Multiple Black Swans

What is a Black Swan event?

  • It is an unexpected surprising event that had no mainstream prediction or coverage leading up to the event.
  • It has a major effect on much of the population.
  • After the event, we all saw that it could happen and rationalize why we didn’t account for it.  there was plenty of data available to foresee it, but we failed to account for the possibility of it occurring.  We failed to think outside the proverbial box.  We didn’t look at it from Our Heavenly  Father’s perspective.

At this website we have covered several potential black swan events to watch for.

Social breakdown: 23%+ unemployment in several countries could trigger a breakdown of public order.  Check out the Executive Orders in place for such an event.

War: Kim Jong-un of North Korea, Iran, Syria/Israel, etc.

Financial system collapse:   Can an $80 trillion world economy sustain banks who hold derivative positions worth about $1.6 quadrillion (1,600 trillion)?  What happens if we have another meltdown similar to 2008 but of a greater magnitude?

A major bank bail-in: The potential solution lawmakers are now considering is similar to the one just imposed in Cyprus: a raid on the bank accounts of ordinary citizens.  Bank runs would ensue.

China no longer funds U.S. Treasury Bonds: China holds over $1.2 trillion in US Treasury securities, more than any other country.  If China were to dump their holdings, interest rates would jump and the dollar would drop like a rock.

Hyperinflation:   The current massive printing of money by central banks around the world can evoke this reality in a very sudden fashion.

Comex delivery of gold failure: If the Comex financial exchange were to fail to make good on delivery of gold, the price would go wild.  The confidence in the paper futures market would go to zero and the demand for physical gold would skyrocket.

Bond Market Bubble bursts:  If the bond vigilantes were to suddenly realize the game is over and demand higher interest rates, the bond market would sustain epic losses.  In turn, pension funds, insurance companies, and other large holders of bonds might become insolvent.  The average man on the street would lose a notable portion of his retirement.

Don’t shoot the messenger.  I don’t like being a purveyor of bad news but if Mystery Babylon is going to fall, and its fall is great, we must be aware of the possible triggers.  We are not to be caught unaware of the “Black Swan”.

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