The “Sacred Trust”

I cannot believe the American public.  The abuse of power continues unabated.  The GOD-given rights are compromised.  The Constitution has been gutted by secret programs.  Do you think terrorism will cease as long as the U.S. continues the current path it is on?  Love is the only answer to terrorism, not covert ops.  Step back and look at the big picture:

Libor rates are manipulated by those in power.

The “Sacred Trust” of the American people has been compromised by those in power.

The Legal System has been manipulated in favor of those in power.  The “too big to go to jail” crowd continues to make money.

The IRS “above reproach” reputation is gone.

Now the currency market has been rigged by those in power.  See:

Greed has fully infiltrated the current system.  Fear is used to suppress the populous from any change.

What is the solution?  A fully anointed remnant of overcomers who operate in the power of the Holy Spirit able to discern the hearts of men and provide the earth with righteous judgment.  Only when Heaven comes to earth will there no longer be violations of “Sacred Trust” allowed to continue without judgment coming upon the perpetrators.  I see no other way.  The current system can’t be fixed and only Love will provide a lasting solution.

After all, do you really think that those who currently have “authority” to monitor are fully righteous and have Love as their primary motivation?

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