The Purpose of Profit

The purpose of profit is to support expansion.  There are two general types of profit (or gain): just and unjust.  The moment you spend money, you are supporting one of these two types of profit and in today’s world you are most likely supporting a lot of unjust gain.

I find it interesting how quickly Christians want other Christians to forego profit which is needed for expansion in order that they receive free benefit from their calling. Let me explain.  Most of us have no problem in buying gasoline from any of the major oil producers around the world.  The moment we pull up to the pump and pay for gasoline, we support the further expansion of Exxon, Chevron, BP, or some other commercial entity.  We take no thought that we have just supported the further expansion of their motives throughout the earth.  We provided them with profit for expanding their agenda whether it be for righteous or unrighteous intent.  However, when the entity is tagged as being “Christian”, many set a different standard and expect a special concession which is most often a lower price, preferably “free”.  This creates a subtle form of unrighteous judgment by the buyer of goods and services.

What would happen if righteous companies were rewarded for their motive of furthering the Kingdom on earth?  What would happen if “unity” among the brethren began to spread and allow the economic power to be focused to companies with righteousness as a focus rather than the prevailing unrighteous activities of many of the large corporations of today?  Everyday we support unrighteous activities when we spend our hard earned wages and we think nothing about it.  At some point that will change.

Jesus promoted profit in the parable of the talents.  He would not have promoted growth and expansion if it were lawless.  Instead, the parable made a point that unfruitfulness was the issue.  The Kingdom is geared toward expansion, not contraction, yet we have failed to place any emphasis on the economic side of the Kingdom.  I expect that to change soon.

When the Kingdom comes and overtakes the world’s systems, do you think that business will cease?  Will farmers abandon their tractors and quit producing grain for consumption?  Do you think all the current tangible callings will be retired and we will simply sit on a cloud playing a harp all day?  Not a bad “gig”!

I have a business calling.  My job is to make a profit.  With part of that profit, I support the Ministry of spreading The Gospel.  Is it better to support a business like mine or support a business where the profit helps pay for a butler on a private jet and all the profit is consumed on the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life?  Do you think that my gifts are substandard to that of the heathen?  Our thinking must change.  The teaching that we are just biding our time until a whole new system replaces the current environment has caused us to do nothing except expand unrighteous companies around the world.  Our job is to “occupy” until HIS return.  We are to be profitable, not unprofitable.  We should be promoting profit among those who pursue righteousness.  We should be less concerned about saving a buck or two while we are effectively promoting unrighteousness.  Hello?  Are you there?

When we returned home last night, we settled in for the evening and watched a couple of recorded episodes of “Zero Hour”.  This TV series is centered around 12 clocks representing the 12 Disciples and the storyline focuses on the “end of time” and the Cross of Jesus Christ.  While watching the first episode, I checked the time.  Next to my chair is a world clock which runs on a battery.  Evidently the battery finally lost its charge during our week long trip and the clock had stopped at 11:53 and 51 seconds, after years of running on that battery.  With the number 153 embedded in the time as well as 51 which means Divine Revelation, I believe that this was meant as a double witness of “Now is the time”.  On our trip I reread Kemper Ditzler’s book on Raising a Remnant ( and had been pondering the theme that the job of the vessels of honor are to play their part in converting the vessels of dishonor.  The vessels of honor must increase in the earth.  Profit will play a part.  More to come!

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