The Choice of the Value and Method of Exchange
We, as The LORD’s Dearly BeLoved, are now either returning to the divine harmony of the “Garden” frame of mind for our choices – or, our mind is lost in The Wilderness of temptation somewhere.
It could be that the reason The LORD God has selected the ‘financial elitists’ to run this current version of His “Beast” system is because they are among the very few on the planet who “get it” when it comes to the connection between the medium of exchange and the choice of ‘divine Law.’ When we use God’s form of exchange [i.e., silver] we’re saying that we want the “Common Law,” the origin of which in Scripture is the choice of God’s law for the transaction.
For us to use the Common Law [i.e., Scripture] is for us to call upon God’s way (The LORD’s essence being found in Agape – 1Jn.4:8) as our “hedge,” i.e., as our Protection. Has The LORD set up the financial elitists as the “Beast” Head, controlled by the “Accuser,” as the diversion, because they know exactly what to do? And, what have they done? They yanked The LORD’s Common Law right out from under us. How did they do that? – By providing for a dependence upon their “different” medium of exchange.
Because of the rebellion, promiscuity, and sexual perversion already existing in the 1960’s, what God released was a ready-made “Beast” along with the removal of “the hedge” over our nation. Our nation’s reliance upon The LORD’s Love and Laws of Love for our Protection was replaced. [Silver, Bible, & Prayer out!]
By means of removing the honest value of “Money” (using honest weights and measures), i.e., the silver coinage and paper backed by Gold from general circulation – “Beast Credit” dependence became our national “Idol/ reliance/ dependency of preference.” In this way, and there is hardly any other way to look at our new national “lord,” The LORD put our nation “outside of His protection.” And thus began the releasing of the icon/image government of the Beast with its endless lies and deception.
We are experiencing the results of this, along with the perversions of unrestrained promiscuity today. They have continued to accelerate ever since they were engaged. Innocently, or deliberately, ‘We The People’ keep choosing to be deceived and partake of the wrong tree by choosing the voice of deception, therefore America remains on its journey with the “Beast.”
Some have struggled to remain faithful, but vast multitudes are now struggling “in The Wilderness.” Jesus Himself, shows us the solution to our existing condition. We must learn to master our own thoughts and actions and give ourselves over to The Mind of Christ. Since we’ve all been born into a society that hasn’t put this as a priority, we have fewer and fewer examples, other than what we are able to still find in what is left of the true leading of Jesus’ The Holy Spirit as our guide on how to accomplish this.
So what are we looking at? Paul simply called this the “renewing of our the mind.” (Rom. 12:2) How do we restart our mind? By honestly and genuinely surrendering our mind, its thoughts, and our will to The Mind of Christ. Repent and be born anew.
If there is no change in our conduct as a nation, there’ll be no change in God’s proceeding to put this “Beast” system of total financial slavery and self- obsession to an end. To change our thinking and conduct, we’ll have to change our perspective, i.e., “change our minds.” Exactly what Paul and Peter were telling the Dearly BeLoved in their time.