Extreme True Unemployment

I recommend a subscription to www.shadowstats.com to the Finance/Economics-oriented readers for all the detail of what the true economy is doing.  John Williams does the work there and he saves the rest of us a lot of time by tracking the trends of the U.S. macroeconomic picture using the government’s own raw data.  The following graph says it all:

How long can this country live in denial?  Clearly longer than a passenger on the Titanic.  The 2008 crisis continues to erode the country’s ability to recover economically.  The bubbles created since 9/11 continue to prop up the markets but at a cost to the middle and lower classes.  What unemployment rate must we hit before the stage of denial moves to the stage of anger?  The prisons are full but there will be a greater surge as the unemployment rate increases and the frustration and desperation of the population grows.  The number of baby boomers without any form of retirement is substantial.  Those unemployed with retirement are dipping into their nest egg to make ends meet now.  The financial infrastructure has mortgaged the future of millions in order to conduct a monetary experiment that is sure to backfire.

Our Heavenly Father is the Master Economist.  HE created a productive planet to handle the population.  Seedtime and harvest are fundamental to the planet’s ongoing economy.  Energy is locked up for the Remnant to access at the appropriate time.  Sons are being matured to handle the next phase to occur on this earth.  Will this be the culmination of time?  The unrighteous are playing out their parts in a robust fashion.  Lawlessness will continue to grow but grace will abound also.  Don’t be concerned about the circumstances becoming extreme.  It only shows us that the level of maturity of the Remnant will also be “extreme” when it is all said and done.  In the meantime, focus on hearing and meditating HIS Word.  Let it be written not only on your heart but on your mind as well.

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