Our Source of Strength

FATHER’S resurrection power strengthens us.

The third aspect or function of God’s resurrection power is called in the Greek ischus, which means the physical strength or ability needed to actually do His will. It’s manifested or expressed energy, being superior in the physical sense.

It is written by THE SPIRIT in Judges chapter 16:

5 The rulers of the Philistines went to her (Delilah) with a plan: “Trick Samson into telling you the secret of his great strength. Find out how we can subdue him. We’ll tie him up and make him helpless. Then each of us will give you eleven hundred pieces of silver.”

Ischus (physical power) and kratos (self-control power) often work together. God gives us the authority and the ability to choose His will (exousia and kratos) and then the ability and the strength to perform that will in our lives (ischus). He wants us to yield our natural strength and ability to Him and depend totally upon His supernatural strength to accomplish His will.

Jesus spoke in Mark chapter 12:

28  Now a certain religious scholar overheard them debating. When he saw how beautifully Jesus answered all their questions, he posed one of his own, and asked him, “Teacher, which commandment is the greatest of all?”

29 Jesus answered him, “The most important of all the commandments is this: ‘The Lord Yahweh, our God, is One!’

30 You are to Love the Lord Yahweh, your God, with a passionate heart, from the depths of your soul, with your every thought, and with all your strength. This is the great and supreme commandment.

31 And the second is this: ‘You must Love your neighbor in the same way you Love yourself.’ You will never find a greater commandment than these.”

The essence of ischus is Spirit-empowerment.

In summary, God’s resurrection power consists of three elements or aspects: His dunamis power, which gives us the spiritual strength or the Divine ability to do the impossible; His kratos might, which gives us the ability to go against our flesh and choose to do His will regardless of how we feel or what we want; and His ischus strength, which empowers our physical bodies to accomplish His will.

The power of HIS resurrection is expressed as: Spirit-source, Spirit-control, and Spirit-empowerment.  God’s resurrection power is a steady flow of energy that is not dependent upon our understanding, our emotions, or our circumstances, but simply upon our choice to believe God’s Word and then trust Him to implement His will in our lives.

In order to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, to proclaim the message of Christ, and to have the assurance of a place in the future Kingdom, it’s critical that we personally know the power of His resurrection which exists deep inside our hearts awaiting activation!

God’s will is that His Agape Love and His resurrection power function in every segment of our lives. Then we can become overcomers who produce “fruit” by the power of God’s Spirit and thus, are deemed worthy and fit to inherit the Millennial Kingdom.  We can see why FATHER has had me focus on and share with you the past several years.  The Key is Agape Love, first and foremost.

God’s Love in our lives is the sign that the sanctification process is in progress and that God’s Spirit is empowering us.

Jesus spoke in John chapter 13:

35 For when you demonstrate the same Love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re My true followers.”

The Beloved Disciple understood this resurrection power through Agape Love when he wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st John chapter 4:

17 By living in God, Love has been brought to Its full expression in us so that we may fearlessly face the day of judgment, because all that Jesus now is, so are we in this world.

To live by these three aspects of power, we must allow Love to be brought to Its full expression as Jesus showed us in His ministry.  Then we can truly declare, “As He is, so are we in this world!

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