahoma the earthquakes have become numerous on a daily basis.  Many blame the oil & gas industry fracking and water injection wells but could it be a sign of something bigger at the “cross” roads of America?  Neither Passover or Pentecost was able to deliver creation.  The third feast is destined to fulfill the mandate of the Glory of THE LORD filling all the earth.  The black horse enables this to come to pass.  “Come Quickly!”

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